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Zeke 01-09-2006 08:07 PM

January 9

So you like DS9 fivers, do ya? You'd better, because we've got more. Next up is "Captive Pursuit" by Nate the Great. You may know him by his forum monicker, Infinite Improbability. Nate is a 5MVer from way back -- he's had two fivers published at this site and many more at Five-Minute Stargate. This is his first submission in a while, so welcome back, Nate.

(On a related note, I can finally appreciate his fiver for Ocarina of Time now that I've played the game -- which is, incidentally, one of the best ever made. My thanks to IJD for relentlessly nagging me to play it.)

PointyHairedJedi 01-09-2006 08:27 PM

Re: January 9
Nice fiver there, Nate.


Originally Posted by Zeke
My thanks to IJD for relentlessly nagging me to play it.

Dude, do you think that encouraging him is such a good idea? :wink:

Derek 01-09-2006 09:27 PM


O'Brien: Welcome to Quark's. This is where I come when I can't fix anything, your ship for example. Hey, barkeep!
Quark: Here's where I give a little speech about hating that term, even though this is the only time that I do.
O'Brien: Wow, that is a little speech.
Heh. Good fiver, Nate.

e of pi 01-09-2006 09:52 PM


Tosk: Why have you imprisoned me?
Sisko: You tried to steal weapons.
O'Brien: Why do I still feel responsible for him?
Sisko: Because you're stubborn about sticking with your first impressions, because he's blatantly playing you for sympathy, or because it's your episode, take your pick.

Agreed. :)

evay 01-10-2006 02:40 AM

Hey Z, we're past Epiphany. Lose the Santa hat already. (unless you want to make that your front-page gag: "Wearing a Santa hat since [insert date here]")

Oh, and:

Hunter: Fine, the Alpha Quadrant is off-limits, now let me go.
Sisko: Why does that supposedly reasonable if not necessarily moral agreement send shivers down my spine?
very nice! Way to foreshadow character development.

Zeke 01-10-2006 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by evay
Hey Z, we're past Epiphany. Lose the Santa hat already.

You know, I was about to, and then some fool nagged me....

PointyHairedJedi 01-10-2006 05:40 AM

I pity the-- OH GOD, THE PAIN!

evay 01-10-2006 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by evay
Hey Z, we're past Epiphany. Lose the Santa hat already.


Originally Posted by Zeke
You know, I was about to, and then some fool nagged me....

I'm Italian. Nagging is part of my job. And why are you wearing a hat indoors anyway?

Zeke 01-10-2006 12:40 PM

Actually, a forum is an outdoor deal. Ask any Roman.

Gatac 01-10-2006 12:42 PM

I tried to call, but Caesar won't pick up for some reason.


evay 01-10-2006 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Actually, a forum is an outdoor deal. Ask any Roman.

That's true, and if you have wireless of sufficient strength, you can take the laptop out into the backyard.

Nate the Great 01-10-2006 06:22 PM

Hello all. Glad you like my fiver. It was nice to have the transcript to work of of. I must admit that O'Brien's always been one of my favorites. You gotta pity the guy, he's unquestionably the hardest working guy on DS9, and yet the creators keep imposing on him. I also liked how the moral was there, but the friendship/first contact angle was emphasized instead of letting Sisko get all preachy.

And Zeke, thanks for the plug for my Zelda fiver. I'm sure I could make it better, but I think it still has its charms. I hope to be a much more prolific fivist in months to come. Let me get my upcoming NextGen fiver out and then I can try to reserve more DS9.

e of pi 01-10-2006 09:58 PM

Nice avie! Hope to see more work soon.

Zeke 01-11-2006 12:18 AM

If you don't know the guy in said avatar, he's Kid Radd of the eponymous webcomic (which I'm guessing Nate found when it was link of the day here). The comic, now concluded, is an extremely good read. And the work that went into it is amazing -- every sprite is original, not pasted from old NES games.

Nate the Great 01-11-2006 01:00 AM

Most likely, Zeke. Most of the webcomics I love the most were found on other sites. You led me to Radd, they led me to Bob and George, and so on. Here's a big plug for BnG, while we're at it. The granddaddy of all sprite comics deserves it's reputation.

Since Radd is from an '80s game, he loves to do air guitar. I also like this sprite because it's one of my few animated ones.

Anyone can IM me through MSN and I'll gush about Radd until the cows come home!

Celeste 01-11-2006 02:42 AM

I could never get into web comics. Only one I read routinly is userfriendly. And I don't know why. I think it's cause i'm running out of fun things to do on the internet.

danieldoof 01-11-2006 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
If you don't know the guy in said avatar, he's Kid Radd of the eponymous webcomic (which I'm guessing Nate found when it was link of the day here). The comic, now concluded, is an extremely good read. And the work that went into it is amazing -- every sprite is original, not pasted from old NES games.

yay webcomic :D

Derek 01-11-2006 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Celeste
I could never get into web comics. Only one I read routinly is userfriendly. And I don't know why. I think it's cause i'm running out of fun things to do on the internet.

Yeah, I used to read userfriendly, but then I stopped after a while. Something about it just got old.

Every so often (when I'm bored at work), I'll go looking for a new webcomic, but in general when I find one, I just read all the archives up to that day, and don't come back every day for a new update.

e of pi 01-11-2006 09:59 PM

Hmmm. Interesting. I read several webcomics, however I check them ritually.

Opium 01-11-2006 10:08 PM

Great fiver!

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