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5MA: Season 1
Latest addition: Five-Minute "All Great Neptune's Ocean" (January 25, 2006)
Under the Night Zeke Dylan "Rip Van Winkle" Hunt learns to stay away from black holes, Nietzscheans, Nightsiders, and constant Hercules jokes.
An Affirming Flame Zeke Trance dies rather than listen to any more of Harper's lines. Beka and crew betray their boss for fun and profit.
New! All Great Neptune's Ocean Tarn-Vedra Nietzscheans don't kill people -- force lances do.
Its Hour Come Round At Last Zeke Harper learns that making backups is not always a good idea. The Magog abandon subtlety in favour of the "Just Swamp 'Em" approach.
5MA Seasons: 1 2 All

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Five-Minute Andromeda is © Colin Hayman.