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Kira 02-24-2005 03:57 AM

February 23
Kira here; Zeke has temporarily flown the coop for something called "spring break", so I'll be your host for the remainder of the Kirkathon.

Today's daily recommended dose of Trek parody is brought to you by IJD GAF, who either has a lot of time on his hands or is just a really fast fivist. Here's "The Changeling" (which not only incorporates quotes from a certain TNG doctor, but also has three other episode titles hidden within the fiver) and "Return to Tomorrow."

Speaking of which, return tomorrow for more fivers.

ijdgaf 02-24-2005 04:00 AM

Thanks Kira!

Nit: "Return to Tomorrow" is the one with the doctor quotes, "The Changeling" is the one with the episode titles (sorry for the confusino!)



Kira 02-24-2005 04:05 AM

Oops. Casualty of doing the update in ten minutes flat to catch the beginning of Lost without distraction. <g>

PointyHairedJedi 02-24-2005 12:26 PM

Nooooooo! Not you too!

Actually, mainly I'm just grumpy because I'm having to download it and it's taking forever. I'm only up to episode five, and I WANT MORE!

But really, I could quit at any time. Any time, I say!

Oh yes, and the fivers were very funny too. ;)

Derek 02-24-2005 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by ijdgaf
Nit: "Return to Tomorrow" is the one with the doctor quotes, "The Changeling" is the one with the episode titles (sorry for the confusino!)

Aw, and I felt proud for finding "Spock's Brain" in "Return to Tomorrow". (The shudder helped me find it.)

By the way, Return to Tomorrow was hilarious! Great job.

Spock: I'm detecting a--
Sargon: Habitable cavern, a hundred miles beneath the surface!
Scotty: (over the comm) Captain, our transporters--
Sargon: Have been fixed on the cavern below!
Kirk: We'll never be able to beam through that rock--
Sargon: Without the aid of our mystical technologies!
Kirk: Can't you just let us--
Sargon: Finish a sentence? But we are millions of years more advanced!
Kirk: Si--
Sargon: Gh!
Heh. Your characterization of Sargon is great.


Nomad: Beep.
Spock: Beep.
Nomad: Beep.
Spock: Beep.
Nomad: Beep
Spock: Be--

And the blurb for The Changeling is great too.

Gatac 02-24-2005 01:01 PM

Alright, I found "One of our planets is missing" (TAS) and "Non sequitur" (VOY). Where's the third?

Great fivers, by the way.


admiral sab 02-24-2005 01:54 PM

life support (DS9)

er great fivers. very funny.

ijdgaf 02-24-2005 02:57 PM

Huh, those last two are coincidences. They're a bit harder than that ;)

mudshark 02-24-2005 05:11 PM

Funny stuff!

Uhura: (reading) I'm... an... in...coming... mess..age...Cap...tane
Chapel: Cap. Ten. Captain. Very good!
Uhura: You're a great teacher, Christine.
Chapel: Why thank you. You're a good student... um... Lieutenant.
Kirk: Right, of course. Ladies and Linux tremble before me both.

Sargon: There was a great struggle on this planet. We began to fancy ourselves as gods!
Kirk: Really? Think you could give me some pointers on that?
Sargon: Assuredly!
Kirk: Ack!
(A blue ray envelops the captain)
Kirk (Sargon): It's been half a million years, but alas -- a brand new body! If only the head were large enough to contain my massive ego!
Spock: If only.
Spock (Henoch): I require Nurse Chapel's help, to ensure maximum gullibility.
McCoy: She's all yours. Assuming you can scrape her off the floor and keep her conscious.
Sargon: Struck down, I have become more powerful than Henoch can possibly imagine!
:D again.

These are both great, IJD. I'll have to get back to you on the titles, though, I think. My brain is still a bit sludgy yet, this morning.

Edit: ... unless the second and third titles are "Meld" and "Imperfection"?

Chancellor Valium 02-24-2005 08:38 PM

Mmmmm..........yet more snacks!

evay 02-24-2005 09:47 PM


Nomad: A logical conclusion, arrived at by logical means.
Spock: (BOOM)
Nomad: Oh, right. Did you want me to explode?
Kirk: Maybe you'd better fix Spock first.
hee hee hee poor Spock.

ijdgaf 02-24-2005 10:54 PM

I'll be more specific -- the titles (all three) are ideas which bear resemblance to the concept of this episode.

And two are hidden quite well. In the same scene.

Wowbagger 02-24-2005 10:58 PM


*finds appropriate church tune and sings*


BTW, great job, IJD. Careful: at this rate, you might five the entire series. And then where would you be?

MaverickZer0 02-25-2005 04:26 AM

I picked up "One of Our Planets is Missing" too, also "Bliss" from Voyager if that was one. If not, here's a list of episode titles I found.

Life Support (But apparently not...)
Non Sequitur (Ah...I'll get it...)
The Ship (DS9, but I think that phrase is almost always necessary)
Imperfection (Voyager. has that one been used?)
One (Voyager. But it's one freaking word and I'm pretty sure that's not it.)
Remember (See above, see above.)

Ah. I couldn't get anything else.

Xeroc 02-25-2005 04:46 AM

Woo! :D Awesome fivers all!


Spock: I also believe it is confusing the captain with its creator, Roykirk.
McCoy: Or maybe Kirk Douglass.
Kirk: Or Ole Kirk Christiansen, inventor of the LEGO.
McCoy: Or Southern Gospel talent Kirk Talley.
Kirk: Or Congressman Mark Steven Kirk, 10th District Illinois.
McCoy: Or--
Spock: (sigh) Why do I bother?
Kirk: Because without you, surely our irresponsibility would result in the ship's destruction.


McCoy: Well, we're all set for the transfer.
(A blue ray envelops Kirk, Spock, and Mulhall)
Spock (Henoch): Holy bejubies! You're half a million years of evolved babe perfection! You interested?
Chapel: (faints)
Spock (Henoch): Damn! All right Sargon, you got action first. Here's the twenty bucks I owe you.... Sargon?
Kirk (Sargon): Mmphmmf-- Love, we must find a private place immediately!
Mulhall (Thalassa): Screw that -- let's do it right here on the biobed!
McCoy: (sigh) Did anyone NOT see this coming?

Great stuff! :D

ijdgaf 02-25-2005 07:39 AM

The titles aren't obvious. They're hidden in the sentences.

Kind of like the two recent Enterprise episodes I just hid in "Keep the baby-sitting unit educated, so as not to leave the babe lone".

Hmm, maybe I'm just too subtle for my own good :(

Gatac 02-25-2005 09:50 AM

United and Babel One? Man, that took some squinting. Now I'll have to go over the fiver with a fine-toothed comb.


NAHTMMM 02-26-2005 03:22 AM


Scotty: We've just been sucker punched by some unknown force.
Spock: It hit with the power of 90 of our photon torpedoes. We'll lose our shields in another three hits.
Spock: Two hits.
Kirk: You mean we could withstand a barrage of 930 torpedoes?
Spock: One more hit. And your grasp of mathematics is atrocious.
Kirk: Nine times three plus four is -- wait, I forgot the order of operations.
Spock: Shields are down. How about a course of action, already?
Kirk: Right, that. Hit it Uhura. (ahem) I am Captain James T. Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise. But you can call me T-Bone. By the way, I'm single.
Spock: (sigh) Brace for impact, everyone.
I was laughing hard at this entire paragraph :D Fantastic stuff!


Uhura: Lalala! La la!
Nomad: Explain the meaning of this noise.
Uhura: Um... "la"?
Nomad: Insufficient response. Engaging brain reformatter.
Uhura: Ack!
Scotty: Just what do you think you're-- GAK!


Kirk: I submit that I am inferior. I created you. Therefore I submit that you are inferior. Furthermore, I submit that I didn't actually create you. I did make a Nomad out of hair gel and pine cones once. And it was inferior. Therefore, you are inferior for confusing yourself with that gooey child of my imagination those many years ago.
:lol: :lol:


Kirk: Can't you just let us--
Sargon: Finish a sentence? But we are millions of years more advanced!
Kirk: Si--
Sargon: Gh!


Kirk: Wouldn't it be ironic if the longest, greatest speech of Star Trek was reduced to the shortest scene in this fiver?
Spock: Yep. Risky too.
Heh :mrgreen:


Mulhall (Thalassa): But a disembodied voice cannot exist without proper tags!
Sargon: (from the very fabric of space-time) Oops.
Heehee :D

NAHTMMM 02-26-2005 03:33 AM

Ooo, I bet that's one of those "sneaky" episode titles...except I don't think the poor thing got to have her name as the title of her episode, did she? :? ;)

Ahhh yes, there's one all right. So misleading... :P

Oh, there's another, maybe. What is with all these two-bit TNG names buried in the fiver? :lol:

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