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Nate the Great 10-09-2014 12:42 PM

Yes indeedy.

Zeke 10-09-2014 04:13 PM

Nice. This next one isn't very indicative, so I'll tell you it's from ENT.

"I didn't cut and run."
"Oh, yeah, I forgot. It was an orderly retreat."

Nate the Great 10-19-2014 02:32 AM

The thread died again, so I looked it up. It's from Enterprise's "Storm Front".

"I flew something similar in my Academy days."

Zeke 10-19-2014 10:30 PM

New rule: I don't care how long it's been, no posting a looked-up answer without at least one guess.

Anyway, I'll grant that that one was confusing, mostly because the two characters are talking about different things. Archer's still figuring out the AU he's landed in, and bristles at the accusation that he "cut and run" -- but the mobster doesn't mean him personally, he means the military (which he thinks Archer is in).

For your quote... let's try Sulu in Trek III or IV, talking about the Bird of Prey.

Nate the Great 10-22-2014 01:13 AM

Not quite.

Zeke 10-22-2014 11:20 PM

Hmm, maybe I just gave too much information. According to the rules, it's enough just to get the source right. Is it either of those movies?

Nate the Great 10-23-2014 12:18 AM


Zeke 10-23-2014 02:23 AM

Okay, then I did get it, but I'll take one more shot at the context. I think I remember Sulu flying a helicopter at one point. Was he talking about that?

Nate the Great 10-23-2014 02:51 AM

Yes, he's talking to the helicopter pilot, attempting to butter him up to borrow the chopper to deliver the plexiglass.

Zeke 10-23-2014 03:37 AM

Cool. This one may be tricky, so I'll tell you for free that the speaker is a hologram.

"No one can deny us, no power on Earth or beyond."

Zeke 10-26-2014 02:22 AM

No? Okay, I'll also say it's from Voyager.

NAHTMMM 10-31-2014 12:45 PM

Sounds like something out of "Bride of Chaotica!"

Zeke 11-01-2014 03:16 AM

It does, doesn't it? But it's not. Look for a historical equivalent.

evay 11-03-2014 05:13 PM

The only historical equivalents I can think of for "grown adults dress up in silly elaborate costumes and run around pretending to shoot lasers at each other and take each other captive and rescue each other" are Halloween and ComiCon. Or possibly some adventurous marriages, to which I say "more power to you!"

Oh wait, that's "historical equivalent to playing Bride of Chaotica! on the holodeck." I got nothin' for the quote. "Author, Author," I guess?

Zeke 11-03-2014 10:36 PM

Nope. I meant more like historical equivalents to Chaotica himself.

Zeke 11-07-2014 10:32 PM

No more guesses? It's from the closest thing history has to an over-the-top supervillain: the Nazis. One of the Nazi holograms in "The Killing Game" explains his vision to the Hirogen Beta, inspiring him to rebel against his commander's admittedly ridiculous plans.


"<i>That</i> should not have happened."

To narrow it down, the character saying this has just been interrupted by something which, indeed, should not have happened -- but the line also works as a conclusion to what he was saying before.

ED: On further consideration, that won't be much help without narrowing the field a bit. I'll do that by telling you the quote is from the same episode as an earlier quote in this thread.

Zeke 11-13-2014 07:58 PM

A week and not even one guess? Bleah. Okay, that was from "Contagion". The scene goes like this...

WESLEY: It's the Yamato, Captain. I can't stop thinking about her. All those people dead. I don't know how you and Commander Riker and Geordi, how you handle it so easily.
PICARD: Easily? Oh no, not easily. We handle it because we're trained to, as you will be. (to replicator) Tea, Earl Grey, hot. (back to Wesley) But if the time ever comes when the death of a single individual fails to move us --
(a potted plant appears in the replicator)
WESLEY: Didn't you order tea, sir?
PICARD: Now that should not have happened.

Fun fact I didn't realize till I looked up the scene on YT: this is actually the first time Picard gives his famous tea order. I'm sure he was seen drinking tea earlier, but the exact line first appears in this episode... only for the replicator to screw it up. Janeway can relate.


"They're not keeping him alive by artificial means, are they? [He] wouldn't want that."
"No, he's clinging to life all on his own."

voyager0929 11-17-2014 07:11 AM


If i remember correclty, your quote is from the delicious DS9 episode "Necessary Evil" and is between Odo and Rom talking about Quark after he was stabbed by that Bajoran thug.

Here's my quote:

"Remind me to stop trying to help people."

P.S. Vulcan scout's honor that I didn't look it up..I have a soft spot for Rom and that episode....

Zeke 11-17-2014 11:27 PM

Nailed it! Good job.

For yours, let's try "Samaritan Snare" and "The Andorian Incident". (It also sounds like something Dovan from Wowbagger's Excelsior show would say.)

voyager0929 11-18-2014 02:01 AM

Thanks Zeke. You give good guesses i think but not qute. Your second guess is closer--you got the right series and the right character--assuming you're thinking of whom I think you're thinkng of on ENT. My hint s that it's an early on situation in which the crew is tryng to help a member of a then-hostile but familiar species and they respond with anythng but gratitude and friendlness--but no Vulcans involved this time. Hope that's enouigh ..if not ll give another hint

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