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Andy Taylor 08-07-2005 06:31 PM

And so it ends. And by leaving the last update for so long, you inadvertantly (or maybe you knew what you were doing? Aha!) created the ultimate cliffhanger.

Wait, you mean Best of Both Worlds was already a cliffhanger? Oh...

Anyway Kira, it ruled, we need more! :D Zeke your First Fiver Retrospective was also well done. The whole panel discussion this year has been right on in its zaniness!

This entire event has been great from the get-go, and pats on the back are needed all round. This site is still one of very few I go to every day, and this event has had me anticipating the next daily update eagerly. Perhaps I need more to do in life, but kudos where kudos is due.

How will this be topped though? Holodeck-Gone-Wrong Week? Vicious Omnipotents Week? Alien-of-the-Week Week?

Scooter 08-08-2005 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
I've only watched Ninth Doctor episodes so far, but I understand this particular villain has a history on DW, and the "dummies" in question are called Autons. Makes sense that the race would have a name too. Don't think less of me for assuming "Nesting," though. Sounded just like it.

And for the original appearance, may I direct you to its fiver,, in which neither "Auton" nor "Nestene Consciousness" was used, so no foul there. The Nestenes and Autons made one further appearance a year later in "Terror of the Autons," which while not yet fived includes the evil daffodils that I referenced obliquely in the fiver for "Survival" (

mudshark 08-09-2005 12:46 AM

Returning late from a long weekend away (family get-together for my folks' 50th anniversary), so no quotes -- I read it all just before I left, but didn't have time to post then -- just reread what everyone else has posted in the meantime and you'll get the gist of what I would have said. Good stuff, all -- the comic, the cliffhanger conclusion (?!), everything. :D

mudshark 08-09-2005 06:05 AM

Actually, there are a couple of quotes ...

Zeke: Naturally. Back in the old days, moviemakers understood that horror isn't about gore and violence. It's about the slow burn, the building up of terror. They weren't willing to trade genuine fear for cheap startle shots. Now modern directors, with their Freddies and their Jasons, they don't get....
I happened to hear an interview the other day on NPR with Rob Zombie, and something he said ran along much the same lines. Hmmm ...


Originally Posted by Zeke
Finally, allow me to gently nudge your attention to the last line of Sa'ar's first post. It's not just random oddness.

Still trying to work out the significance of that.

Never mind -- got it. :mrgreen:

Nan 08-09-2005 07:32 AM

See, this is why Hitchcock's films are so awesome. Also, they have plenty of sex and violence in them.

Sex! And violence!

PointyHairedJedi 08-09-2005 05:32 PM

Sex, violence, and Tippi Hedren.

That Hitchcock guy had some issues, I'll tell ya.

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