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Zeke 10-28-2004 12:52 AM

October 27

Okay, this time I really am back. I'm sorry I've let the daily-updates thing slip this month. It's the result of my usual procrastination coupled with certain other factors (it's midterm season, for example, and I've had a vojillion of them to mark this week). So after the real news of today's update, I'll be giving a roundup of some of the items I would have posted on this page over the last couple of weeks.

The real news: Fiver By Committee is back! After five months of downtime, our popular forum-based project is now active again, with three new blocks for readers to work on. Since it's been so long since FBC has been mentioned on this page, I'll give a summary of what it's about: Fiver By Committee is your chance to contribute to a new fiver without writing the whole thing yourself. I post a synopsis of a scene in the FBC forum, and anyone who wants to can suggest a fiver version of that scene. After all the suggestions are out there, readers vote on which one is used in the final fiver. (I don't contribute myself, and I usually don't vote either, but the other staffers often take part.) We're currently about three quarters of the way through The Matrix. If you've ever wanted to try writing a fiver, give FBC a shot -- if nothing else, it's good practice.

And now the roundup:
<ul>[*]I'm sure a lot of you are wondering what's up with Five-Minute Enterprise. I have a small S4 problem which is addressed in this thread, so until I get that resolved, my S4 fivers will have to wait. However, I intend to finish S3 pretty much right away. I've known for months how I'm going to do these episodes -- and I guarantee it won't be what you expect. Stay tuned for "Azati Prime."[*]One of the greatest online comics I've ever had the pleasure of reading just ended. After seven years of brilliant writing and art, It's Walky! is now over. The author isn't done with webcomics, but I'll truly miss this one. Read the archives to find out why -- I guarantee it'll be time well spent.[*]I've been avoiding TripHammered lately for fear of spoilers, but you shouldn't.[*]Anyone else wish ENT's cast and crew, and reviewers, and commentators, and passers-by, would quit making such a point of saying that Season 4 will likely be the last? We know that, guys -- so why keep dwelling on it and making it even more likely to happen? UPN won't even wonder whether to renew the show if everyone keeps talking like it's over already. Yeesh.[*]If you have a Game Boy Advance, go buy Mega Man Zero 3. It's even better than the first two, which is saying something.[*]If you click on only one of my links this year -- this millennium -- make it Bonus Stage. It's a series of Flash cartoons, and without question the funniest I've ever seen. Funnier than Homestar Runner. Funnier than Stick Death. Funnier, God help us, than Bananaphone. But don't take my word for it -- or LeVar Burton's. Find out for yourself.[/list]I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but if so, I'll post it tomorrow. Because there'll be an update tomorrow! In which I post things! What a concept! (I could use a little fuel myself, and we could all use a little chaaaaaaaaaange....)

KillerGodMan 10-28-2004 01:32 AM

Yay! Can I come out of hiding now?

admiral sab 10-28-2004 02:22 AM

Welcome Back, Zeke! ;)

I totally agree with you about the doom of Trek constantly being repeated. I still plan on supporting Trek for a fifth season because it really is a great show.

And yes I'm still holding out for Koss to die. ;)

Xeroc 10-28-2004 03:21 AM

All I can possibly say is:

Wooo! :D
Congratulations! :D
:D :D :D
Goto "YAY! :D" Repeat 1000 times

(Accusations of :D Overuse? Lies I tell you, All Lies!)

NeoMatrix 10-28-2004 04:08 AM

YAY! Thanks Zeke

Kira 10-28-2004 02:36 PM

Re: October 27

Originally Posted by Zeke
It's the result of my usual procrastination coupled with certain other factors


Originally Posted by Zeke
One of the greatest online comics I've ever had the pleasure of reading just ended. [...] Read the archives to find out why -- I guarantee it'll be time well spent.


Originally Posted by Zeke
If you have a Game Boy Advance, go buy Mega Man Zero 3. It's even better than the first two, which is saying something.


Originally Posted by Zeke
It's a series of Flash cartoons, and without question the funniest I've ever seen.

"Other factors" indeed..... :twisted:

Zeke 10-29-2004 03:16 AM

Some webmasters have Site Managers. I have a nemesis.

Nan 10-29-2004 03:32 AM


evay 10-29-2004 12:52 PM

Jeez, Zeke, if I'd known you were gonna plug my site again (thanks 8) ), I would have just sent you the first three eps on DVD as they aired. Still can, if the tapes fall through. Macs with DVD burners are marvelous. :mrgreen: Email me if you need 'em.

Kira 10-29-2004 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Some webmasters have Site Managers. I have a nemesis.

Some Site Managers have webmasters. I have a Houdini.

Ginga 10-29-2004 10:59 PM


But don't take my word for it -- or LeVar Burton's.
Oh, the memories... :lol:

PointyHairedJedi 10-30-2004 10:21 AM

An update! GASP!

I'll check out that site just as soon as I get back, I promise. Also, I have a new avatar for the next few days. Remember to get out there and vote, folks! Catbert/HAL 2004! :D

Nic Corelli 10-30-2004 09:57 PM

Ooh, wacky. Catbert as President? *shudders* :mrgreen:

Wowbagger 10-30-2004 11:37 PM

I will not be voting the Catbert/HAL ticket for president.

Catbert for Dictator of the World!

"In a Catbert administration, only stupid people will have to pay taxes!"
--Catbert on the trail, campaigning in Ohio. October 15th, 2004.

"The Catbert campaign can not provide a definition at this time vis-a-vis the word known to the English-speaking world as 'stupid.' Except on Tuesday."
--Catbert campaign spokesman and former Bush campaign insider Ari Fleischer, October 17th, 2004.

"How the strong have fallen."
--Scott McClellan, the next day. Or Archibald Cox; whichever is funnier.

Zeke, it is unbelievably awesome to have you back. I still think you're funnier than Jon Stewart and Dave Barry.

Sa'ar Chasm 10-30-2004 11:57 PM

But Zeke's never insulted someone on their own show on national TV before.

Zeke 10-31-2004 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Wowbagger
Zeke, it is unbelievably awesome to have you back. I still think you're funnier than Jon Stewart and Dave Barry.

Wow, thanks! I don't know much about Stewart (unless you mean Green Lantern), but I'm a huge Dave Barry fan. That guy's hilarious.

Nan 10-31-2004 02:28 AM

Jon Stewart -- Hilarious late-night comedian, star of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

John Stewart -- Totally kickass Green Lantern, star of various comics and Justice League Unlimited.

Fear the ever important "h". ;)

Zeke 10-31-2004 02:56 AM

I know they're spelled differently. Yeesh.

Nan 10-31-2004 07:00 AM

It's my mission in life to siphon the joy from other people in order to replace the joy siphoned from me by my time at university.

Just FYI.

Chancellor Valium 10-31-2004 04:43 PM

MY purpose is to become the only sane megalomaniac in the world, apologies to Lord Havelock Vetinari, Patrician of Ankh-Morpork (he may not be a megalomaniac, but he is a tyrant. And sane.)

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