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PointyHairedJedi 06-07-2005 10:39 PM

Like I'd let a little thing like that stop me. :D

Standback 06-07-2005 11:45 PM


KillerGodMan 06-08-2005 02:55 AM

Actually, keep the Mornington Cresent one, just as a 5MV in-joke

Anonymous 06-11-2005 04:50 AM

So... we just post here fivers of the scene?

Morpheus: Bye bye. Don't get shot at.
Trinity: Come on. There's no one around but that helpless homeless guy.
"Homeless guy": Uh, yep. I'm not about to be infested by Smith. I'm helpless.
Neo: Sounds good.

Smith: Out of ammo, darn it!
Neo: They sent you to kill the biggest threat you'll ever face and you didn't bring more ammo?
Smith: Okay, you get run over now.

Neo: Ha ha! I have escaped your dasterdly plot!
Smith: I'll return! Maybe with buddies!
Neo: Pft. How many buddies could a guy like you possibly make? Certainly not the millions needed to fight me.

Standback 06-14-2005 09:12 AM

Heya Skiltch! Welcome to the forums - hope you stick around.

Yup, we just post fivers of the scene. Simple. Elegant. Than we argue about them for months. Simple. Elegant. :D

We're technically in a voting stage now - that is, deciding which of the blocks already suggested will be in the final fiver - but posting new suggestions is still fine. So write, post, vote, and have fun!

KillerGodMan 06-14-2005 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
I'd like to suggest a new block:

Neo: Bring it on!
Smith: Very well, Mr Anderson. 1772 Limehouse Boundary rules it is. I'll open with Euston Square.
Neo: Neasden!
Smith: South Kensington!
Trinity (watching from the ship): Oh no, he's flunting him!
Neo: Ah... uh... Kenton!
Smith: Do you hear that, Mr Anderson? That is the sound of a transverse poly-thaumic Alberquerque Left Turn shuffle. Goodbye, Mr Anderson.
Neo: My move.. is... Mornington Crescent! Now if you don't mind, I have an important phone call to take.
Smith: Come back here! I want a rematch!

Possibly it needs a bit of refinement.

It's all good, no need to change it

Standback 06-15-2005 10:45 PM

Finalize the last two blocks and we're finished, folks!

Tally so far, to the best of my understanding:

Neo is Left Behind

Originally Posted by Gatac's Crud Block
Morpheus: Disconnect.
Trinity: Disconnect.
Smith: BOOM!
Neo: Crud.

2 votes: Standback, Xeroc.


Originally Posted by Standback's #thematrix block
*** M0rph3us has quit #thematrix (Connection reset by peer)
*** Trinity333 has quit #thematrix (Connection reset by peer)
*** Neo_Da_1 has--
Agent Smith: Going somewhere, Mister Anderson?

1 vote: PHJ

Subway Fight


Originally Posted by Gatac's Headline Block
Neo: Monkey Steals Lunchbag!
Smith: Elephant Tramples Snake!
Neo: Subway Smashes Agent!
Smith: Pseudo-GAK!
Neo: HA! Neo 1, Smith...
(Smith comes out of subway train.)
Neo: I bid you farewell, good Sir!

1 vote: Standback


Originally Posted by PHJ's Mornington-Crescent Block
Neo: Bring it on!
Smith: Very well, Mr Anderson. 1772 Limehouse Boundary rules it is. I'll open with Euston Square.
Neo: Neasden!
Smith: South Kensington!
Trinity (watching from the ship): Oh no, he's flunting him!
Neo: Ah... uh... Kenton!
Smith: Do you hear that, Mr Anderson? That is the sound of a transverse poly-thaumic Alberquerque Left Turn shuffle. Goodbye, Mr Anderson.
Neo: My move.. is... Mornington Crescent! Now if you don't mind, I have an important phone call to take.
Smith: Come back here! I want a rematch!

1/2 votes: PHJ, I think KGMan?

Please double-check that I've included and correctly understood your votes. Let's wrap this fiver up, people :D

KillerGodMan 06-16-2005 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by Standback


Originally Posted by Standback's #thematrix block
*** M0rph3us has quit #thematrix (Connection reset by peer)
*** Trinity333 has quit #thematrix (Connection reset by peer)
*** Neo_Da_1 has--
Agent Smith: Going somewhere, Mister Anderson?

1 vote: PHJ

2 votes: PHJ, KillerGM



Originally Posted by PHJ's Mornington-Crescent Block
Neo: Bring it on!
Smith: Very well, Mr Anderson. 1772 Limehouse Boundary rules it is. I'll open with Euston Square.
Neo: Neasden!
Smith: South Kensington!
Trinity (watching from the ship): Oh no, he's flunting him!
Neo: Ah... uh... Kenton!
Smith: Do you hear that, Mr Anderson? That is the sound of a transverse poly-thaumic Alberquerque Left Turn shuffle. Goodbye, Mr Anderson.
Neo: My move.. is... Mornington Crescent! Now if you don't mind, I have an important phone call to take.
Smith: Come back here! I want a rematch!

1/2 votes: PHJ, I think KillerGM?
I'm in.

So now we have a tie... not good

Pteryx 06-16-2005 06:59 AM

For Neo Is Left Behind, I definitely want Gatac's Crud block. His "Headline" block (which I think is really supposed to be a cheesy kung-fu move block) works well enough if nothing better comes along.

(And I guess no one likes my "rope, dress and wig" block... oh well.) -- Pteryx

Xeroc 06-16-2005 09:37 PM

I'll also go for "Gatac's Headline Block". :D

Gatac 06-16-2005 09:41 PM

Just to confirm, yes, it's meant to be bad Kung-Fu moves.


PointyHairedJedi 06-16-2005 09:44 PM

But MC is... well, it's MC! How could you possibly beat that?? :shock:

Standback 06-16-2005 11:35 PM

Huh. I thought Kung-fu attack moves were generally nouns. "Lunchbag-Stealing Monkey Attack!". Or possibly "Fist of the Monkey-Stealing Lunchbag!". But whatever.

Gatac 06-17-2005 04:16 AM

Yes, but I'm specifically lampooning Jackie Chan Adventures. (Which is, in itself, a parody of this practice.)


NAHTMMM 06-18-2005 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Skiltch.
Morpheus: Bye bye. Don't get shot at.
Trinity: Come on. There's no one around but that helpless homeless guy.
"Homeless guy": Uh, yep. I'm not about to be infested by Smith. I'm helpless.
Neo: Sounds good.

Smith: Out of ammo, darn it!
Neo: They sent you to kill the biggest threat you'll ever face and you didn't bring more ammo?
Smith: Okay, you get run over now.

I like these two as well. :)

I vote for Standback's block for the first part. For the second part I vote for something along the lines of Skiltch's suggestion.

Smith: Out of ammo, darn it!
Neo: Ha! You came to kill the biggest threat you'll ever face and you didn't bring enough ammunition?
Smith: Just for that, you get run over now.

Neo: Urk...
Smith: Heheh. This one is too easy.
Neo: *boing*
Smith: Impressive.

PointyHairedJedi 06-20-2005 08:33 PM

On a totally random note, whenever I see the title of this thread, these lines pop into my head:
"Her name is Neo and she dances on the sand/Just like that river twisting through the dusty land"

I'm a sick puppy, no? :D

Standback 06-26-2005 03:33 PM

That's 4 for Gatac's "Crud" block, and 3 for my "#thematrix".

Gatac's kung-fu block has either two or three votes, as Pteryx's seemed rather half-hearted... And PHJ's Mornington Crescent has 2 (and it's starting to grow on me...)

If anybody has a deciding vote to cast, or a new suggestion to make, this would be a good time, folks. Ditto for block 30.

Standback 06-29-2005 10:16 PM

Thread open: 4 months
Voting open: 1 month
FBC operating for: 2.5 years

May I call upon the power of Zeke to descend upon us, in the guise of the Holy Tiebreaker, and finish this fiver once and for all?

Kira's good too.

PointyHairedJedi 06-29-2005 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Standback
Kira's good too.


Good? :lol:

Standback 06-30-2005 09:04 AM

Good? I meant great. Kira is amazing, wonderful, superb in every way, shape and form, and the only reason I refrain from describing her as "goddess-like" is because of all the second-rate lowlife goddesses out there. Kira is perfection such as the rest of us can only strive to attain.

Especially so, I may add, if she should happen to wrap up the $%@#-in' fiver.

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