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Zeke 05-19-2005 09:31 PM

5MV merchandise with a twist (and a shout)
Recently I've begun writing fivers on paper again. I used to do that all the time, but I stopped after a while when I had frequent enough computer access. Ironically, now that I've started again, my fiving juices are flowing better than they have in years.

And this gave me an idea. Who here would be interested in ordering signed "originals" of fivers? I'm in an extremely tight spot financially right now, so this would really help, and there's no overhead. For those who are interested, how much would you consider a fair price?

Gatac 05-19-2005 09:34 PM

I'd personally say 5 to 10 bucks, but I guess the shipping to Germany might kill me...


evay 05-20-2005 02:14 AM

5.47 in whatever the person's home currency is.

persianmouse 05-20-2005 02:54 AM

I've got a couple boxes of Tacquitos here I'd be willing to trade :P

Chancellor Valium 05-20-2005 07:31 AM

I have been waiting soooo long to use that quote :D

Zeke 05-22-2005 04:03 AM

Cool, cool. Next question: which series would you be most interested in?

persianmouse 05-22-2005 04:46 AM

^^Star Trek: Enterprise.....but ONLY the fifth season. No other season will suffice.

**nrb 05-22-2005 06:00 AM

Personally, I'd love Shockwave. It was the first Fiver I ever read, and is still (in my opinion) one of the funniest ones on the site.

But if we're talking whole seasons here...well...that's a tough call...

# Nate
Montana Marijuana Dispensary

Katy Jane 05-22-2005 06:05 AM


and that would be pretty coold =)

AKAArzosah 05-22-2005 11:26 AM

Personally, I'd love to buy one, but then there'd be shipping and no doubt other stuff that somebody will figure out an excuse for adding to the price. But you could always have something like 'This fiver sponsored by ......' on the site, which would be almost as cool and have less fuss.

Celeste 05-22-2005 04:53 PM

I think the best ones would be the Original Originals, The earliest Voyager fivers that you first put up. Those (if you even still have them) would be worth one heck of a lot more than what you're putting up now. Hell, I think i'd bid for 'em on EBay if I saw 'em.

I mean, this site is famous! Look at Wikipedia!

Zeke 05-23-2005 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by persianmouse
^^Star Trek: Enterprise.....but ONLY the fifth season.

Let me see if I understand you correctly.* You want me to write virtual ENT fivers?


Originally Posted by Celeste
I think the best ones would be the Original Originals, The earliest Voyager fivers that you first put up. Those (if you even still have them) would be worth one heck of a lot more than what you're putting up now.

The first fiver I did on paper was "Q2." I was foolish enough to throw out a lot -- probably most -- of those early ones. It'll take some digging to find any from that period that I still have.

I was thinking mostly of current stuff. The big advantage to that is that right now I'm doing a lot of fivers for the big June event, which means anyone who buys one now will also be the first non-staffer to read it. Also, I write longer these days.


I mean, this site is famous! Look at Wikipedia!
Wikipedia is quite literally a poor man's fame. :) And while I'm delighted to be in there, any day now I'm expecting the entry to be challenged because 5MV isn't important enough for them.


Originally Posted by Arzosah
Personally, I'd love to buy one, but then there'd be shipping and no doubt other stuff that somebody will figure out an excuse for adding to the price.

There is no "somebody." I'd be mailing these out personally, so the only person who could possibly try to bilk you is me. And yes, the buyer would cover shipping, just as in any online purchase I've ever heard of.

You, Arzosah, may be interested to hear that I know for a fact I have at least one Andromeda fiver on paper. It's one from S2, still unpublished for some reason.


Originally Posted by **nrb
Personally, I'd love Shockwave. It was the first Fiver I ever read, and is still (in my opinion) one of the funniest ones on the site.

That one I may still have. I distinctly remember doing at least parts of Part II on paper.


But if we're talking whole seasons here...well...that's a tough call...
On the other hand, I can guarantee I have nothing resembling a whole season.


Originally Posted by Katy Jane

Funny you should bring that up. I happen to have a new, unpublished VOY fiver from Season 4 in my clipboard right now. You guys wanna start with that one? If there's interest, I'll make an auction thread.

* ..."Commander."

AKAArzosah 05-23-2005 07:53 AM

How much is shipping to Australia? I wouldn't even know where to find that out. And i don't suppose you have Ouroborous or the first two eps on paper?

Zeke 05-23-2005 11:11 PM

I would guess no more than $2 Canadian -- this is paper we're sending, after all. It can go in an ordinary envelope. And I think I did keep "Ouroboros," so I'll check. The pilot I never did on paper; AHFFF and PatS, though (two of my favourites), may be around.

Wowbagger 05-23-2005 11:14 PM

I'll but $4.70 U.S. down for "Vanishing Point." Somehow, I loved that one best of all.

Alexia 05-24-2005 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke

Originally Posted by Katy Jane

Funny you should bring that up. I happen to have a new, unpublished VOY fiver from Season 4 in my clipboard right now. You guys wanna start with that one? If there's interest, I'll make an auction thread.

* ..."Commander."

I second Voyager! Also, what unpublishec VOY fiver would this be? :shock: :mrgreen:

AKAArzosah 05-24-2005 10:18 AM

Ok, I'll say AHFFF and Ouroborus if you can find it, but how much (keeping in mind i have no idea about currency conversion.)? Or is it going to be an auction?

Zeke 05-24-2005 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Wowbagger
I'll put $4.70 U.S. down for "Vanishing Point." Somehow, I loved that one best of all.

You're outta luck there. The writing process for VP was one of my oddest -- I wrote the thing on a cheap PDA I got at Business Depot. It proved so inconvenient I never used it for any others.

Alexia: I guess you have a point there... I can hardly try to auction off a fiver without saying exactly which one it is. The new one from VOY S4 is "Mortal Coil."

I've begun the process of looking through my papers for past fivers. So far I've found the following:
  • The unpublished ANDR fiver "Immaculate Perception"
  • About 1/3 of ENT's "Sleeping Dogs"
  • A sheet with about half of ENT's "Fusion" and two partial Top 10 lists on the front, and the first few scenes of ANDR's "Be All My Sins Remembered" on the back
  • The middle third (go figure) of ANDR's "The Knight, Death, and the Devil"
  • The first few scenes of Buffy's "Amends," which I'd forgotten I started and will finish when I have time
Obviously only the first three items are even remotely saleable, so I'll keep looking. In addition to these, I have the following recent fivers, all complete:
  • ENT's "Azati Prime," "Damage," and "The Forgotten"
  • Two OC fivers being saved for the June event
  • "Mortal Coil"
Now here's the other problem. You'll notice I don't have very many of these, and people want older ones (which I have even fewer of) more than ones I do now. $5 Canadian for each is, don't get me wrong, very flattering -- but it would take a lot of them to be much help to my finances. How would you guys feel about starting a little higher, like $10 Canadian (= 7.94 US)? I mean, this is theoretically going to be done by auction threads, but I'm not expecting them to be very active. Even as I say this stuff I feel like punching myself for it, because while this isn't some kind of ego trip, it's sure doing a good imitation. But I'm really broke right now and I don't want to just put up a donation box.

evay 05-25-2005 10:23 AM

Here's a suggestion: auction the older, "genuine" pieces starting at C$15, and then offer "reproductions" of the other fivers (whichever one somebody wants printed out in Word or whatever, still with your autograph) for a flat rate of C$5? That way the rarer material garners more cash, since you have so few of those, and the more abundant material feels like a bargain.

Anonymous 05-25-2005 01:19 PM

Sounds good to me. But then I'm not Zeke, so...

And even though this was (probably) never on paper, Paneldemonium is one of the funniest damn things ever. I'd pay high money for the whole cast.

# Nate

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