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Zeke 06-12-2009 03:51 AM

ARRGH. You can't see it, but there is smoke blasting out of my ears right now. Home situation is beyond belief. Please wish me luck resolving this.

Wowbagger 06-14-2009 05:53 AM

Duly wished.

I can pray, too, if you're to that point. Little known talent of mine.

Zeke 06-14-2009 07:01 AM

Thankfully, things have now settled down to the point where that shouldn't be necessary -- but I appreciate the offer.

NAHTMMM 06-17-2009 03:33 AM

Ah, well, everyone knows life sometimes gives you lemons. But there are also times it likes to hand out trick candles.

Sa'ar Chasm 06-18-2009 02:44 AM

Rotten lemons. With worms. And half-worms.

Still better than spoo.

Zeke 06-19-2009 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm (Post 77047)
And half-worms.

I like to call those "wos". (It's easier to pronounce than "rms".)

In other news, the situation is stable enough now that I hope to finally update tomorrow. I've got to finish this event, and the fact that it's our anniversary month hasn't escaped me either.

Nate the Great 06-27-2009 06:33 AM

Ack! I'm stuck in a timewarp where it's June 27th for me and still the 14th for everyone else! Nothing is changing! If anyone can hear this, please pull me out of this limbo!

Sa'ar Chasm 06-28-2009 10:32 PM

Quick, try a jump to the left.

evay 06-29-2009 08:59 PM

And then a step to the right.

MaverickZer0 07-01-2009 08:57 AM

With your hands on your hips.

Zeke 07-02-2009 10:51 PM

And have a wonderful... time?

In other news, bashing my head against the wall here, but I'm making progress. I swear this'll be worth waiting for, if perhaps not this long. And the home situation has remained relatively stable.

Meanwhile, if you're eager for something related to the Trek movie (which is my next stop after this event), I whipped this up a while ago.

Rayinne 07-06-2009 11:55 PM

...oh, Yukari damn it. I get called out and it takes me three months to show up and notice it. It's, to say the least, rather fail of me. Dreamer would revoke my lurking license.


Zeke 07-08-2009 03:21 AM

Called out? I didn't realize I'd done that, but it's good to see you back.

In local news, I had a seizure in the cafeteria today. It was messy, so I'm glad I was unconscious for it. We're waiting for word on whether this indicates anything more serious such as epilepsy (which my dad has, but it was acquired, so it shouldn't be hereditary). For now, I'm just extremely sore in the parts that hit the ground. I've lost math camp time I can't get back, too.

Event's no deader than I am, however -- and if you'd like a hint at one of the series I'll be putting to use, check today's date. (Tuesday's, that is.)

Wowbagger 07-08-2009 04:55 PM

YES! I've always wanted to see Seven Days get fived!

What? Stop looking at me like that!

mudshark 07-09-2009 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 77065)
In local news, I had a seizure in the cafeteria today. It was messy, so I'm glad I was unconscious for it. We're waiting for word on whether this indicates anything more serious such as epilepsy (which my dad has, but it was acquired, so it shouldn't be hereditary).

Saw your Twitter entry from yesterday on this and was thinking "seizure, WTF?" I'm taking it that you've had no previous incidences of this sort; at least, I can't recall you mentioning anything like it before. How long a wait for "word" are you looking at?

Zeke 07-13-2009 04:07 AM

Actually, I've had a handful of similar experiences, but most of them predate this site (yep, all nine years of it). I collapsed after running for the bus once, and on another occasion I fainted on my front step after my first bike ride in a long time. The most recent collapse happened at home in Waterloo, back in '05 or so. Exertion or stress seems to be the only common element.

I got checked out at the hospital the last two times this happened; the bus incident was especially worrying since I fell down in the road (fortunately, the driver was doing his job and stopped well in advance). But the tests never turned up anything. This time was different in a couple of ways -- it was more severe than the others and it happened in the middle of a cafeteria line. The people around were very helpful; they called the paramedics right away and kept an eye on me till they arrived. It would have been much worse if I'd been alone, assuming I took the same damage on the way down. (The floor did a number on my back, and I chomped my tongue hard enough that it looked like I was bleeding from the mouth while I was out.)

Anyway, the doc wouldn't say for sure that it's epilepsy. Even if it is, I'm in no immediate danger. I got some tests on the day itself and I'm supposed to go back for an MRI; I'll also be seeing a neurologist. Otherwise I'm okay. Back's still sore, but getting better. And the rest of the math camp went smoothly.

Wowbagger: You may actually be surprised how close that is. Or you may not.

Nate the Great 07-13-2009 04:28 AM

Not to be a jerk, Z, but is this really the kind of stuff you want recorded for posterity? Is there that much on the Internet that will not be saved in some database somewhere? E-mail close friends about these things, don't put it on a billboard for anybody with a computer to see.

Wowbagger 07-13-2009 07:10 AM

Lords of Kobol. Has it been nine years? *shudder*

Good luck, Zeke. Sounds like you need it.

Incidentally, I'm amazed anyone else has watched Seven Days, much less considered fiving it. Win!

Any release date before March 7th, 2017, will be a pleasant and winful surprise to me.

mudshark 07-13-2009 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 77070)
Actually, I've had a handful of similar experiences, but most of them predate this site (yep, all nine years of it). I collapsed after running for the bus once, and on another occasion I fainted on my front step after my first bike ride in a long time. The most recent collapse happened at home in Waterloo, back in '05 or so. Exertion or stress seems to be the only common element.

Those two are common enough culprits in triggering or exacerbating a number of conditions. Stress may also be a precipitant for an epileptic seizure, but that seems to be far less common.


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 77070)
I got checked out at the hospital the last two times this happened; the bus incident was especially worrying since I fell down in the road (fortunately, the driver was doing his job and stopped well in advance). But the tests never turned up anything. This time was different in a couple of ways -- it was more severe than the others and it happened in the middle of a cafeteria line. The people around were very helpful; they called the paramedics right away and kept an eye on me till they arrived. It would have been much worse if I'd been alone, assuming I took the same damage on the way down. (The floor did a number on my back, and I chomped my tongue hard enough that it looked like I was bleeding from the mouth while I was out.)

Anyway, the doc wouldn't say for sure that it's epilepsy. Even if it is, I'm in no immediate danger. I got some tests on the day itself and I'm supposed to go back for an MRI; I'll also be seeing a neurologist. Otherwise I'm okay. Back's still sore, but getting better. And the rest of the math camp went smoothly.

Good that this turned out reasonably well (sore back and tongue being only temporary, one hopes) and that you're getting it checked out again. Perhaps this time you can get a more definite call on what it is (or isn't.)

Wowbagger 08-07-2009 09:26 PM

If it makes you feel any better, Zeke, our show (Star Trek: Excelsior, for those not paying attention to my signature) is only just now entering post-production on our April Fool's Day episode. We, too, refuse to remove the "April Fool's Day" tag from the file. Despite an August release date!

So... yeah, I just thought you'd like to know that you are not alone in either your unbearable and chronic lateness or your insufferable fixation with April Fool's Day that borders on the obsessive. Indeed, everything I know about AFD I learned from 5MV.

Now get the joke done!

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