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richardson 03-02-2005 09:57 PM

You think of another wish, but immediately forget it.

I wish I had a huge clone army of myself to go around causing general mayhem and to fly my ship!

Xeroc 03-02-2005 11:20 PM

You do have an army, but since they're all clones, you all get tricked by the same thing and end up all dieing.

I wish this chair wasn't so squeaky.

Flixibixi 03-03-2005 12:39 AM

It's not so squeaky, but it is a lot more gooey.

I wish I could think of words to put in a...a...word string thingy where lots is said.

richardson 03-03-2005 02:41 AM

You can't stop blathering.

I wish I could stop blathering.

Hotaru 03-03-2005 03:03 AM

You stop blathering because your mouth disappears!

I wish that my Grad pictures weren't so bad.

NeoMatrix 03-03-2005 03:40 AM

Bad News: There was an error on your school records. You need to take one more PE elective. Good news: You get to take your Grad pics again.

I wish women weren't so difficult to deal with

PointyHairedJedi 03-05-2005 03:25 PM

You start getting on with women just great. Then you realise it was just a hallucination and you've been talking to a desk lamp the whole time, whereupon you are locked up in a nice padded cell. Next door to me.

I wish that people would see Lynch's Dune for the awesome film that it is!

Ginga 03-05-2005 04:59 PM

People see it, but they come back hating it.

I wish I didn't have to finish my research paper this weekend. *sigh*

Alexia 03-05-2005 07:37 PM

You get given an extra month to finish the paper, but get given another 10 papers to do as well. And have to present them all to the class. Wearing a carrot suit. And doing the funky chicken dance.

(hee hee, I like this game!)

I wish I had a pet lamb.

Ginga 03-05-2005 07:40 PM

You have a pet lamb, but it bleats like porn.


Chancellor Valium 03-05-2005 09:05 PM

You make a wish, but as we've been in this position before, everyone puts it down to a time loop, and thinks you're being evil again.....

I wish I had broadband. Free broadband.

Opium 03-05-2005 11:05 PM

You get free broadband, but it's got a censorship program on it, and the only site you can go to is Barney.

I wish I had a million dollars. In cash. Right now.

richardson 03-05-2005 11:21 PM

You get it in pennys. Have fun.

I wish I had a FA-22 Raptor.

Xeroc 03-06-2005 01:03 AM

You get it, but get arrested and thrown in jail for flying without a pilot's license.

richardson 03-06-2005 01:11 AM

You talk far too much.

I wish I had a pilot's liscence AND a FA-22 raptor (Trying to figure out an incorruptable wish.)

Ginga 03-06-2005 01:39 AM

You get 'em both.

But you fly over enemy territory by accident because your night vision sucks and you get missle'd.

I actually think of a wish this time!

Naki 03-06-2005 02:44 AM

You think of a wish but it's just a wish to be able to think of more wishes

i wish my girlfriend hadn't dumped me and that by taking me back i grow happy and marry her,get a good job that pays alot of money(money that is don't stolen, misinvested or destroyed), have a nice life and 2 boys who grow up healthy and have no problems and don't do anything illegal or get in trouble and see over me and my wife when we both die peacefully in our sleep at 95

just try and twist that back on me
go on
I dare you

richardson 03-06-2005 03:09 AM

In doing all of this, you become a bloodscuking lawyer. Sucks to be you, as despite your living to a ripe old age, everyone spits at your name.

I wish I had a FA-22 raptor, with pilots liscence, and the anti-radar systems working, and the anti-detection paint fully on, and a full compliment of weapons. (I know of a few ways to twist this, but not telling)

Naki 03-06-2005 04:16 AM

You get all that but forget fuel and your wallet. Your pilot licence is actually a forgery you are no more skilled to fly a plane than a chimp.

I wish for tickets to FoxFest.

Ginga 03-06-2005 04:30 AM

You get the tickets, but your pet eats them. If you don't have a pet, then a rampaging bear eats them.

I wish people would post in the Person Above You game... :<

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