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Zeke 06-01-2005 04:23 AM

June 1

I have good and bad news about 5MV on LJ. The good news: I've recruited SaRa, whom some of you will remember from VVSP, to make a cool new LJ design for us. (She's gone through at least ten blog layouts since I've known her, all of them awesome.) The bad news: remember that anonymous donation of 12 months of paid status? While we now have room for 15 usericons instead of three, I can't seem to use the extra ones. I can only post as myself, commodore_zeke, not as the community. Do any experienced LJers know a way around this?

And for those who couldn't care less about LiveJournals, here's a preview from the long-awaited Five-Minute "Azati Prime"!

Archer: (over the comm) Farewell, my crew. I would say you've been like a family to me, but I don't want any shipboard couples to feel incestuous. I leave you with the last thing my father said to me: "Tell your sister... you were right." You were right too, crew. And I want you to tell your sisters that. Goodbye.
Reed: I'll miss him. He could make me look smarter just by standing in the room.
T'Pol: Save it for the eulogies, Mr. Reed. The funeral is at 1330. Cacalogies will also be accepted.

Xeroc 06-01-2005 04:30 AM

Sorry, can't help on the LJ (don't have one - not for a lack of everyone pestering me about getting one! ;))

Looks like that Fiver will be quite good! :D

Kira 06-01-2005 05:29 AM

My understanding is that you don't actually post "as" the community, because it's... well, a community. It's a common place for the individual members of the community to post. What you might be thinking of is an LJ syndicated account to which people can subscribe -- it's like an RSS feed for your LJ. We set one up for the other site I work on, it looks like this. As for using the extra icons... I'm not entirely sure, unless it means the icons that are displayed at the top of the community's page. For 5MV, the icon in the top right -- that's probably what you have room for 15 of. Which is dumb and pointless.

Standback 06-01-2005 11:02 AM

On a semi-related note, and to everbody's vast surprise, I started a livejournal too. (Zeke noticed! And NAHT!)

Y'all may or may not recall my diatribe a few years back about how blogs are dull and boring... but in this case I'm:
A) making it funny, and
B) getting paid,

so I think it's OK.

If anybody's interested in my random geekful pearls of wisdom, they're at .


evay 06-01-2005 02:49 PM

Re: June 1

Originally Posted by Zeke
Cacalogies will also be accepted.

Neither Google nor Bartleby's nor Merry Am Webster recognizes "cacalogy." Definition? (I love learning esoteric words.) Or is it a variant of "copro-"something meaning "throwing a lot of shit at the deceased in a speech"?

Zeke 06-01-2005 03:09 PM

Whoops! It's a mistake. That should be "cacologies." It's a Greek joke -- think "euphony" versus "cacophony." Apparently the word does exist, though I didn't know that when I wrote the line.

evay 06-01-2005 04:21 PM

Oh, okay. That makes sense. I think I might have stumbled onto something with coprology, though. Coprulogy?

Gatac 06-01-2005 05:11 PM

Stop this cacaphony!


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