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Xeroc 02-27-2005 05:43 AM

You can be on IRC all you want, but no one else can, so there's no one to talk to!

I wish I had a really cool computer with all the best memory, CPU, disk space, operating system, and programs!

Opium 02-27-2005 09:48 AM

You get a computer with all the new gadgets, and a group of hackers uses it as a test subject to test there new alt.KILLCOMPUTERS.deletefiles.shift program.

I get to be in the Phantom of the Opera.

richardson 02-27-2005 01:40 PM

You are, but you are the disfigured, hideous phantom, and the girl dumps you.

I wish I had uber powers

Celeste 02-27-2005 04:18 PM

You have uber powers, but the only thing you can do with them is make it rain acid and cause the total anihilation of the WORLD! oh wait, that's pretty good, actualy...

I wish I didn't have to go to work >_<

PointyHairedJedi 02-27-2005 05:10 PM

You don't have to go to work, but while at home you eat too much pie and develop a fatal allergy.

I want to be... a lumberjack!

Hotaru 02-27-2005 05:31 PM

You become a lumberjack, but you wear womens clothes and hang out in bars.

I wish I did better on my math exam.

Chancellor Valium 02-27-2005 07:39 PM

You do better on your maths exam, but then end up wasting the rest of your life on a pathetic quest for the "Number of God".

I wish I wasn't in a cave in the land of the broken-linked flag......

Hotaru 02-27-2005 09:00 PM

You leave said cave, but your skin instantly becomes burned due to your pasty white skin.

I wish I could sing.

PointyHairedJedi 02-27-2005 09:31 PM

You become the best singer the world has ever known, but unfortunately no-one actually gets to hear it becuase it puts them instantly to sleep.

I wish I lived in a library!


Originally Posted by Hotaru
You become a lumberjack, but you wear womens clothes and hang out in bars.

I thought my wish was supposed to turn out badly?

Opium 02-28-2005 03:08 AM

You live in a library, but it's a big old musty one and you get allergies and end up with watery eyes so you can't read anything at all.

I wish I could knew morse code.


Originally Posted by richardson
You are, but you are the disfigured, hideous phantom, and the girl dumps you.

I wish I had uber powers

But...I'm an alto! I'd have to be Meg anyways!


richardson 02-28-2005 03:08 AM

You live in a library, but die when a bookshelf falls on you.

I wish... crap, i wish I had an idea...

Opium 02-28-2005 03:10 AM

You realize an idea, and then realize you double-posted.

I wish I could knew morse code.

richardson 02-28-2005 03:12 AM

You learn it, but suddenly can only talk in it, which gets annoying, and you die of lonelyness.

I wish I could become...

NeoMatrix 02-28-2005 04:15 AM

You become an evil genious, and you create the ultimate weapon that could take over the world. However, you are defeated by Dexter, well actually DeeDee wrecked your lab.

I wish TopHatMan would stop wondering malls

Zeke 02-28-2005 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by NeoMatrix

Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
Anyway, I wish I could get a refund for this dead parrot.

No you may not get a refund because the parrot was dead when you bought it

Anyone else feel like they just watched Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers do "Who's On First"?

Chalmers: Well, Seymour, it seems we've put together a baseball team, and I was wondering, who's on first, eh?
Skinner: Not the pronoun, but rather a player with the unlikely name of "Who" is on first.
Chalmers: Well that's just great, Seymour. We've been out here six seconds and you've already managed to blow the routine. [storms off, muttering] Sexless freak.

Nan 02-28-2005 08:13 AM


Z, my man, you should be a comedy writer.

Oh wait...

Flixibixi 02-28-2005 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by NeoMatrix
I wish TopHatMan would stop wondering malls

This happens, and TopHatMan starts wondering 'Sedna'.

I wish that I could get a computer to go with the copy of Sims 2 which I bought a few weeks ago.

Chancellor Valium 02-28-2005 12:53 PM

You get given said computer, but drop it, and it blows up.

I wish my llama didn't look so green.......

NeoMatrix 02-28-2005 05:10 PM

It isn't green, but now you are color blind.

I wish John died more

richardson 02-28-2005 10:45 PM

John dies more, but you change your name to John and die too.

I wish I could utterly destroy everything!

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