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Nate the Great 08-01-2020 07:33 PM

The 40th Anniversary documentary

I don't remember this one. The 30th and 50th, and the TNG retrospective before the finale, but not this one.

Nate the Great 08-02-2020 06:22 PM

DS9 DVD featurette discussing the development of the Defiant.

The only reasons they give for the size are "it was originally only going to be a couple times larger than a runabout" and "we wanted it to be overpowered for its size."

Yeah, still don't buy it. As I've discussed elsewhere, the Defiant wasn't designed to dock with DS9 anywhere, unless you posit an extending umbilical going from the station to the top of the saucer. You'd think the mere act of docking would be a key design factor from day one. Why having Defiant dock at the docking ring (which, may I remind you, were designed for Cardassian ships in the first place) was so important I don't know. Couldn't the Defiant be a bit larger and dock at a pylon?

A few quick figures. Wikipedia says the Defiant is 170 meters long, 134 meters wide, and 30 meters high. Ex Astris Scientia has done the math using various ships, and declared that on the whole the standard deck-to-deck distance is 3.5 meters, with corridors and rooms being 2.5 meters and the rest being conduits and such. This means that the Defiant could actually be more like 8 decks, or maybe 7 if the ablative armor is really thick. We certainly can't suggest that the ceilings on the Defiant are higher than on the Enterprise, that would be a waste of space on a warship.

The diameter of DS9 is 1450 meters, and looking at a sideview of the station we can estimate the docking port width at 5 percent of the diameter, or 70 meters. Looking at an overhead view of Defiant we can estimate the width of the forward deflector pod at 20 percent of the width of the Defiant, or 27 meters. So actually we should be able to double the size of Defiant and still fit in the docking port.

So actually, you could make the Defiant twice as big and still fit at DS9. Looking at a closeup of the deflector dish, I almost wonder if the center portion of the deflector dish could fold up and inward to make room for the telescoping docking port from the station.

Nate the Great 08-02-2020 10:09 PM

David Erick Ramos returns with an Ocarina of Time collaboration with other Zelda musicians, ocarina and otherwise.

The ocarina comes in more different forms than you'd think. Each shape makes its own particular kind of music.

Nate the Great 08-06-2020 08:50 PM

I haven't shilled Legal Eagle for over a year, but when he makes a Schoolhouse Rock reference it's time to do it again.

Nate the Great 08-10-2020 04:25 PM

Star Trek Epic Symphony

Just discovered this today. Listen all the way through, it may start with TOS but also includes the TOS movies (which I don't think get enough love from covers and remixes) and the other series themes.

Nate the Great 08-10-2020 04:52 PM

You don't usually hear the sung version of the TOS theme these days. Admittedly it's pretty...well, let's be kind and say "of its time."

But what if a modern singer chose to sing it?

Nate the Great 08-10-2020 06:48 PM

Today's new discovery is "bardcore", today's songs played with instruments that were available in the Middle Ages, and in that style. That means lots of drums, flutes, and stringed instruments.

Big Bang Theory Theme
Friends Theme
Bye Bye Bye(I confess I miss the boy band era. Not necessarily great music, but certainly fun music)
TMNT theme
I'm A Believer
Levan Polkka

Let it Go

Nate the Great 08-11-2020 03:16 AM

Old TV commercials featuring TOS Actors.

Enjoy Shatner looking like a used car salesman.

Enjoy Nimoy dressed in something similar to those hideous STTMP uniforms PLUS wearing a mustache.
And much more, including a lot of Priceline, of course.

Nate the Great 08-11-2020 11:33 PM

The history and development of "To Boldly Go Where No Where No One Has Before."

Plus the fact that we shouldn't be so worked up about the split infinitive.

Plus a discussion of whether "man" is inappropriate to use as an inclusive term.

A StackExchange user questions if our heroes ever really went where no one has gone before.

In almost every episode our heroes find sentient races in the places they go to, right?

Nate the Great 08-12-2020 05:50 AM

What if the Star Wars prequels were an anime series?

Someone made an opening sequence for it.

Nate the Great 08-13-2020 03:43 AM

A lady was selling knitting patterns to make a scarf shaped like a bat'leth.

Just your daily dose of randomness.

Nate the Great 08-14-2020 01:18 AM

The extended single version of the DS9 theme.

I think the drums are too much of a distraction, but wait for the '80s electric guitar solo in the middle.

The extended single version of the VOY theme.

Not much here, it almost feels like they just played the TV version twice in a row. Wait for the funny fanart at the end.

The extended single version of the ENT theme.

This never felt like a Trek theme. Ever.

Nate the Great 08-14-2020 02:24 AM

Snagglepuss narrates The Wizard of Oz.

The seventies were weird, what else can I say?

If you don't want to listen to the whole forty minutes, at least go to 28 minutes to listen to a surfer boy band sing a song about the death of the Wicked Witch of the West.

Nate the Great 08-16-2020 01:45 AM

A funny encounter between a Trekkie/Renfaire enthusiast and some Trek cosplayers who entered a Renfaire.

Nate the Great 08-16-2020 09:38 PM

Growing up in Minnesota we learn to take our duct tape seriously. The old joke "If it moves and it's not supposed to, use duct tape. If it doesn't move and it's supposed to, use WD-40" is a favorite. Courtesy of a NotAlwaysRight user, here's a Disney spin on the joke.

Nate the Great 08-19-2020 02:14 PM

A Star Trek/Peanuts T-Shirt

The Peanuts cast as the TNG cast. Unofficial, of course. I have to agree with one commenter who's annoyed at the TOS Cochrane Delta being used on a TNG shirt. And does anyone think that the "Riker" beard on Linus looks more like a TOS Klingon beard?

Nate the Great 08-21-2020 03:32 PM

The history of math is one of my hobbies, so when a joke about archaic Imperial measurements combined with a joke about the American government comes along I have to laugh. Look down in the comments.

Nate the Great 08-23-2020 01:38 AM

Tamashii Hiroka shows us how to use Pokemon Stadium 2 to help find Shiny Pokemon in G/S/C.

Tama has been one of my favorite Pokemon YouTubers for years.

Incidentally I don't think I've ever had a shiny Pokemon other than the Red Gyrados, which the game just puts in your path.

NAHTMMM 08-23-2020 01:45 PM

I had a Golbat. Which, I appreciate the shiny, but of all the Pokemon it could have been . . .

Nate the Great 08-29-2020 01:46 AM

Phelous covers a 1987 Sears catalog

It was a real nostalgic boot to the head. See how many Winnie the Pooh plushies you can find on the margins of the pages. There are more than you'd think.

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