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5MXL: Season 1
Latest addition: Five-Minute "Down the Rabbit Hole" (September 25, 2013)
The Valandrian Expedition Zeke The Excelsior is caught in the middle of about six TNG episodes. And two of them are "Angel One".
Turns of Events NAHTMMM The crew try to put down a lizard revolt, but are unprepared for the scale.
Wildfire NAHTMMM Explosions! Quarantines! Time travel! And worst of all... DRM!
New! Down the Rabbit Hole Zeke Dovan and Yubari go spelunking. Lorhrok saves the future from Rol. Sharp finds a use for Westlake. And if you wait till way after the credits, the actual captain shows up!
5MXL Seasons: 1 2 3 All

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Five-Minute Excelsior is © Colin Hayman.