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Zeke 10-27-2004 11:39 PM

Block 24 - Guns. Lots of guns.
Smith continues to rant at Morpheus about how much humans stink. (Literally.) He hates the Matrix and is desperate to be free of it, which will only happen when Zion is destroyed. He demands the access codes.

Meanwhile, Neo and Trinity are gearing up with "lots of guns" to enter the Matrix. Trinity says no one's ever done anything like this before; Neo insists that that's why it's going to work.

What follows is the most preposterously violent scene I think I've ever seen in a movie. Neo and Trinity massacre everyone on the ground floor of the building where Morpheus is being held. (The only explanation I can think of for killing all these innocent people is to prevent the Agents from using their bodies... you'd think they would have clarified that in dialogue.) Why they do this with ordinary guns rather than lasers or something, when they could easily create them, is left as an exercise for the viewer. Why their guns run out so fast is another exercise. Have I mentioned I hate this scene? Anyway, once everyone's dead they head for the elevator, which is probably a good place to cut off this block.

Synopses here and here -- such as they are. These scenes are mostly action, not dialogue; as a result, I have no idea how many fiver scenes we want here. We'll learn by experimentation.

Sa'ar Chasm 10-28-2004 12:13 AM

Neo: (walking casually through the lobby as bullets whiz by him) I see the Agents have been hiring their security from the Stormtrooper Academy.

Neo: This is the biggest wardrobe I've ever seen.
Trinity: When it's 2:00 where the shirts are, it's 5:00 where the pants are.
Neo: What about the Sou'Westers?
Trinity: 5:30.

This only makes sense if you a) know that Newfoundland is half an hour ahead of the rest of the Maritimes (just to be different), and b) recognise the Sou'Wester as a distinctly Newfie article of clothing.

KillerGodMan 10-28-2004 01:27 AM

Smith: I don't like it here, can I have the access codes?
Morpheus: Um, I'm thinking no!
Smith: Aren't you supposed to be dazrd?
Morpheus: Shh! That's only when the other agents are around!

Neo and Trinity: Die! Diediediediediediedie!
A bunch of SWAT guys: Super GAK!

NeoMatrix 10-28-2004 03:33 AM

Agent Smith: This place stinks
Morpheus: Oops, I farted

Neo: We need guns, lots of guns *Whoosh*
Trinity: oOo a bazooka
Neo: Warn me before you fire that thing


Neo: We need guns, lots of guns *Whoosh*
Trinity: We need a plan, lots of plans
Tank: Sorry, all out.

Neo: Ok, this lobby is dull. Let's Redecorate!
Trinity: What an explosive idea!

Security Cops: GAK!
Neo: That was easy, too easy.
Computer: Level 1 complete
Neo: How many levels are there?
Trinity: 100, but don't worry, I have a cheatcode.
*Tougher guards run in*
Lead Guard: FREEZE!
Computer: Level 2 Begin
Neo: The elevator is now out of service


Security Cops: GAK!
Computer: Level 1 complete
Neo: 1 level down and im out of ammo already
Trinity: Who needs guns when you can kick them where it hurts
Guard: FREEZE!
Neo: Ouch, that's gotta hurt

Neo: I thought you brought that bazooka?
Trinity: I couldn't get it through security
Neo: That sucks

Gatac 10-28-2004 09:26 AM

(Zeke: Don't ever watch Equilibrium. It's a good movie, but I doubt it'd be to your taste. :) )

Smith: I need the codes to Zion!
Morpheus: Why?
Smith: Can't get past the second boss.
Morpheus: Ever tried the Drill Gun?
Smith: Now there's an idea...

Neo: Alright, two Micro-Uzis, two MP5Ks, a few Beretta 92Fs, a pair of Scorpion machinepistols...
Trinity: Why so many guns?
Neo: The "reload" key on my keyboard is stuck.

Neo: I'd like a Morpheus To Go, please.
Guard: Sorry, we're out of bagels.
Neo: But your ad campaign...
Guard: False advertising. Whatcha gonna do, kill us all?

(Neo and Trinity clear the room at ludicrous speed.)


Gatac 10-28-2004 06:54 PM

(Later note: Yes, those are the guns that Neo uses in the lobby scene. He picks up an M16 from a fallen soldier, though.)


Alexia 10-29-2004 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Gatac
Neo: I'd like a Morpheus To Go, please.
Guard: Sorry, we're out of bagels.
Neo: But your ad campaign...
Guard: False advertising. Whatcha gonna do, kill us all?


LMAO :lol: :mrgreen:

Karen's Ziti 10-29-2004 08:47 AM

SECURITY GUARD #1: Man, what a sweet gig. I’ve been here for years and the most we had to deal with was a miss-delivered pizza.
SECURITY GUARD #2: Yeah, we smacked him around good for that.
SECURITY GUARD #1: Sure did. It’s been a nice job, but I’m finally retiring tomorrow. Just thank God everyday I made it through and my kids are-GAK!
NEO: What do you think they were talking about?
TRINITY: Your mother.

Karen's Ziti 10-29-2004 10:02 PM

AGENT SMITH: Human beings are a virus. And we are the Viagra.
MORPHEUS: What good does that do?
AGENT SMITH: Well it turns Bob Dole into a dirty old man for starters...

TANK: What do you need?
NEO: Lightsabers. Lots of lightsabers.
TRINITY: Sweet deal! I've always wanted to use one of these-
GEORGE LUCAS: Copyright infringement alert! Hayden attack!
GEORGE LUCAS: Can't you do anything aside from cry?
NEO: Nevermind, lets just go with guns.

AGENT SMITH: I'm going to ask you nicely, this time. Give me the key to the Zion mainframe.
MORPHEUS: Go jam it up your non-existent posterior.
AGENT SMITH: Sigh. Ok, lets try a different tactic. You ever listen to K Billy's Sounds of the Seventies?
RADIO: Yes I’m stuck in the middle with you . . . Stuck in the middle with you…
MORPHEUS: Ah heck...

NAHTMMM 10-30-2004 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Karen's Ziti
TANK: What do you need?
NEO: Lightsabers. Lots of lightsabers.
TRINITY: Sweet deal! I've always wanted to use one of these-
GEORGE LUCAS: Copyright infringement alert! Hayden attack!
GEORGE LUCAS: Can't you do anything aside from cry?
NEO: Nevermind, lets just go with guns.


Smith: Look, would you two just leave us alone so I can rant at Morpheus about how much I hate this place?
Brown and Jones: Eh?
Smith: Er, I mean, go fetch the Comfy Chair.
Brown: GASP! Use the Comfy Chair before using the Cushions? We've never done it that way before!
Smith: Good idea. Fetch both. That ought to give me enough time.

(This next one is meant as a follow-up to the end of my first suggestion in the previous block)

Smith: *Sniff* You don't understand, Morpheus. You CAN'T understand what it's like to work in this miserable dead-end job, with no respect, no decent pay or vacation time, not even a coffee mug with the company's logo to call your own. Nothing but a bunch of smelly humans scurrying around mindlessly like so many microbes. It stinks. And I want out. But early retirement isn't an option for me while there's still work to be done.
(and so on...)

NeoMatrix 10-30-2004 01:00 AM

Agent Smith: Leave me with him, and bring back the PIE!
Morpheus: Not the PIE!
Agent Smith: Yes, the PIE!
Agent Jones: Shouldn't we start with the comfy chair?
Agent Brown: Or perhaps the soft cushions?
Agent Smith: Bring me the comfy chair, 2 soft cushions, and the PIE!
Agent Brown and Agent Jones: *GASP*

NAHTMMM 10-30-2004 05:28 PM

Trinity: Knock knock.
Guard: Who's there?
Trinity: A pair of heavily armed people who are about to run roughshod over everybody in the room.
Guard: Two heavily armed people who are about to run roughshod over everybody in the room who?
Trinity: Sigh. He's even more clueless than you are.
Neo: Er, thanks, I think.

KillerGodMan 11-03-2004 12:18 PM

Smith: Come On Morpheus! I NEED the codes! I can't get past the level 7 boss!
Morpheus: Have you tried charging, running and dodging at the same time?
Smith: No, so I'll hold you untill I do

Standback 11-06-2004 07:36 PM

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! FBC is back, in style! Awright! :D Thanks so much, Zeke :)
Have been quiet over the last week thanks to mounting schoolwork and starting rehearsals as a Gilbert and Sullivan chorrister (yay me!). So it's about time I chip in:

1st Guard: Hey, what're you-- GAK!
2nd Guard: GAK!
Voiceover: MULTIKILL! NEO is on a RAMPAGE!

Neo: Whoa! That shoot-out ruled!
Trinity: Yeah, good job. If we hadn't taken them all out so quickly, they might have gone Agent on us or something.
Neo: They might have wha--? Umm, yeah, exactly. Self-protection, right?

NAHTMMM 11-08-2004 10:19 PM

Morpheus: Morpheus says to let Morpheus go free.
Agent Smith: Heheheh. Your follow-the-leader mind tricks won't work on *me*.
Morpheus: Fine, whatever. Just don't whine about how humans stink.
Agent Smith: If you insist.
Morpheus: Ha! I didn't say "Morpheus says"!
Agent Smith: GAH! I can't believe I fell for that!

(Smith suddenly caring about "winning" is a bit nonsensical, but it could be fixed depending on which of his lines people would most want to keep ;))

Rayinne 11-10-2004 06:18 AM

Neo: Nice rack.
Trinity: The weapons, right?
Neo: Close enough.

Zeke 11-10-2004 07:13 AM

I think it's time we started narrowing things down a bit. Which attempts do you folks like best so far?

Standback 11-10-2004 09:29 AM

My favorites:


Neo: I'd like a Morpheus To Go, please.
Guard: Sorry, we're out of bagels.
Neo: But your ad campaign...
Guard: False advertising. Whatcha gonna do, kill us all?

Morpheus: Morpheus says to let Morpheus go free.
Agent Smith: Heheheh. Your follow-the-leader mind tricks won't work on *me*.
Morpheus: Fine, whatever. Just don't whine about how humans stink.
Agent Smith: If you insist.
Morpheus: Ha! I didn't say "Morpheus says"!
Agent Smith: GAH! I can't believe I fell for that!

Trinity: Knock knock.
Guard: Who's there?
Trinity: A pair of heavily armed people who are about to run roughshod over everybody in the room.
Guard: Two heavily armed people who are about to run roughshod over everybody in the room who?
Trinity: Sigh. He's even more clueless than you are.
Neo: Er, thanks, I think.
I'm also somewhat fond of my own GAKKITY-GAK!-GAK!.

Zeke 11-10-2004 10:00 AM

Oo, I got sigged. Thanks, Standback. Glad somebody's reading the daily updates. ;)

Standback 11-10-2004 01:38 PM

Well, it's a good line. :)

KillerGodMan 11-11-2004 03:34 AM


Smith: Come On Morpheus! I NEED the codes! I can't get past the level 7 boss!
Morpheus: Have you tried charging, running and dodging at the same time?
Smith: No, so I'll hold you untill I do
I can like my own, can't I?


Agent Smith: Leave me with him, and bring back the PIE!
Morpheus: Not the PIE!
Agent Smith: Yes, the PIE!
Agent Jones: Shouldn't we start with the comfy chair?
Agent Brown: Or perhaps the soft cushions?
Agent Smith: Bring me the comfy chair, 2 soft cushions, and the PIE!
Agent Brown and Agent Jones: *GASP*


Neo: Alright, two Micro-Uzis, two MP5Ks, a few Beretta 92Fs, a pair of Scorpion machinepistols...
Trinity: Why so many guns?
Neo: The "reload" key on my keyboard is stuck.


Agent Smith: This place stinks
Morpheus: Oops, I farted
THAT is what should be used for that scene

That's all I say

Pteryx 11-15-2004 05:17 AM

If possible, I think it'd be best to actually skip the "guns, lots of guns" scene (see my post in the previous block). As for here, I don't have a particular preference for the Agent part, but for the shootout I like Standback's


1st Guard: Hey, what're you-- GAK!
2nd Guard: GAK!
Voiceover: MULTIKILL! NEO is on a RAMPAGE!
On to evaluate the stuff in the next block! -- Pteryx

PointyHairedJedi 11-16-2004 08:47 PM

I'm having a Magical Trevor flash here - I'll come up with something concrete tomorrow.

PointyHairedJedi 11-25-2004 06:38 PM

Or not. Stupid brain, never works when you want it to. Anyway, the combination I like the most out of these blocks -


Smith: Look, would you two just leave us alone so I can rant at Morpheus about how much I hate this place?
Brown and Jones: Eh?
Smith: Er, I mean, go fetch the Comfy Chair.
Brown: GASP! Use the Comfy Chair before using the Cushions? We've never done it that way before!
Smith: Good idea. Fetch both. That ought to give me enough time.

Neo: I'd like a Morpheus To Go, please.
Guard: Sorry, we're out of bagels.
Neo: But your ad campaign...
Guard: False advertising. Whatcha gonna do, kill us all?

KillerGodMan 11-26-2004 01:21 AM

I second that!

Anonymous 11-30-2004 07:43 AM

Hrm. Hrm hrm hrm hrm.

Guns: Skip this one. Especially in light of the "I believe we can bring him back" scene agreed on.

Virus: I still haven't seen a version of this that I like, so I'll take a stab at it:

Smith: Humans suck. You love pain and live through destruction. But if you give me the codes it'll do us all a favor. Follow?
Morpheus: Ever heard of "survival instinct"?
Smith: Ever heard of "Barney the Dinosaur"?
Morpheus: Uh-oh.

Violence: I can go for the "Whatcha gonna do, kill us all?" block. :)

Pteryx 11-30-2004 07:45 AM

ARGH! Stupid having to log in every time... stupid "stay logged in" checkbox not working... -- Pteryx

NeoMatrix 12-03-2004 09:33 PM

We have yet to pick out the favorites on this one. Let's get this one started.

NAHTMMM 12-03-2004 10:36 PM

My favorites are

Smith: I need the codes to Zion!
Morpheus: Why?
Smith: Can't get past the second boss.
Morpheus: Ever tried the Drill Gun?
Smith: Now there's an idea...
(which would go well with the Block 25 we seem to be happy with)


Neo: I'd like a Morpheus To Go, please.
Guard: Sorry, we're out of bagels.
Neo: But your ad campaign...
Guard: False advertising. Whatcha gonna do, kill us all?
(which is just plain silly)


TANK: What do you need?
NEO: Lightsabers. Lots of lightsabers.
TRINITY: Sweet deal! I've always wanted to use one of these--
GEORGE LUCAS: Copyright infringement alert! Hayden, attack!
GEORGE LUCAS: Can't you do anything aside from cry?
NEO: Never mind, lets just go with guns.
(also just plain silly; unfortunately it doesn't cover the lobby scene)

PointyHairedJedi 12-03-2004 11:17 PM

Again, I like the blocks I mentioned before (go upways to see them, and no, I don't care that upways isn't a real word, so nyah).

Standback 12-07-2004 07:56 AM

I listed my favorites above. I'm with "Morpheus To Go." Plain silly is good.

NAHTMMM 01-15-2005 06:56 PM

The Neo scene:


Neo: I'd like a Morpheus To Go, please.
Guard: Sorry, we're out of bagels.
Neo: But your ad campaign...
Guard: False advertising. Whatcha gonna do, kill us all?
has 5 votes (Pteryx, Standback, PHJ, KillerGodMan, NAHTMMM).

aaaaand...hmm...that seems to be the only, wait. Standback also voted for this part in addition:

Trinity: Knock knock.
Guard: Who's there?
Trinity: A pair of heavily armed people who are about to run roughshod over everybody in the room.
Guard: Two heavily armed people who are about to run roughshod over everybody in the room who?
Trinity: Sigh. He's even more clueless than you are.
Neo: Er, thanks, I think.

The Morpheus scene:


Smith: I need the codes to Zion!
Morpheus: Why?
Smith: Can't get past the second boss.
Morpheus: Ever tried the Drill Gun?
Smith: Now there's an idea...
has 1 vote (NAHTMMM).


Smith: Humans suck. You love pain and live through destruction. But if you give me the codes it'll do us all a favor. Follow?
Morpheus: Ever heard of "survival instinct"?
Smith: Ever heard of "Barney the Dinosaur"?
Morpheus: Uh-oh.
has 1 vote (Pteryx).


Smith: Look, would you two just leave us alone so I can rant at Morpheus about how much I hate this place?
Brown and Jones: Eh?
Smith: Er, I mean, go fetch the Comfy Chair.
Brown: GASP! Use the Comfy Chair before using the Cushions? We've never done it that way before!
Smith: Good idea. Fetch both. That ought to give me enough time.
has 2 votes (PHJ, KillerGM).


Morpheus: Morpheus says to let Morpheus go free.
Agent Smith: Heheheh. Your follow-the-leader mind tricks won't work on *me*.
Morpheus: Fine, whatever. Just don't whine about how humans stink.
Agent Smith: If you insist.
Morpheus: Ha! I didn't say "Morpheus says"!
Agent Smith: GAH! I can't believe I fell for that!
has 1 vote (Standback).

Any more votes out there?

Zeke 01-15-2005 09:57 PM

NAH, you rock. FBC has just gone from "too much work to justify doing before the Voyager Week conclusion" to not too much work.

Gatac 01-15-2005 10:01 PM

The Morpheus scene is tricky...the problem is, I don't want to vote for the 2 vote block, but on the other hand, applying anywhere else doesn't make the decision easier.

Of course, I'd like to pimp out my own (the first), but nothing really jumps at me.


NAHTMMM 01-15-2005 10:43 PM

Well, I threw in my vote for the first one listed because nothing really jumped out at me either. And the first one looks short and snappy and it's silly in a nice where-did-THAT-come-from way.

The second one just doesn't thrill me. It's missing something, possibly.

I like the concept behind the third one (but then I was involved in it ;)). Brown's line could probably be changed and improved.

I wrote the fourth one listed, and I still feel the need to change things a bit (see the post where I suggested it for why). Maybe we could make it work by changing Smith's first line to

Agent Smith: Setting free, setting f--waaait a moment. Ha, nice try. Your follow-the-leader mind tricks won't work on *me*.
or something to show he does want to "win" but isn't willing to be tricked into doing something he doesn't want to do.

NeoMatrix 01-16-2005 04:56 AM

For the Neo Scene: 1st one
Morpheus Scene: 3rd one

Xeroc 01-16-2005 05:57 AM

Neo :: 1

Morpheus :: 3's my favorite, but both 1 and 4 are also good. :D

Gatac 01-16-2005 08:24 AM

Well, to my defense, my Morpheus Block combines the video game cheat code idea, Megaman-style weapon strategy and a hint of Matrix Reloaded in it, so maybe it's a bit too much for one scene.


richardson 01-16-2005 01:32 PM

Neo 1, and morpheus 1!

JobeGDG 01-17-2005 03:41 PM

As has often been the case in the past, I agree with Standback.
Neo 1, Morpheus 4!

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