Five-Minute Anime News maintained by Zeke | ||||||||||||
LATEST UPDATE | ||||||||||||
5M^_^ | April 2 Now then, back to business. For today's update we have -- Wait! I've got it! Anime! That's what all the cool sites are into now! Who needs sci-fi? There's a whole new genre just waiting for me to attack it! My hitcounts will soar! My frustrations will be crushed by giant robots! I'll never have to hear the name "Joss Whedon" again! From now on, this site is Five-Minute Anime! New front page! New Statement of Purpose! New list: The Top 10 Signs That You Wish Your Girlfriend Were an Anime Character! And exclamation points for all! ^_^ [Comments] | |||||||||||
RECENT UPDATES | ||||||||||||
5M | April 1 Zeke's Better Judgment: Wait, what? Was that it? Was what it? Zeke's Better Judgment: The big April Fool's update! You didn't do anything! Guess not. Looks like you were wrong about yesterday's post. Zeke's Better Judgment: But it's a tradition! You always do some overextended April Fool's thing! Always until now, apparently. Zeke's Better Judgment: I can't believe you led me on like that! How dare you -- No. You know what? Shut up. I am sick to death of your attitude. You were mad at me for doing that event and now you're mad at me for not doing it. All you're interested in doing is attacking me. And for what? Because you think you know what's best? Zeke's Better Judgment: I'm your better judgment! I inherently know what's best! No, my hindsight does. You just know what seems best at a given time, and you're not even very good at that. So you can shove it. Zeke's Better Judgment: But -- hey! That feels better. Not much, but a little. Now to go do something ill-judged... [Comments] | |||||||||||
5M | March 31 Hey better judgment, ever feel like you're in a rut? Zeke's Better Judgment: All the time. I call this rut "you". Seriously, though. I dunno, I think all this Galactica is getting to me. Zeke's Better Judgment: It was your idea. Wait, "all this"? And if it's not BSG, it's some other sci-fi show. At the end of the day, is there really any difference? They all use the same basic plots and concepts. I could swap the characters' names in any given fiver and use it for another episode, or show even. Maybe it's time I took a whole new angle with this five-minute thing. Zeke's Better Judgment: I don't... hold it. This is March 31st! So? Zeke's Better Judgment: So you're full of crap! You're just building up to an April Fool's event again! Oh, come on. Is it so hard to believe I might really be trying to see my limitations and move beyond them? Zeke's Better Judgment: You like your limitations. Complacency is your first, middle, and last name. And if you ever did move beyond them, you'd take one look around, get scared, and hop back in. I'm leaving. You can go jump in a lake. ...You know, I'm starting to wonder if my better judgment is really just my self-deprecation in disguise. [Comments] | |||||||||||
5MBSG | March 18 The BSG relaunch continues today with Five-Minute "Six of One". (Spoilers up to the start of S4.) This'll seem like an odd choice since it's the second episode of Season 4, but when I was marathoning the first half of the season, that was the one that prodded me to five it right away. [Comments] | |||||||||||
5MBSG | March 17 After an unexpected delay (one reason for which will be clear shortly), the BSG relaunch now continues. We started with an early episode, so next up is a recent one: Five-Minute "Deadlock". Spoilers up to near-series-end, so be warned. This is actually not the one I mentioned having already written; that'll be next. I wanted something more recent first so I could advertise the event around (which I'll do now; better late than never). Other things to be aware of:
Finally, a personal note: two weeks ago, my grandfather passed away. I've said a few things about this at my LJ, but it's actually relevant to You see, "Zeke" isn't short for Ezekiel -- it's a nickname my grandpa gave me when I was just a baby. I use it as my handle whenever I need one, and it always reminds me of him. Rest in peace, Grandpa. [Comments] | |||||||||||
5MBSG | February 20 First update of 2009, and it's a new subsite, baby. Or rather, it's the long-awaited relaunch of what has until now been a subsite-in-name-only: Five-Minute Battlestar Galactica. Read the article if you wish, and then feast upon my first fiver of a regular BSG episode: Five-Minute "33". I'm aiming for at least one fiver from each season in this launch event, and I've already written the next one. Stay tuned. [Comments] | |||||||||||
5MH | November 21 One of my biggest regrets about this long period of inactivity is that I missed the 2008 election, which was prime satire material. (Of course, everyone else and his sister thought so too...) Toward the end, I had an idea which combined one of the shows I've been meaning to cover here -- Heroes -- with my favourite way of doing political comedy at I really wanted it out before Election Day, but it took a while to do, mostly because I kept thinking of things to add. But past its prime or not, I still think it's worth finding out... How to Debate an Exploding Candidate. [Comments] | |||||||||||
FBC | November 12 Ladies, gentlemen, and zombies... I am back. This site has been dormant for too long. I'll have more on that later in one of my usual needlessly talky articles, but first I'm going to blow your minds. In November 2002, I started a little something called Fiver By Committee. It's been running intermittently since then; it attracted lots of interest, but for one reason or another, it tended to go dead for months at a time. All the "blocks" have been basically done for about a year now, and we've chosen our next target. (I even made a reference to one of the completed scenes in The Disbanding 2.) But I dropped the ball again and never actually finished the job. No longer. It's here. Behold Five-Minute The Matrix -- by you, with all-new starting and ending scenes by yours truly. It was inevitable, Mr. Anderson. [Comments] | |||||||||||
5M | June 11 Okay, this has gone on long enough. (And then longer.) I'm still going to come back to this zombie thing eventually, goddammit, but it's time to restore the main page. I'm out of town for the next few days for my convocation; when I get back I'll try to finally get the site moving again. And yes, there'll be an anniversary event, though not on the 15th (I won't be back yet, and that was an arbitrary date anyway). [Comments] | |||||||||||
ZT10 | April 9 ...pation! Yes, I know Sa'ar already said it in the comment thread. What's your point? Anyway, the undeadening continues today with The Top 10 Signs That Your Girlfriend is a Zombie. Zombies are a greater threat now than ever before, so this (my first "girlfriend" list in two years, by the way) may be useful. But that's a side trip. Time to get back to the serious business of restoring dead shows to a shambling mockery of life! Be here next time and leave your Gun Del Sol at home.... (Sharp readers will notice that this list is number 101; even sharper ones will remember that there hasn't been a 100 yet. I have plans for that one, so I've skipped it for now.) [Comments] | |||||||||||
ZZ5M | April 3 Ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA! Welcome back to meddling in God's domain! Last year, as some of you will remember, I created Zombie (Check the news page if you've forgotten the premise.) It didn't really get off the ground, it just shambled a bit and then fell over. So this year I decided to bring it back to life... as a zombie! Then I remembered it was already a zombie. Did that stop me? Pfft. Welcome to Zombie Zombie! Those of you who took a look on April 1 (the bold, unheralded beginning of this new site, not that you should read anything into that) will have noticed the link to our first feature, Zombie Five-Minute 4chan Memes. Zombies are, of course, slow, so I've had trouble getting the site to produce anything further. But it will, so help me! And in the meantime, I've updated the Statement of BRAINS and such. So come up to the lab, and see what's on the slab. I see you shiver with antici... [Comments] | |||||||||||
TJI | February 21 Guess what? Today I've got two new TJI Briefs for you, both slightly past their obvious inspiration dates but still edible. Here's #5, Sheridan unveils groundhog plan, and the very strange #6, Giants crush patriots. (Also, we've now moved to a better server. Thanks as usual to AntonyF for the seamless changeover.) [Comments] | |||||||||||
5M | January 15 Okay, let's do this thing! My original plan was to whip this up for January 1, but as you'll see, it expanded a bit -- mostly because I wanted to give a couple of my favourite new sf shows their first appearance at Here are four, count 'em six (wait, what?), new Top 10 lists:
[Comments] | |||||||||||
5M | January 8 I decided a while ago to cut down on personal stuff in updates. As usual, however, I overdid it and found myself reluctant to make any updates without new content, leaving readers in the dark. So today I'm going to explain a bit about my current status. My Master's program in Waterloo is nearly complete. I submitted my thesis in December; all I have to do now is make any changes the readers suggest and then give my talk. I'm going on to a PhD, but I don't know where yet, so I'm spending the next two terms back in Ottawa with my folks. During that time, I'll apply to the schools I'm interested in, do a lot of mathematical reading, and otherwise take a (for once) well-earned break from graduate school. If that sounds like good news for, it should -- sort of. I miss this site and I'm really looking forward to working on it again. But although I overdid the whole "school before site" thing with that seven-month absence, the principle is right. When something scholastic or otherwise important comes up, updates will have to wait. Daily posts are nice if I have something to post or say, but when I don't, I won't sweat it. The other problem, temporary but irritating, is that my computer isn't set up here yet and won't have net access either until I can pick up a wireless card. I don't like doing site work on the family computer for a number of reasons, so updates will probably be small until that's resolved. Shouldn't take long, though. Okay, enough talk. I hope to have some content next update, so stay tuned. [Comments] | |||||||||||
5M | January 2 For today's update, I've brought the main pages of our This Just In and Top 10 subsites up to date. Baby steps, people. [Comments] | |||||||||||
5M | January 1 For our first 2008 update, here's something I've been meaning to add for ages: a site search box. It's on the front page. Between this and Opera's custom search function, my ability to type "" at ludicrous speed is now officially useless. [Comments] | |||||||||||
A department of the Five-Minute Anime subsite network Five-Minute Anime and subsites are © Zeke. |