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Sa'ar Chasm 08-30-2004 05:48 PM


Since when?
Since T'Pol's catsuit.

Zeke 08-30-2004 06:52 PM

Pfft, since Seven's catsuit.

::: thinks :::

Pfft, since Troi's catsuit.

::: thinks some more :::

Pfft, since every female character in the history of the Original Series.

Alexia 08-30-2004 07:11 PM maybe you have a point :wink:

But there are a fair few people who watch Enterprise, or Trek in general for that matter, who don't fit into that category...

*waves* :wink:

Plus, you could say the same thing about all the shirtless trip episodes...even as far back as TOS, was not Kirk's shirt ripped every single episode? (even though Shatner makes me want to be sick...)


Ginga 08-30-2004 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Alexia
Plus, you could say the same thing about all the shirtless trip episodes...even as far back as TOS, was not Kirk's shirt ripped every single episode? (even though Shatner makes me want to be sick...)


I totally agree. That's not hot. It's what we like to call "chunky". O_o

Scooter 08-31-2004 12:32 AM

Hmmm, many shirtless Trips... PHJ may just be swaying my vote...

Ya know, everytime I see a picture of Enterprise head-on, I think, dang, the Planet Killer took a chunk out of another starship...

admiral sab 08-31-2004 01:51 AM

Hey, Lexy, last night in IRC Zeke and co. inadvertently gave me an idea for our campaign. ;)

Vote Sexy! (hee hee, that's our names smushed together!) :)

post edit:
go there to see the Fivers hockey team and get your own pimp name! ;) this has nothing to do with the election I just found this amusing.

Alexia 08-31-2004 06:42 AM

Our names smushed togather and a description of the people in the party :mrgreen: :wink:

PointyHairedJedi 08-31-2004 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Alexia
And PHJ, got that cloning machine working again have you? :wink:

Not exactly, though cloning Connor Trineer is something that I feel should be done as soon as we have the tech for the good of all mankind. I plan on using the very latest in digital effects technology to achieve the "many Shirtless Trips" goal. At some point as well we will re-release special editions of all pre-PHJ produced episodes, with Trip's shirt digitally removed.

admiral sab 09-01-2004 03:17 AM

Ok speaking of clones: I just watched the movie Godsend with Mark who kept telling me it's not scary. I kept telling him that the cover says it's a thriller and this to me means a scary movie. So my hubby got me to sit through it. I had my back turned to the screen with my ears covered through half of it. Yes, it's a scary movie. Plus I didn't really like the ending.

Vote for Sexy!

Edited for those who haven't seen it although I didn't give anything away...... what should I edit NAH?

lol I'm stupid. You said EPISODE, not movie... ;) I just deleted that part about Similitude. It wasn't that important anyways.

NAHTMMM 09-01-2004 04:51 AM

^Edit that second-to-last bit? Not everyone here has had a chance to see that episode as far as I know ;)

Katy Jane 09-01-2004 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm
ASCII would like to pipe up here and promise an absence of Shirtless Trips.

Well now i'm leaning twards ASCII, hmmm... Naomi beating up Seven or an Absence of shirtless trip, thats a tough choice.

Hotaru 09-01-2004 02:31 PM

Hmm... Well. I would like to promise little shirtless Trip, only seen when it's tasteful. I will plan episodes in such a way that Trip cannot logically be seen shirtless.

And maybe Porthos can maul T'Pol. How's that for ya, KJ?

Sa'ar Chasm 09-01-2004 02:41 PM

ASCII would also like to court the Vroomfondel lobby and promise a complete absence of solid fact as well.

NAHTMMM 09-01-2004 02:44 PM

:mrgreen: In that case, I demand that I may or may not vote for...erm....ASCII...

*goes back and checks*

*notes down that ASCII is indeed a him*

Alexia 09-01-2004 03:23 PM

No one's forgotten I'm giving out pie, right? :wink: :mrgreen:

Hotaru 09-01-2004 04:56 PM

You may be giving out pie, but...

I'm giving the viewers what they want! If that includes pie, they shall get pie! They also get everything else too!

PointyHairedJedi 09-01-2004 06:27 PM

Pie? I don't even need to mention that, do I? Where there is Shirtless Trip, pie will surely follow.

Xeroc 09-02-2004 03:31 AM

Don't be fooled by these foolish promises of pie, by um.. fools. We have over 531 kinds of pie and assorted pastries!

PointyHairedJedi 09-02-2004 12:47 PM

Pffft. Pie is fleeting. A disco ball and lighted dance floor on the bridge, and a dozen Shirtless Trips boogieing on down to the Bee Gees and ABBA, that's something that will stay with you for ever.

Standback 09-03-2004 01:05 AM

Despite my better judgement, I stand here before you all today to announce that I, too, am joining the race for Executive Producer. Due to my own previous responsibilities and busy schedule, I had hoped that my intervention would not be necessary. But when I saw rival candidates suggesting increasing lack-of-shirts among key Enterprise crewmembers, I knew I could set my duty aside no longer. I think any honest and decent man will agree that it would be better to watch an entire episode of shirts without their crewmembers than an entire episode of crewmembers without their shirts. Especially since Phlox is in almost every episode. And what if there’s a Xindi guest star? One shudders at the thought.

Clearly, we must distance ourselves from the crass, uncultured mindset which has governed the series up until now. We must set at our helm a writer who are capable of true literary merit, and who has been acknowledged as such. I am proud to announce to you all that I have indeed located such a writer. If I am elected, all key plot episodes will be written by none other than the Immortal Bard himself, William Shakespeare:

Archer: T’Pol! By what unearthly means may’st this most queer anomaly be explained?
T’Pol: Mayhaps, m’lord, when Saturn’s skies our lanterns see / Uneasy grows the rest of these fair flowers Suliban-ee.

Such depth of thought and erudite wit is exactly what Enterprise needs to shrug off the abuses heaped upon it by Brannon and Braga, and allow the series to take its rightful place in the genre of televised speculative fiction. Mr. Shakespeare has already written several scripts for upcoming episodes, such as “Captain Archer,” “Captain Archer II”, and “Captain Archer II, Part Two,” and reports that he’s “very excited” to be working with us. But wait, my friends, there is more!

One of the hotly-debated topics of this election so far has been what to do with the woefully inadequate role of Ensign Mayweather. Or is it? I would like to venture the somewhat controversial theory that Ensign Mayweather’s abysmal lack of success and popularity is due, not to the writers, but to the actor. While I certainly bear no ill will towards the good Mr. Montgomery, there are many examples of actors who have done a great and created extraordinarily vivid characters, using as few lines, or even less, than our favorite silent ensign.

Clearly, painful is it may be, Mr. Montgomery will have to go. While I am sure he is a fine actor, he is clearly not up to the task of this difficult role. And so, he shall be replaced by an actor who can be counted on to handle Mr. Travis Mayweather's most delicate, but oh-so-silent, character:

Finally, with all these bold, broad, sweeping changes, let me assure you that attention will be paid to individual fans as well. If I am elected, I will personally see to it that each and every Enterprise fan who voted for me will appear on the actual show as a guest star. My staff of writers have taken the liberty of drawing up some preliminary, hypothetical scripts, for demonstration purposes only:

Reed: Forsooth, master, but I fear an ill wind does yet blow from an easternly direction yonder. Seeth though that of which I speak?
Taya17: What, them? They won’t give us any trouble. That’s what this five-mile-long space station’s for, you see?
Mayweather: *honk, honk*

In conclusion, I regret the necessity of disrupting the race in this fashion, but clearly, there was no other alternative. I am certain all truly loyal fans will breathe a sigh of relief, knowing they now can place their ballot in the hands of a man they may trust implicitly. Have no fear. Your vote is safe with me.
And on that ending, let it be noted that I am soon to be away for some short weeks, joining the military; serving and protecting my company. In this, too, I may be relied upon to fulfill my duty with utmost loyalty. In the meantime, should a likely candidate for a running mate chance to present his or herself, I should be glad of support. In particular, this would allow me to continue my campaigning despite my absence, continuing my platform, promises, and rebuttals to the forum by transmitting them to my running mate via telepathic communication.

Thank you, and God Bless the Alpha Quadrant.


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