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Hotaru 03-06-2005 07:48 AM

Someone posts in the game... but it's me! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I wish I could've thought of something better to do to Ginga.

Opium 03-06-2005 10:31 AM

You figure out a better thing to do to Ginga, but *deleted by Opium's auto brain censor*

I wish I didn't have an auto brain censor that stopped me from posting inappropriate things.

Alexia 03-06-2005 01:09 PM

You don't have one, but you post things that are too inappropriate and everyone hates you.


You have a pet lamb, but it bleats like porn.
LMAO :wink: But I don't need a lamb for that :wink: :mrgreen:

I wish I lived somewhere warmer.

PointyHairedJedi 03-06-2005 01:49 PM

You do, but it's the day side of Mercury.

I wish, I wish, I wish that I didn't have the horrible thought of a McKay/Sheppard 'ship lodged in my brain. :shock:

Chancellor Valium 03-06-2005 05:33 PM

You magically have this removed, but at the same time end up living the rest of your life back in time, being Trotsky. Have fun with the icepick :wink:

I wish I was a penguin

Alexia 03-06-2005 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
I wish, I wish, I wish that I didn't have the horrible thought of a McKay/Sheppard 'ship lodged in my brain. :shock:

Ahh, you love it :wink: Now shuddup and use your icon :wink:

Um, penguin you say? You are a pink and gets laughed at by all the other penguins. A lot. :twisted:

I wish Voyager had an 8th season.

Ginga 03-06-2005 06:40 PM

Voyager gets an 8th season, but we come to the horrible conclusion that Chakotay and Seven never break up.


I wish that it could be May right now. :3

NeoMatrix 03-06-2005 08:05 PM

May never comes for you. Right before May, you go into a coma. You don't wake up until June...2145.

Opium 03-06-2005 09:25 PM

You don't post a wish, and someone points it out.

I wish I wish I wish I hadn't killed that fish.

Chancellor Valium 03-06-2005 09:53 PM

You didn't kill the fish - you killed ME! Oww! That hurt!
I wish Opium's killing me didn't hurt so much..........

Alexia 03-06-2005 10:11 PM

It was totally painless, but you're still dead :wink:

I wish I was better at making icons.

Ginga 03-06-2005 10:48 PM

You get better at it...

And then once you finally prove your ability in Photoshop, your computer crashes.

I wish I could HAVE Photoshop in the first place.

Opium 03-06-2005 11:46 PM

You have Photoshop, but it is so good you spend all your time on it, and eventually never leave your home and end up like Howard Hughes only without the money.

I wish I knew whether this was a romantic crush or a friend crush.

Anonymous 03-07-2005 02:38 AM

It's an anvil crush.

I wish I wouldn't laugh aloud about the idea of buttered cats in the middle of class.

richardson 03-07-2005 02:40 AM

You instead laugh at the idea of dancing klingon warriors in full armor with tu-tu's on over the armor. Hey, that's not a bad idea for a fiver....

I wish I could get the full starship refit package for my new FA-22...

Breca_Halley 03-07-2005 02:44 AM

You do get it, but then you realize it was designed by Troi . . . BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I wish I could watch TV uniterrupted.

richardson 03-07-2005 02:45 AM

You watch tv uninterrupted because you ARE the tv. Sucks to be you.

I wish I could wipe troi out...

Opium 03-07-2005 02:59 AM

You wipe Troi out, but only because a million Wesley Crusher clones wanted to marry her, and she jumped out an airlock trying to run away from them.

I wish I hadn't spilled some mustard on the table.

richardson 03-07-2005 03:01 AM

You don't spill SOME mustard, you spill an entire supertanker's worth of it.

I wish I had a photon torpedo or two...

NeoMatrix 03-07-2005 03:20 AM

You do have some, but Janeway used them to blow up a coffee nebula

I wish there was a 5mv convention

Hotaru 03-07-2005 04:15 AM

There is a 5MV convention, but Zeke decides to hold it "soon".

I wish my car door wasn't broken.

NeoMatrix 03-07-2005 05:16 AM

It will be fixed soon, but your mechanic is Zeke.

I wish for absolutely nothing

Opium 03-07-2005 06:04 AM

You get nothing. Ever again. You end up not being able to get anything at all, except week-old Tim Horten's Nanaimo bars.

I wish my parents would get a better second car...possibly one that didn't stall.

Alexia 03-07-2005 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Opium
You have Photoshop, but it is so good you spend all your time on it, and eventually never leave your home and end up like Howard Hughes only without the money.

That pretty much describes how I am now :wink:

You get a better car, but you crash it pulling out of the driveway and totally right it off.

I wish weekends were 5 days.

Opium 03-07-2005 08:21 AM

Weekends are 5 days, but weeks are now 365 days long.

I wish I could rent videos and DVD's for free.

Flixibixi 03-07-2005 11:43 AM

Done, but the only entertainment devices you have are a VCD player and a Betamax VCR.

I wish I owned a Nintendo DS.

Opium 03-07-2005 12:20 PM

You own a Nintendo DS, but only have Original Nintendo games.

I wish I had a CD player in my car.

Chancellor Valium 03-07-2005 01:41 PM

You have a CD player in your car, but you accidentally traded it for the wheels.....

I wish I didn't have to wish......

Xeroc 03-08-2005 02:02 AM

You don't have to! But then you don't ever get anything!

I wish my antivirus software was perfect and invulnerable to viruses and spyware!

richardson 03-08-2005 02:36 AM

Now you can't access the internet at all, because there is spyware everywhere.

I wish my computer didn't crash, explode, die horribly, get a virus, stop letting me play games, slow down, uber overclock, break down, ect, ect, not even get the slightest software glitch despite staying up to date and being used constantly for gaming. THe latest games that is.

The perfect wish, at long last.

Opium 03-08-2005 02:45 AM

You have the perfect computer, but trip over a cord, and pour pop all over it, thereby shorting it out and ruining it.

I wish my cell phone was a camera cell phone.

richardson 03-08-2005 02:47 AM

It is, but you get arrested for having a camera in a restricted zone of area 51.

I wish I could get on the premisises of area 51.

Opium 03-08-2005 03:00 AM

You get into Area 51, but Quark is still there.

I wish everyone got my DS9 references.

Chancellor Valium 03-08-2005 10:50 AM

Everyone does, but they try to ignore you in the hope that you'll stop.

I wish I wasn't so tactless......

richardson 03-08-2005 09:01 PM

You're turned into a lawyer.

I wish I could get my head cleared of lawyers.

Chancellor Valium 03-08-2005 09:18 PM

you get your head clear of lawyers but as a result are forever indebted to ME!

I wish I wasn't so obsessed with turning richardson :roll:

richardson 03-08-2005 09:34 PM

You become obsessed with joining my side now. Join the foxies, Valium. it is your DESTINY!

I wish I could convert chancelor valium to my side of the force, the fox side.

NeoMatrix 03-09-2005 03:38 AM

You do, but then everyone votes for him to be the leader

I wish I knew what women were thinking

Opium 03-09-2005 10:24 AM

You know what women are thinking. :D

I wish I knew why some people take silly jesting and turn into really rude insults.

Chancellor Valium 03-09-2005 10:50 AM

You find out, but then decide that it sounds fun, and start doing it yourself!

I wish richardson would give up the fox side: richardson, join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as CEOs

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