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Michiel 04-06-2003 09:00 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Hey, I thought I'd start up this thread. I hope I have the right, being a FMVF newbie. ;)

I liked this episode. The way Tucker talks when he's posessed. "Charles Tucker the Third, that's me. You like bread?" :p

It's not like most of the other "the crew has been posessed by hostile aliens"-episode. I'd expected the posessed crewmembers to pretend they're themselves, or something like that. I also expected Archer to be posessed. Even though there are lots of other episodes like it ("The Game", "Cathexis"), I think they still made this one original.

I don't understand how Tucker could get posessed in the end though. They don't really explain it later on. Did I miss something?

BTW: I kinda hoped they'd take Porthos. ;)[/color:post_uid0]

Things Are Good 04-06-2003 11:51 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]It's 5MV, not FMV. This has been said before: FMV means "Full Motion Video". 5MV means "Five Minute Voyager".

And I didn't see the episode.[/color:post_uid0]

Derek 04-07-2003 01:30 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Yeah, you have as much right as anyone to start these threads (at least, I've never been yelled at for starting these threads).

I thought the episode was fair. I agree with your point about how it wasn't done in the standard possession way. First off, not only did the possessing aliens not have any of their hosts' knowledge, but they also did not try to bluff their way through things. That was an interesting difference.

Interesting to see the catwalk again. On one hand, I like seeing the set again; on the other hand, I hope I don't see it every other week. Or at least, I hope it doesn't become the recurring solution to every problem.[/color:post_uid0]

Celeste 04-07-2003 01:50 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]There was kinda a [i:post_uid0]Signs[/i:post_uid0] thing going on with Trip on the catwalk. How they show him staring at Archer and T'pol is eeirly simliar to the first time you see the Aliens on the rooftop in the [i:post_uid0]Signs[/i:post_uid0] movie. :) Just thought i'd point that out. Cause that was a really creepy part sitting in a movie theater in total darkness, with a sister hanging onto your arm. ;D[/color:post_uid0]

Opium 04-07-2003 07:54 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I only saw the 2nd half of this ep...and um, the catwalk is cool, but I hope they dont start some sort of ritual thing in it, ala "Breakfast Club"...

Hehe, Trip of course that's the one ep he doesnt have his shirt off...

I was also wondering about how the heck he got possesed, but I thought i'de missed something.

And I made the FMV mistake too. I still have seizures from the flashy email they sent- I mean, they forgive you. Yah. That's what I mean.[/color:post_uid0]

Michiel 04-07-2003 01:10 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Hehe, wouldn't be my first mistake around here. Mistakes I'll never make again. ;) I could have known of course, it was in the faq, but you tend not to remember every detail of those while posting something.

So, how exactly do you spell that word? Posessed, possessed or possesed?

Back to the episode: I must admit the 'standard posession way' does have its appeal. There weren't any moments in this ep where I thought: "Wow, how are they gonna get out of this one?" Actually I didn't really care. There wasn't any mystery.[/color:post_uid0]

FatMatDuhRat 04-07-2003 06:44 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I'll agree w/the peson who said that this EP was "fair"
cuz I thought it was pretty good but [b:post_uid0]The Crossing[/b:post_uid0]
really didn't hold my attn. too strongly. I was kinda
looking at my watch near the end of it to see when
it would finally be over.
The explosion at the end was pretty cool, as well as
the special FX for when the "wisps" flew in and out
of everybody... but why didn't they mess w/[b:post_uid0]Porthos?[/b:post_uid0]
It was also nice to see that catwalk area of the ship,
but that doesn't make up for how slow the EP was.
I'm sure that the next bunch of EPs w/the [b:post_uid0]Klingons[/b:post_uid0]
will be much better, and I'm highly looking forward to
that one w/[b:post_uid0]Mayweather[/b:post_uid0] going back to his old ship.

Kira 04-07-2003 07:29 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0="FatMat426"]but why didn't they mess w/[b:post_uid0]Porthos?[/b:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
Maybe they did but he's just waiting for the right time to strike.

Either that or the aliens just don't like chili.

(Spoilers... grrrrrrr...)[/color:post_uid0]

NAHTMMM 04-07-2003 07:48 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0="Michiel"]So, how exactly do you spell that word? Posessed, possessed or possesed?[/quote:post_uid0]
"Owned". ;) Actually, "possessed".

*Presumed spoiler*

Why didn't they mess with Porthos? Um, maybe because it's harder for them to mess with more-intelligent beings? :D

*Presumed spoiler above*[/color:post_uid0]

Derek 04-07-2003 07:57 PM

[quote:post_uid0="NAHTMMM"][color=#000000:post_uid0]*Presumed spoiler*[/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]Actually, I think [b:post_uid0]Kira[/b:post_uid0] was referring to [b:post_uid0]FatMat[/b:post_uid0]'s references to the upcoming episodes (Judgment and Mayweather's ep) rather than the current episode. It's expected that a thread titled "The Crossing" will be about the episode of the same name.[/color:post_uid0]

Kira 04-07-2003 08:26 PM

[quote:post_uid0="Derek"][color=#000000:post_uid0]Actually, I think [b:post_uid0]Kira[/b:post_uid0] was referring to [b:post_uid0]FatMat[/b:post_uid0]'s references to the upcoming episodes[/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]

FatMatDuhRat 04-07-2003 08:33 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]But [b:post_uid0]Kira![/b:post_uid0] At the end of [b:post_uid0]The Crossing[/b:post_uid0] they show a
preview of next week's EP and you can clearly see
that the [b:post_uid0]Klingons[/b:post_uid0] are going to be in it... and I think
we've already mentioned the [b:post_uid0]Mayweather[/b:post_uid0] EP on
this Forum several times so you can't get [b:post_uid0][i:post_uid0]TOO[/i:post_uid0][/b:post_uid0] mad
at me. (...or can you?)

Katy Jane 04-13-2003 11:46 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I liked the ep except for the end, just blowing up the ship seemed to... i dont know, eazy, mean, something. i just didnt like it.[/color:post_uid0]

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