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evay 08-24-2012 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 79268)
Oops, I didn't see evay's edit. This forum does need a poke feature.

My husband used to play some game in which you could in fact poke another monster-like (ogre?) character, and it would repeatedly growl "Stop poking me!" We still use this line occasionally, along with early Bart Simpson "Ow! Ka-wit it."

Of course, we also still use "Svimvear! Veddy nice." Five points to anyone who knows that reference.

Sa'ar Chasm 08-24-2012 02:58 AM

"Some game"? That was Warcraft II. I think you're referring to the Orc Grunt.

The poke sequence went something like this:
Stop poking me.

The Alliance equivalent (Human footman) said things like "Are you still touching me?" and "Don't you have a kingdom to run?"

Zeke 08-24-2012 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm (Post 79292)
That's because I screwed up the quote.
"But we picked up the distress call before she sent the hail."

An episode I saw once when it was first broadcast, and haven't seen since.

Oho, that scenario sounds familiar. Voyager's "Parallax"?

Sa'ar Chasm 08-24-2012 07:31 AM

Indeed. First season Voyager I actually watched.

Zeke 08-25-2012 12:34 AM

Let's change it up a bit. There's a TOS episode where Spock remarks on "The renowned * punctuality," where * is a species. What species is it?

evay 08-25-2012 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm (Post 79298)
"Some game"?

Mi amore goes through games pretty quickly. FPS, Civilization-type, space-based resources, they all look the same after a while. I'm sure he thinks the same thing about my various TV show crushes. :)


The poke sequence went something like this:
Stop poking me.
Yeah! That was it!

Sa'ar Chasm 08-26-2012 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 79307)
Let's change it up a bit. There's a TOS episode where Spock remarks on "The renowned * punctuality," where * is a species. What species is it?

Nobody biting?


Zeke 08-26-2012 11:30 PM

Yep. When the <i>Enterprise</i> trespasses in their space, they show up and attack right on schedule.

Sa'ar Chasm 08-27-2012 05:54 PM

Never turn your back on a blank.

(Woulda got to this earlier, but I spent all yesterday on a plane)

Nate the Great 08-28-2012 01:12 AM

The "blank" is "Breen", and it's an episode of DS9, but I don't know the speaker or episode.

Sa'ar Chasm 08-28-2012 02:41 AM

Breen is correct, and we don't seem to be requiring the name of the episode or the speaker, since Zeke gave me credit for just saying Tholian. I believe you're up.

Zeke 08-28-2012 11:44 AM

Yeah, but there was only one episode with Tholians, and it was called "The Tholian Web", so I figured it went without saying. We'll let it go, though, as this one would've been hard to narrow down. (It's from "In Purgatory's Shadow" -- certainly not the first episode I think of when Breen are mentioned.)

Nate the Great 08-28-2012 12:11 PM

"I am proud of what I am. I believe in what I do. Can you say that?"

Zeke 09-07-2012 04:51 AM

Wow, that one seems to have frozen us solid. Mind narrowing it down a bit?

Nate the Great 09-07-2012 12:04 PM

A bit? TOS, a man and a woman talking about the different ways they've chosen to live their lives.

Sa'ar Chasm 09-07-2012 01:15 PM

Turnabout Intruder, crazy Whatshername who steals Kirk's body.

Nate the Great 09-07-2012 04:20 PM


evay 09-09-2012 02:12 PM

Areel Shaw to Kirk in "Court-Martial"?

Nate the Great 09-09-2012 02:20 PM

Okay, I'll give another hint. It's said by one of the main cast to a guest star of the opposite gender.

evay 09-10-2012 10:15 AM

Okay, I Googled it, so I'm officially out for this round, but I have to say I would never have gotten that one.

Sa'ar Chasm 09-10-2012 08:40 PM

^^^ Likewise

evay 09-10-2012 11:08 PM

Okay, Nate, you've officially stumped everyone and won this round. :) Can you reveal the answer and provide a new quote?

NAHTMMM 09-11-2012 09:54 PM

I, too, do not recognize the quote . . . and "Court Martial" and "Turnabout Intruder" would probably have been my first two guesses, for what it's worth.

Odd that it's so hard to place, because it seems like it should be a striking moment.

Nate the Great 09-11-2012 10:30 PM

Okay, it's from "The Way to Eden":

CHEKOV: Why did you do it? [Join the hippies]
IRINA: Why did you? [Leave her and join Starfleet]
CHEKOV: I am proud of what I am. I believe in what I do. Can you say that?

Okay, I hope this one is easier....

"We have a saying in [place], 'It's lonely at the top.'"

I have to censor the place mentioned, or else it'd be too easy.

NAHTMMM 10-02-2012 12:36 PM


Nate the Great 10-02-2012 07:16 PM

The series, but not the place in the quote.

MaverickZer0 10-04-2012 02:32 AM

"We have a saying on Arachnia..."

It's from Bride of Chaotica! if I don't miss my guess. The place would definitely, definitely have been a giveaway.

Nate the Great 10-04-2012 12:10 PM

Yup. Your turn.

MaverickZer0 10-31-2012 04:29 AM

Got one.

"Well, how do you expect me to type, with my nose?"

Nate the Great 03-01-2013 03:15 AM

The thread died, so I'm gonna cheat and give the answer. Maybe we can get the ball rolling again....

Roberta in Assignment: Earth

"I've heard Klingon belly-laughs that would curl your hair."

NAHTMMM 03-12-2013 01:10 AM

No idea. "A Matter of Honor"?

Nate the Great 01-14-2014 02:28 AM

Guinan in "Redemption."

Let's try again...

"Life is not a dream."

Zeke 01-15-2014 04:04 AM

Ah! I know that one, even though I haven't seen the movie all the way through. It's Spock in Trek V, struggling to understand "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". (I know about it from reading the review at Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension -- fun place, read the Superman IV review -- where that moment is one of the two in the whole movie he likes. The other is Spock remembering something mean Sarek said within minutes of his birth.)

Here's one I looked up earlier today: "A deadline has a wonderful way of concentrating the mind."

Nate the Great 02-01-2014 01:51 PM

I cheated and looked this one up. I hope someone else can do better.

NAHTMMM 02-01-2014 02:04 PM

I really have no idea. :(

Sa'ar Chasm 02-02-2014 12:05 AM

The original was Samuel Johnson talking about being hanged in the morning. I dunno where it turns up in Trek. Jake was a writer, writers have deadlines, possibly something there?

Zeke 02-05-2014 09:43 PM

Okay, fairly large hint: Samuel Johnson is close, on account of being a historical British person, but he has the handicap that he really existed.

evay 02-06-2014 10:37 PM

I would never have gotten that if I hadn't looked it up. Obviously I have to watch that ep again. I really enjoyed it when it aired, too; I thought that ep and its successor were some of the more clever bits of Trek plotting.

I thought the quote sounded a lot like Douglas Adams ("I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by"), who is also British.

NAHTMMM 02-09-2014 02:57 AM

It reminded me of a bit in one of Terry Pratchett's novels, where the context is in fact an imminent hanging. And he's British.

Still couldn't tell you where the Trek version comes from.

Sa'ar Chasm 02-09-2014 03:04 PM

I, too, cheated and looked it up, and then realised I should have been able to guess it if I'd thought long enough.

So, a British fictional character. Where do people in the future go to interact with fictional characters?

(Apart from large plush bears and associates)

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