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Zeke 04-23-2007 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Infinite Improbability (Post 73253)
Ah yes, The Cynic. Great reviews. No one could succeed him.

Hm? No, I'm a Cynic fan too, and it wasn't him. This was some random Usenet guy. (The Cynic didn't start Voyager till the following year.)

catalina_marina 04-23-2007 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 73238)
Yeah, that's impossible. It must just be a part of London or Cardiff that looks like New York.

You'd think so. But considering there are no darts and kites involved as far as I saw, let's assume it wasn't.


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 73243)
Would you like to see where I buried that guy?

Yes. Yes, I quite would. Do you have pictures?

Chancellor Valium 04-23-2007 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 73243)
You know, there was a guy who used to review Voyager and give each episode two scores. One was the "real" score, and one was the Voyager score, since, he reasoned, Voyager sucked more than any other show and therefore needed a shorter scale to look remotely good. His condescension was so far advanced that he actually considered this a gesture of generosity and fairness.

Would you like to see where I buried that guy?

Difference is, Voyager was, even at its worst, pretty good. At best, it was amazing (Year of Hell, for example.) It managed to fuse some ideas from the traditional ST style with some elements that made DS9 great.

RTD's campfest, on the other hand, has such a lack of redeeming features that it deserves to be subjected to the worst torture known to man - if there is anything worse than the climax of The Shakespeare Code as a form of cruel and unusual punishment.

Nate the Great 04-23-2007 07:19 PM

Yeah, that's what I meant. Not the copycat, but the original.

PointyHairedJedi 04-24-2007 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium (Post 73290)
RTD's campfest, on the other hand, has such a lack of redeeming features that it deserves to be subjected to the worst torture known to man - if there is anything worse than the climax of The Shakespeare Code as a form of cruel and unusual punishment.

Well, if he can't have you, then he'll break you. It's that simple. ;)

Zeke 04-24-2007 03:30 PM

I think I've figured out the problem, Nate: do you think Tim Lynch is the Cynic? They're different guys (the Cynic's name is David E. Sluss). They both posted popular Trek reviews on Usenet, and they both use their middle initials a lot, but that's where the similarities end. Tim's reviewing goes back much longer, he doesn't have a site, and even on his meanest days, he never dished out the kind of abuse the Cynic specializes in.

Chancellor Valium 04-24-2007 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi (Post 73333)
Well, if he can't have you, then he'll break you. It's that simple. ;)

I could make a comment on his love life off that, but I won't ;)

Nate the Great 04-24-2007 07:40 PM

Okay, I wash my hands of this whole affair. In my mind whoever writes the reviews on is The Cynic. I don't care what his real name is, mainly because he jumped ship years ago and it doesn't matter.

It sort of reminds me of the big controversy over which of the two "main" Evil Overlord/A James Bond Villian Devises a Plot/Whatever Lists is the "real" one. I don't care. I enjoy them both.

And I've heard of both David and Tim, but like I said...

PointyHairedJedi 04-26-2007 09:43 AM

Drama queens. The internet would be a far less interesting place without them, though also far less annoying.

Burt 04-26-2007 12:08 PM

And..... On that note, I drag you all back to the thread. Doctor Who? Remember him?
What did you all think of the Dalek/New York New York (So good they ....made it a two parter?) episode?
The idea has been done before... I still liked it though.

Hejira 04-26-2007 12:36 PM

To corrupt a quote: It's a Dalek, not a clown car.

PointyHairedJedi 04-26-2007 07:01 PM

It was interesting. Plus, it's the first original direction the Daleks have been taken in for twenty-odd years, and that's a plus. Remains to be seen if it will end well, however.

Chancellor Valium 06-01-2007 04:09 PM

I'm just going to warn people now that this post contains two quite large shocks. So don't act all surprised when they come, okay?

First of all, getting back on topic (I said not to act all surprised!), 'Daleks in Manhattan' had a distinctly fanwanky smell, IMO...

Secondly, '42' was flat.

Third, Human Nature was impressive.


Zeke 06-05-2007 03:52 AM

I have taken the tupping liberty of renaming this thread to make it the official DW talk thread. Seems more sensible than starting a fresh one. More comments in a bit.

Burt 06-14-2007 03:42 AM



I'm LOVED it.
When I head about another Doctor-lite episode, I crap. But it was fantastic! Clever story. REALLY REALLY clever monsters. Real funny bits. And some real jump moments!

Counter points anyone?
(I'm guessing.... Chancellor?)

Burt 06-14-2007 03:59 AM

I've just watched Blink for a second time.
I love it even more now. I'm like a babbling idiot. It makes even more sense the second time round.
On to the Final Three!

Chancellor Valium 06-14-2007 03:05 PM

Umm, no. Actually, I thought it was fairly good.

Other than "timey-wimey" (passy-the-ee-sicky-buckety) and the somewhat redundant nude scene, thought it was pretty good. The control disc was a bit...We've-got-five-minutes-of-screen-time-to-finish-the-story-in-quick-how-do-we-do-this-AAAAAAH-invent-a-new-particle/wave/etc-maybe Star Trek at its worst, but it's infinitely better than Moffat's last proferring.

Zeke 06-14-2007 06:43 PM

You're god damned right it was good. What a terrific little story. Between this one and the "Human Nature" two-parter, this season has taken a major upturn (not that I didn't enjoy the first half).

I hope they can keep it up. Next week looks odd, but the previews have fooled me before. And I'm definitely looking forward to Captain Jack's return.

Chancellor Valium 06-15-2007 01:27 PM

It seems the fanwanker strikes again. [ED: HUGE SPOILER IN LINK. Warn a guy, Valium! - Z]

Oops! Sorry...

Burt 06-15-2007 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium (Post 73965)

Sorry - Was that real?! It that what the episodes is going to be about?

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