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Nic Corelli 09-15-2004 08:39 PM

What Kind of Superhero Would You Be?
So... if you could be a superhero... how would that look? :mrgreen:

What would be your special powers and abilities? Your motivation for being a superhero? Your secret base? Your uniform? Your enemies, sidekick, superhero name...? And your ways of fighting evil and saving the world?

Heheh. I sense much craziness will emerge in this thread... :mrgreen:

P.S. - Certain Dutch people are of course perfectly allowed to write what kind of supervillains they would like to be, :twisted: Certain British and Singaporean people, too. :P

Sa'ar Chasm 09-15-2004 08:56 PM

Chemistry Man, with NMR-vision and the power to rip apart atomic bonds with my bare hands.

And adamantium claws that spring from my knuckles. 'cause those are just cool.

Edit: Seriously, though (or as close to serious as I ever get), probably something mental, so I can take advantage of my keen intellect and my antipathy towards exercise and physical exertion. Because we all know Professor X was the coolest of the X-Men.

Motivations? What is this, an English paper?

Alexia 09-15-2004 09:07 PM

Re: What Kind of Superhero Would You Be?

Originally Posted by Nic Corelli
P.S. - Certain Dutch people are of course perfectly allowed to write what kind of supervillains they would like to be, :twisted: Certain British and Singaporean people, too. :P

Oooooooh am I a certain British person :wink: :twisted: Or, if not, can I be :twisted: :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by Joey, in an episode of Friends
If I could fly AND be invisible, that would be the best

and I agree :wink: I would fly, be invisible and have lazer heat vision, coz that would be cool too :wink:

I would be gorgeous with flowing red/blonde hair and a sexy bikini type outfit with a big red cape. (Any and all resemlance to Wonder Woman is purely coincidental)

My motivation, the evil that is middle management! And I could probably save a bunch of stuff too :mrgreen:

A name? Hmmm...dunno. I'll have a think about that one! Any suggestions? :wink:

PointyHairedJedi 09-15-2004 10:05 PM

*Laughs crazily and uncontrollably for forty-seven minutes straight*

That's so cute, Nic. What kind of supervillian I would be. Oh man, you kill me sometimes, you really do.

Hotaru 09-15-2004 11:00 PM

Re: What Kind of Superhero Would You Be?

Originally Posted by Alexia

Originally Posted by Joey, in an episode of Friends
If I could fly AND be invisible, that would be the best

That was Chandler, Joey was singing in his head.

I would use magic... I would be a black mage. And I would have a pointy hat!

Ginga 09-16-2004 03:28 AM

Actually, when I was in about 6th grade, I made up a super hero. Her name is Metal Girl, and she wears a pasta strainer on her head, using a big metal spoon for a sword and a big pot cover for a shield. I would take all this stuff, put on my favorite black shirt, and parade around the house yelling, "MMMMMETAL GIRL!", I swear to God.

My friends and I had a Halloween party last year...

and I was Metal Girl. It was great fun. Everybody laughs at me when I tell them about Metal Girl, but I am VERY proud of her. X3

So, that's the kind of superhero I am. I mean, would be. :P

Alexia 09-16-2004 05:52 AM

Re: What Kind of Superhero Would You Be?

Originally Posted by Hotaru

Originally Posted by Alexia

Originally Posted by Joey, in an episode of Friends
If I could fly AND be invisible, that would be the best

That was Chandler, Joey was singing in his head.

DOH! I have a feeling you're right there...darn. It's becoming a nasty habit, this me being wrong... :wink:

Gatac 09-16-2004 07:52 AM

Two-finger Man, able to type at ludicrous speed using only his two index fingers, even in total darkness without seeing the keyboard!

...wait, I already can do that. Bummer.


Chancellor Valium 09-16-2004 03:44 PM

I invented (as a joke - I'm not a woman!) MediocreWoman! MediocreWoman DOES THE WASHING UP! etc....nahh...I'd be Mong The Morciless.....Like Ming, but doesn't infringe on copyright!

Alexia 09-16-2004 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
I invented (as a joke - I'm not a woman!) MediocreWoman! MediocreWoman DOES THE WASHING UP!

You realise there are a LOT of women in this forum? You want us to hate you, don't you? :wink:

Chancellor Valium 09-16-2004 06:43 PM

No. Think about it. MediocreWoman does the washing up etc....the typical 1950s housemaid-wife kinda thing. That is what I'm satirizing....the wife-slave of the Classical Greek tradition....I'm not trying to offend you at all.... :?

Alexia 09-16-2004 07:28 PM

Don't mind me, I'm in a bad mood. I'd probably take "You are a nice, lovely person" as an insult today :wink:

I still want to fly and be invisible :mrgreen:

AKAArzosah 09-17-2004 06:10 AM

You are a nice, lovely person.

I love it when i can insult someone by complimenting them.

My idea of a compliment is 'You're insane", anyway. I'd be insulted if someone said i was normal, but at least i'd know they're lying.

Alexia 09-17-2004 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Arzosah
You are a nice, lovely person.

Why thank you :wink: You're too late, its a new day, and I am in a very good mood today, because I am going on holiday to Antigua for 2 weeks on sunday :wink: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

catalina_marina 09-17-2004 03:01 PM

Re: What Kind of Superhero Would You Be?

Originally Posted by Nic Corelli
And your ways of fighting evil and saving the world?

You're kidding, right? :shock:

catalina_marina 09-17-2004 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Arzosah
but at least i'd know they're lying.

Yeah, I've been telling my all new friends the exact same thing and by some strange coincidence, they agree. :D

Chancellor Valium 09-17-2004 08:19 PM offended? I hate offending people.....except when I mean to.....:D

Alexia 09-17-2004 08:23 PM

Not me :wink:

Katy Jane 09-17-2004 11:30 PM

I've always picutred my self as more of the sidekick type, folowing around some man in tights, rolling my eyes alot, picking up the droped ball and saving the day. ;) As demonstrated by this (very old ;)) sketch of my brothers super hero later ego, and his "lois lane" ;)

Edit: I suppose i sould actulaly include the link :oops: :mrgreen:

Xeroc 09-17-2004 11:34 PM

The link doesn't work!

It says: "Welcome to our hosting solution! In order to upload to our dedicated servers, you must first sign in." (sign in as katyjane)

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