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MaverickZer0 08-24-2006 07:11 AM

Stargate SG-1
So. Perhaps you have heard the news. Perhaps not. Perhaps you don't watch Stargate and don't really care.

Season 10 is going to be the last season for the show. So. The obligatory topic...

Are you upset? Feel free to wax nostalgia about your favorite SG-1 eps, stuff you wish would've happened...after all, I don't think we can have too many non-Who posts in this forum. ;)

As for me, my thoughts are mixed. SG-1's had a good run. Better to let it go now, after it's won so many awards and stuff, and when they plan it, rather than what happened to Enterprise. Let Atlantis have a shot. On the other hand, I love SG-1 and don't want to see it end. It's been nine seasons already and it's still interesting. The characters are incredible, the storylines are interesting, and they have the right balance of ongoing plot and filler episodes.

Anyone else...actually watch SG-1 around here?

PointyHairedJedi 08-24-2006 08:59 AM

Somtimes. It's a fun show, but I haven't kept up with it recently. In terms of cast and character interaction it's certainly far ahead of the majority of the pack, but after a certain point that can't carry it much further. Ten seasons is a good run by anyone's reckoning though - who'd have thought back when the film came out that it would produce such a successful and entertaining series?

Chancellor Valium 08-24-2006 12:31 PM

Me, I was expecting at least another 5 seasons or so. I'm angry. Now there's only Atlantis and BSG worth watching on.

Burt 08-24-2006 02:33 PM

I'm somewhat far behind. About 9 and a half years behind. I've only just started to watch it now. I like it. I like the humor. It's a little more - normal than Star Trek and other shows. But wow; 9 years to go......

Chancellor Valium 08-24-2006 03:46 PM

You're lucky. You've got nine years of gold ahead of you :)

And that doesn't even include Atlantis :)

Nate the Great 08-24-2006 10:25 PM

Oh yeah, love Stargate. Now that Andromeda is gone I really do think that Stargate is THE only worthwhile sci-fi on network television these days.

Here's a plug for Five-Minute Stargate. It hasn't been updated since dinosaurs roamed the earth, but if you like my work I have a bunch over there.

Anyone else a Vala fan?

Favorite episode=Window of Opportunity, no question.

PointyHairedJedi 08-24-2006 11:52 PM

Who doesn't love that episode? It has everything.

Nate the Great 08-25-2006 01:08 AM

This fiver was compiled by me years ago by piecing together all of the best parts of the fivers written by the individual members of the 5MSG team. This is the first time it's been seen by the public at large. It's not an "official" fiver, but oh well...

PS. WOO currently holds the record for the episode with the most different official fivers attached to it. If Zeke allowed that here, we'd be in a real mess, wouldn't we?

The All-Star Window of Opportunity Fiver by the fivists of 5MSG.

O’Neill: Whatcha doin’?
Carter: Haven’t you read the script?
O’Neill: I never read your reports, what do you think?

Daniel: By the way, you aren’t remotely the linguist I am.
Malakai: Well bully for you. I was just gonna stun you and let you use the time machine to rescue Sha’re, but I think I’ll introduce you to Mr. Zappy instead.
Daniel: Hi, Mr. Zap-Ow!

Teal’c: The ruins are making weird zappy things.
Malakai: Bow before the King of Groundhog Day!
O’Neill: Um, I think not.


Daniel: What do you think?
O’Neill: Me? Think? Are you nuts?

O’Neill: The wigginess factor is way into the red, urgent bit on the dial.
Hammond: What makes you say that?
O’Neill: Well last time SG-12 came back they had a sprained ankle, but this time it’s a splinter in a finger.
Hammond: Weird.
Teal’c: Indeed.

Daniel: Hey, Jack!
Siler: Wham!
Daniel: Was there any point in fiving that scene?
Fivists: Not really. Heh.


Redshirt: Bam!
Teal’c: You meant that!
Redshirt: Did not!
Teal’c: Then stop it!


Daniel: What do you think?
O’Neill: 42?
Daniel: No.
Carter: Is he trying to drown himself in his Froot Loops?

Carter: Look at this nifty subspace bubble the time machine is making by connecting Stargates.
Hammond: I thought you could only connect two Stargates at a time.
Carter: Hey, I don’t proofread the technobabble, I just read it!


Daniel: You do know that you could do anything, right?
O’Neill: Meep Meep!
Teal’c: *raises eyebrow*

Hammond: What happened?
SG-12: I’m not sure. The mission was going fine when we were suddenly bombarded by golf balls.
Hammond: Colonel O’Neill!


Redshirt: Sorry, sir, I...
Teal’c: *Wham!*
Redshirt: Ouch!
Teal’c: Wow, that felt even better than I thought it would.

O’Neill: I resign. Carter, kiss me!
Hammond: But the paperwork takes days to–oh, shiny!
O’Neill: Gotta love dogtags.


Daniel: I figured out how to turn off the time machine.
O’Neill: You mean you took my translation, the results of hundreds of loops, and then you slapped some colorful slides together and took the credit.
Daniel: Well, yeah...

Stargate: Whoosh!

O’Neill: Atmospheric hinkiness. As far as time goes on this planet, less is more. *beat* Wow, accurate in so many ways.
Teal’c: Indeed.
Carter: This is scaring me.
Daniel: I know the feeling.

Malakai: I suppose you’ve come down to dissuade me from my horrific plot. Good luck.
O’Neill: You watch way too much NextGen.
Teal’c: Indeed.

Malakai: You can’t understand my pain!
O’Neill: What we understand is that...
SG-1: “In short, in matters vegetable animal and mineral, he is the very model of a modern Major General! He...”
Malakai: I give in, I give in! Sheesh, it’s so hard to be an evil villain nowadays.

Stargate: Whoosh!

Daniel: You do anything crazy while you were looping?
O’Neill: That is a good question, Daniel.
Daniel: Are you avoiding the question?
O’Neill: Also a good question.

MaverickZer0 08-25-2006 05:04 AM

There is only one thing to be said about that fiver...


The episode was made of win and awesome, and the fiver held that up. Congrats to all writers of it.

Yes, Vala! She's cool. She's a mercenary. ...Okay, so one leads to the other. But still.

Hejira 08-28-2006 01:33 AM

I haven't kept up with Stargate lately. When I heard about the cancellation, I got my hands on 200. (The 200th episode, sorta written like that collab fiver up there.)

I squeed, I laughed, it was awesome...

...point is, the fact that SG-1 is, indeed, ending got me interested again. I can't be the only one sucked in. (It's a good kind of sucked in, honest.)

Zeke 08-28-2006 03:23 AM

Tonight on Quotes Truncated For Comic Effect....

Hejira: It's a good kind of sucked.

Hejira 08-28-2006 05:57 AM

Being an MST3K fan, I've probably actually said that.

I mean it. I've been hardened to bad fics. I even MSTed one last night, which involves reading it over and over and over and over. Where am I post it?

Zeke 08-28-2006 06:40 AM

Well, since Mystery Octagon Theater is kaput... maybe Misc? It's not really our style at, or I'd offer to put it in Features.

Hejira 08-28-2006 07:14 AM

Yeah, I know. And I've done so.

When I was younger I'd post just about anything. Then as I got older, to avoid sheer acts of stupid I posted just about nothing. I'm trying to find a happy balance.

Nate the Great 08-28-2006 10:16 PM

That's "sheer acts of stupidity" or "sheer acting stupid." :)

Had to do it.

Yeah, I'm thinking that the forum categories are going to need overhauling one of these days. Perhaps a category just for all of these random polls and "this or that"-esque games that we play here.

Chancellor Valium 08-29-2006 12:56 PM

Ye, gods, NO!

This sort of thinking leads to thinks like "This or that" being outcast and condemned as "wibble". We must not fall!

Nate the Great 08-29-2006 06:44 PM

What's a "wibble?" Is that slang for a technicolor tribble, or what?

MaverickZer0 08-29-2006 07:42 PM

<a href="">This is a wibble.</a>

Alternatively, a chibi wibble. In anime, when the character's eyes start shimmering before they cry. Done with a pouty-face and described by the icon 3:

...Hey, you asked.

Chancellor Valium 08-29-2006 08:44 PM


From a string of Doctor Who forums which are now almost all either comatose or dead. Used by the dull idiots who inhabited them to deride and look-down upon surrealist and/or nonsense threads, which they blame for destroying the fora, as opposed to their habit of insulting people and being generally very unpleasant in their "cogent debate".

Once people start moving threads like "This or That" it begins. Then the naming as "wibble". Then the derision. Finally the boring brigade with their cogent debates on minutiae that no-one is really bothered about move in, and before you know it the forum is dead.

Nate the Great 08-29-2006 10:32 PM

Oh, then I have seen wibbles. Is there a technical term for that humongous sweatdrop that's always dripping down the faces of embarassed anime characters?

mudshark 08-29-2006 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by MaverickZer0 (Post 69870)
<a href="">This is a wibble.</a>

<a href="">But not this?</a>

MaverickZer0 08-30-2006 05:51 AM

Never seen that one before. S'pose that could be a wibble too though. :D

...yes, actually. it's just called 'sweatdropping'. At least, if there's another name for it, I've never seen it.

You mean <a href="">this</a>, right?

Zeke 08-30-2006 10:46 AM

Mayl is adorable. ADORABLE I SAY.

PointyHairedJedi 08-31-2006 11:59 AM

Zeke has officially gone to the Dark Side, it seems.

Liberating, isn't it? :D

MaverickZer0 08-31-2006 05:22 PM

Oh, I think it was just the picture. I have several avatars of that character I could use if I wanted to push him over the edge. :D

Nate the Great 08-31-2006 08:23 PM

To turn this discussion toward a vaguely Stargate-related topic, is there an anime name for Teal'c's upraised eyebrow? :)

MaverickZer0 08-31-2006 08:37 PM

Nope, that's just an eyebrow-raise. Again, I haven't heard any other term to describe it.
There's no secret to remembering anime terms once you've heard them. As you can see, no of them are that terribly complicated. ;)

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