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Wowbagger 07-28-2004 08:58 PM

T'Pol Getting WHAT? [SPOILERS - ENT]
I didn't read the full story, cause I hate spoilers, but it seems T'Pol's getting married in 4x3, "Home." Now, is this a way for the writers to finally kill or otherwise tie up T/T, or is it a simple effort to make "Harbinger" go away?

Michiel 07-28-2004 09:20 PM

My money's on Koss. ;)

I think it's a pitty, by the way, that season four won't be a season long story arc, like three. I like those. I do understand why they didn't though.

PointyHairedJedi 07-28-2004 10:53 PM

*Tears out eyes*

WHY? Why does no-one say "spoliers" in titles anymore?

It's not half as bad as my reaction when I learned about bloody alien bloody Nazis though....

Katy Jane 07-28-2004 11:16 PM

That better be a set up. :roll: (you know like time travel or alternet universe or something)

Kira 07-28-2004 11:33 PM

Hm... I'm torn. On the one hand, I'm hoping that the answer lies, as with so many things, in the Simpsons. In the words of Lisa: "Don't worry, Bart. It seems like every week something odd happens to the Simpsons. My advice is to ride it out, make the occasional smart-alec quip, and by next week we'll be back to where we started from, ready for another wacky adventure." ("Aye carumba!" "That's the spirit.")

The Crystal Ball of Cliché predicts that T'Pol gets hitched, but by the end of the episode she finds out something nasty about her new hubby (among other things, he's not Trip and hates pecan pie), and ends up in the Dominican Republic getting a quickie divorce. Never to be spoken of again.

On the other hand, to me good writers on a T.V. show take risks, rather than putting the characters through meaningless, easily forgotten events every week. Having events with consequences makes a series meaningful... think DS9 with its major arcs versus Voyager with the plots pretty much interchangeable between weeks. The death of Trip's sister is a good example, as is T'Pol's "AIDS".

...No, wait. Well, whatever, guess we'll have to wait and see.

mudshark 07-28-2004 11:45 PM

Re: T'Pol Getting WHAT?

Originally Posted by Wowbagger
I didn't read the full story ... but it seems T'Pol's getting married in 4x3, "Home." ?

******** SPOILERS! **********

The one I read said "may be getting married", leaving things kinda open. Actually, I think the deal is that we're supposed to see new husband-to-be-by-arrangement introduced in this ep, with other appearances likely as the season progresses.

Sa'ar Chasm 07-29-2004 06:11 AM

I predict she'll go all the way to Vulcan for the arranged marriage, but then get turfed by the hubby-to-be in favour of another woman.

Pretending to kill Archer in the process is optional.

Anonymous 07-29-2004 12:22 PM

wow ya'll are late! over at the House of Tucker we've been debating this for weeks! TnT shippers are happy for the most part because according to the early I mean um crap. Just PM me if you wanna know the down and dirty of it all...

it's an EARLY version of the script and it is accurate. I'm on the Ent. Spoiler list and I and a few others at HoT got the early script for Home and Storm Front. All I can say is I am soooooooooooooooooo excited and if multiple exclamation marks weren't a faux paus I'd be giving ya'll some! aw what the heck! YAY FOR SEASON FOUR!!!!

Manny Coto's vision for season four is awesome...


A Vulcan Civil War? Romulans? Eugenics Wars? Orions? Manny Coto's vision is at Star and supposedly the character of Koss has been said to be coming back later in the year, how I don't know why. As a TnTer I won't be too upset if T'Pol marries Koss because the script is awesome. We basically hear T'Pol tell her mom that she loves Trip and Trip does tell her mom. He goes to Vulcan with her. She takes the man to Vulcan! Ok you A/T'Pers (i.e. Katy Jane) looks like Archer doesn't go with! oh well he's too busy making out with some captain from the NX-02 Columbia! yep I'm a geek! if someone wants the pages, let me know. PM me or email me. either way.

and Zekey if this is illegal talk now that we're on a new server with Treknation, you can delete, I'm cool with that. :)


Kira 07-29-2004 01:46 PM

Mmmm... shipperlicious.

mudshark 07-29-2004 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by This is Admiral Sab
... House of Tucker ...

Heh. I'm not a member there, and I can't check the member list without registering, but I suspect we've got some acquaintances in common. Fun bunch, that. :D

admiral sab 07-30-2004 12:14 PM

yep I love it there. ;)

the only reason I don't have a TnT avvy up is because #1 there aren't that many pics that are small enough and #2 I can't resize the dang things. I don't know how. Although if I weren't lazy I probably could figure it out. ;)

PointyHairedJedi 07-31-2004 08:59 PM

Well, that I could do for you, if you have an image in mind.

admiral sab 07-31-2004 11:39 PM

well I like this one... (it's from my favorite TnT scene! -yes I liked it more than the getting on in Harbinger! )

wait a minute, could you do a TnT avvy like your Trip one? If I find some pics and send them to you would you be able to do that? ;) I'd really like that! if not that's ok... I understand! thanks for the help anyways!


PointyHairedJedi 08-01-2004 05:51 PM

An animated one? No problemo. Just give me a few images, and I can make one in no time. In the meantime -

admiral sab 08-01-2004 08:52 PM

Thanks! is your email private or can I get it from your profile? I'll find you some images! thanks!

post edit: :lol: Um never mind. I noticed the email box below your post. ;)

admiral sab 08-06-2004 08:12 PM

yes I am replying to myself to say Thanks, PHJ for my new avvy! it's so cute! TnT forever!

PointyHairedJedi 08-06-2004 09:42 PM

Amen to that! :D

catalina_marina 08-06-2004 09:48 PM


I like it. :)

admiral sab 08-07-2004 02:47 AM

Really, Cat? Is this because you support TnT or are you just glad it's not P/C? ;)

catalina_marina 08-07-2004 07:41 AM

As much as I dislike that name for it (I'd rather go for T/T'P or something like that) I do support it, yes. 8)

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