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Nate the Great 11-29-2006 03:23 AM

I give up. Clearly my intent is not being comprehended. Let's say that one of the tasks required to achieve the green tunic is akin to the Forest Temple. Now, one of the stages in completing the Forest Temple requires twisting and untwisting a pair of corridors. Certain rooms are only accessable in the twisted configuration, certain room are only accessable in the untwisted configuration. That makes four discrete Forest Temple arrangements, each of which provides opportunities for delays if you don't twist and untwist in the correct sequence with the correct Keys at the correct times. The first time a person attempts this, it will undoubtedly take hours of backtracking, testing every room all over again, trying every combination of eye switches. Like I've said, the first time I played I was one Key short, that's why I had to buy the strategy guide to find it. Now I can do the entire Forest Temple in under I'm asking if ijdgaf can recognize that a certain amount of time spent exploring is unnecessary for a player more experienced. However, for all I know, the tasks in Twilight Princess are blatantly obvious, with big, glaring signs that say DO THIS and DO THAT, GO HERE and GO THERE, along with enemies that require two seconds to kill. In this scenario five hours is in fact the time that it takes, no trimming of any significance can be done. That's why I'm asking.

ijdgaf 11-29-2006 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 71381)
That seems unlikely. The game was in development for GameCube for at least a year, probably more like two, before the Wii entered the picture. So TP is probably a GameCube game with extra stuff for Wii, not a Wii game cropped to fit on GC.

It is a GC game with extra stuff for Wii. But from what I've read, the team switched tracks to the Wii at least a year ago -- the additions are certainly significant.

I really can't imagine playing the game using the same old buttons to work the boomerang, bow, and fishing rod... these Wii upgrades are a definite improvement. And from every review I've seen from somebody who's played both, the GC version is indeed inferior. That's not to say it's bad or anything. But the control on the Wii version is well-developed and top notch.

Holding out for the Wii version is indeed the smart move here, methinks.

edit: Nate, if it wasn't thoroughly obvious from each of my posts here already, I'm sure you could indeed obtain the green tunic in a shorter amount of time. Since I haven't restarted, and don't plan to in the near future, I couldn't give you any real estimate as to what kind of time-saving we're talking about here.

And I'm really not sure why the topic of how long it takes to get the green tunic is quite so important in the first place.

Nate the Great 11-29-2006 04:42 AM

Well, I can develop a habit of getting obsessed with trying to make myself clear. Maybe I'm just a little dubious about any game taking the time spans people are describing.

If the Revolution version is just Gamecube + extras, then why was the Revolution version released first? I assumed that they'd be concurrent releases.

The green tunic debate was just me stewing about how ugly I think the wrangler outfit is. I suppose it was to be expected that unless you're actually living in the Kokiri Forest, you wouldn't be wearing white tights. For that matter, why can't he put on pants if he's gonna be fighting giant skeletons? :)

ijdgaf 11-29-2006 06:27 AM

Gamecube development was halted a while back in order to focus on getting the Wii build ready. Since that version has been released, they're back to work on the original Gamecube build.

Nate the Great 11-30-2006 03:44 AM

Uh, okay. I suppose once again business sense (Revolution killer app) trumps common sense (finish the current project and make good the promise that TP is a Gamecube game).

I can imagine using the old controls, because I've used them in OOT. That doesn't mean I won't enjoy the new ones, but you don't forget the movements that you've used hundreds of times over years and years.

I'd now like to relate an awesome political cartoon that I found in my alma mater's daily paper. Mario is using a Wiimote to control a giant sledgehammer, using it to smash a PS3 to bits. :)

ijdgaf 11-30-2006 04:08 AM

Well I can *imagine* using the older controls... but why would I want to? Aiming with the Wiimote is SO much more rewarding.

Swordplay less so. But still fun.

Nate the Great 11-30-2006 05:59 AM

You'd want to because you have a backlog of GC games that won't be enhanced by using a Wiimote. ;)

Just a harmless jab there. I'm sure that all of you will still be playing your old GC games on the Revolution.

More rewarding? Uh, until you can do so without smashing your TV screens, I think that the monetary rewards will end up having a negative magnitude.

ijdgaf 12-01-2006 03:48 AM

Okay, the swordplay just got better. And I have a hard time believing it's not going to keep getting better.

The Wii build is definitely the way to go here. I even withdraw my previous complaint about the reversed map -- the locations are not quite so pinpoint accurate as I had believed in either orientation.

Seriously, my biggest complaints about this game at the moment are:

1) in the cut scenes, characters shake hands left-handed
2) you climb ladders more slowly than I would like.

...and that's it.

Zeke 12-01-2006 04:58 AM

Climbing ladders is still slow? Ocarina, Wind Waker, now TP... how long must we endure this? I know real people don't climb all that fast, but neither can they jump their own height, run all day without tiring, et cetera.

As for the handshakes, maybe all the characters are Boy Scouts.

(For those who don't know, Scouts shake left-handed as a sign of trust -- the left arm was traditionally the shield arm, so it symbolizes lowering your defenses.)

ijdgaf 12-01-2006 06:30 AM

I always picked my nose with my left hand before scout meetings.

Zeke 12-01-2006 07:40 AM

Wow... even before you were online, you were a troll.

Nate the Great 12-01-2006 01:36 PM

Link's still climbing ladders? I thought that he'd be climbing ropes and vines hand over hand by now, given how much they're touting the new graphical capabilities of the Revolution.

ijdgaf 12-01-2006 07:00 PM

Well... if you knew anything about my hick troop, you'd have a clearer picture of things.

Man, am I glad that's over.

mudshark 12-01-2006 07:33 PM

If it was anything like mine, no further explanation required.

ijdgaf 12-02-2006 06:50 AM

Yes... it is the sole reason I do not regret quitting at Life.

(the rank, not the metaphysical experience)

Nate the Great 12-02-2006 07:48 AM

Hey, you got me beat. I stopped at Star. :)

Oh, and I think I read about the left-handshake in an OLD Scout manuel, but my troop, at least, never did it.

mudshark 12-02-2006 07:09 PM

No left-handshake? Hmmm. Clearly infidels and un-mutual. :p

(I think I'd just made First Class when I figured out which way the wind was really blowing... )

Nate the Great 12-02-2006 08:25 PM

Oh sure, start shunning me, I am unworthy...

Zeke 12-03-2006 04:12 AM

Now you guys have lost me. Which way was the wind really blowing?

ijdgaf 12-03-2006 04:21 AM


One time on a week long retreat I got sick.

Hick scout masters' verdict: "homesickness"

Actual doctor's diagnosis: Salmonella.

I travelled all over the place as a kid. I've never been homesick in my life. Of course, these guys were too mentally deficient and/or lazy to actually call for medical attention.


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