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ijdgaf 04-25-2007 10:14 PM

Dinosaur Comics is pretty much the most intellectual webcomic I can think of. Sometimes the jokes are off the wall and non sequitur. Usually, the comic speaks of all sorts of philosophical and scientific topics that you will pretty much never see references in any piece of humor anywhere else. Yet are infinitely interesting.

Generally, it's a mix of the two.

Nate the Great 04-26-2007 03:41 AM

The most intellectual webcomic...

For me, that's Kid Radd. Existentialism out the wazoo!

Zeke 04-26-2007 06:57 AM

I'm afraid that although there are lots of hilarious DDC strips, I'm with Nate on this one. I can't summon up any enthusiasm for a comic that looks exactly the same every time. That's even lazier than the ever-increasing number of stick figure comics. I give Ryan North credit for the seemingly endless amount of mileage he gets out of a single arrangement of images, but DDC is still only half a webcomic.

And while it does stand out for its philosophy and such, it's definitely not unique in that regard. You can find that stuff in quite a few comics, from those that are slightly less lazy than DDC (Triangle and Robert) to those that are quite a bit less lazy (xkcd) to those that put some serious work in (PIXEL, 8-Bit Theater) and even the occasional fully-drawn comic (One Over Zero). And as Nate says, if you haven't checked out Kid Radd, you must.

PointyHairedJedi 04-26-2007 09:37 AM

My first though was, "Hey! Those guys are ripping off Simonbob!"

Oh, how very naive I am sometimes. :D

AKAArzosah 04-26-2007 11:35 AM

Do you think anything would happen if we petitioned for Kid Radd to be revived? Or Bob and George for that matter? Maybe if there were bribes involved?

Nate the Great 04-26-2007 04:38 PM

Well, you don't need to "revive" BnG until it's gone, which it's not, at least for the moment. The end is near, however, what a shame. Don't worry, though. Dave still has to finish those Cataclysm movies and finish the commentary. He's still got five years to go, and repost the first two while he's at it.

Revive Kid Radd? Their forums are still fully active. The comic ended three years ago and those guys are still working on fangames! If you mean new strips by Dan, I'm sad to say that it's probably a lost cause. But you can download the entire archive as a single exe, which is still awesome.

Chancellor Valium 04-26-2007 08:58 PM

@Arzosah: When was the last time a fan petition brought something back?

Nate the Great 04-26-2007 09:22 PM

Well, they brought back Kim Possible...

AKAArzosah 04-27-2007 12:52 AM

I'm still sure Firefly will make a second, even more awesome, comeback. Kim Possible is one of those things I've seen one episode of, and would have liked to see more if it WAS ACTUALLY ON.

I can't say I've visited the Kid Radd or BnG forums for a while. But I do have the entire Kid Radd archive on both my computers and a CD.

At the risk of being lynched, what are 'those Cataclysm movies'? Link? Also, links to those fangames you mentioned would be good...

Nate the Great 04-27-2007 02:36 AM

The Cataclysm movies deal with what happened between the "present" of the strip and the "future" of the X/Zero timeline. Every single Light robot other than X, Auto, and Proto Man will die during it. Furthermore, The Author (the in-strip personification of Dave himself) will depart the universe in shame, thus removing the "trigger" that allows wacky, inexplicable things to happen, thus making the events unfit to present in webcomic format.

Dave is producing them in reverse order. He provides most of the voice acting himself, assisted by his wife Liss.

AKAArzosah 04-27-2007 06:22 AM

I found them. I think I'll wait until my mum is out of hearing range before I watch them...

On a semi-related note, do you find the Karnak comic funny, or am I the only one. My friend thinks it's 'disgusting and retarded, and makes fun of victims of domestic violence'.

Nate the Great 04-27-2007 07:25 AM

I don't really follow Karnak. I do enjoy the one where they spoof the Friends opener (I'll Be There For You) and the one guy says "My brain is on FIRE!"

catalina_marina 04-27-2007 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm (Post 73367)
I said I, not i.

So you did. And I work with Mathematica sometimes.

MaverickZer0 04-27-2007 11:49 PM

I don't really read the subcomics, with the exception of Sakurai Diaries and the old Author Wars. I do love the Cataclysm movies, though.

Oh, and Reploid Hunter Iris. That's good too.

Nate the Great 04-29-2007 09:41 PM


Clark: Hello, my name is Clark Kent! You killed my father! Prepare to die!

I wonder if we've kicked this dead horse gag enough. Somehow I doubt it. Princess Bride jokes can never age, can they?

Author, Author

John Torres: B'Elanna...I am your father.
Torres: Hiya. Is Mom still alive?
John: Dunno, the dialogue's been ambiguous.

Gotta love honesty.

Zeke 08-02-2007 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by AKAArzosah (Post 73412)
On a semi-related note, do you find the Karnak comic funny, or am I the only one.

I can finally answer this now! I had never gotten around to reading much of Karnak, but I opened a tab for it when I read this post, and I've gradually made my way through the archives. It's not earthshaking, but it certainly has its moments. And Lucia is way too hot for prime time.

I'm not sure which strips your friend was talking about, but I believe they exist -- Karnak is anything but PC. IMO, that's usually a good thing. I like his comments below the strip, too. 'When I fill out job applications and I see a space that says "ideal position," I like to write in "Thor." It seems like that'd kick ass.'

AKAArzosah 08-03-2007 10:01 AM

I started reading Universal Voyage not so long ago, and that's good too. If you missed it, you should read the 'End of Bob and George' celebratory comic.
Here ya go.

Nate the Great 08-03-2007 12:38 PM

Almost makes me wonder how many comic dimensions are connected through the White Space with Bob and George at the hub.

Nate the Great 08-04-2007 02:52 AM

Five-Minute Shindig (note: I've never seen Firefly, so I have NO IDEA who these people are. I just clicked the random fiver link and there we are)

Wash: Well, generally people don't like to crash ships, unless they're called Troi.
Mal: Or Chakotay!
Wash: Nah. Shuttles don't count.

As a person who took Honors English for several years, it looks like people in general like to crash ships named U.S.S. Troi. Of course, this second version is funny, too. :)

AKAArzosah 08-28-2007 11:33 AM

Random Fiver Gold:

Archer: See? There she is, right over there.
Tucker: You're a nut! You're crazy in the coconut!
Archer: Come on, Trip. Have I ever done anything stupid?
Tucker: In anticipation of that question, I've prepared a brief outline of the major examples. Let's start with twelve minutes after conception....
Archer: Oh, forget it! I have a girl to chase. See ya.
Tucker: That boy needs therapy.

Well what does that mean?

I love that this ends as Farscape, too. If only I actually watched Enterprise and knew what this episode was about.

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