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Zeke 11-26-2006 04:54 AM

November 25 (5MSV: Five-Minute "Fallout")
<p>I've got three Smallville fivers in the queue, but the show seems to be on break, so I'll space 'em out a bit. Here's the first, Five-Minute "<a href="../smallville/fiver.php?ep=fallout">Fallout</a>" (by Derek, of course).
<p>Also, Nate is hoping to get some people interested in creating audiofivers, which are more or less what they sound like. (Get it? Sound? Eh? Eh?) Anyway, here's the <a href="../forums/showthread.php?t=1286">thread</a> he started for discussing the matter, and you'll find his email address there if you're interested.

Nate the Great 11-27-2006 01:11 AM

Yeah, it's there, please don't spam me!

Nate the Great 12-02-2006 11:59 AM

Lex: Lana, the scientist gave you the artifact. I need you to give it to me... Please... Or else.

As much as I dislike one line scenes, I guess it's needed in this case. I was kinda expecting a "pretty please?" on the end of the line, though. :)

Raya: Earth ... out of danger?
It's so sad that my memories of the Spock death scene are tainted by the Ultimate Trek special they aired as part of the thirtieth anniversary. The McCoy impersonator saying "the broadcast ... safe?" in that uberhammy way that all of them used.

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