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Zeke 06-27-2005 05:26 AM

June 26

Welcome to Day 12, featuring the beginning of a new Features feature! Read on.
<ul>[*]The Occupation Arc, kicked off by Andy yesterday, continues with "Rocks and Shoals" by Marc.[*]Next, IJD completes his initial Starcraft trilogy with Episode III: The Protoss Campaign.[*]And now the new feature. With five years under our belts -- or 4772 years in internet time -- we've decided we've earned a little nostalgia. Today is the first of a five-article series called First Fiver Retrospectives, in which each of us on staff will revisit his or her first fiver in some way. Longtime readers may remember when these first fivers were published; newer readers may be seeing them for the first time. We begin today with our newest member, Derek Dean, whose first fiver was Star Trek: Generations.[/list]

Be back tomorrow for Day 13 -- unless I hear from a lot of triskaidekaphobes, in which case we'll call it Day 14.

Chancellor Valium 06-27-2005 07:18 AM

Re: June 26

Originally Posted by Zeke

Welcome to Day 12, featuring the beginning of a new Features feature! Read on.
<ul>[*]The Occupation Arc, kicked off by Andy yesterday, continues with "Rocks and Shoals" by Marc.[*]Next, IJD completes his initial Starcraft trilogy with Episode III: The Protoss Campaign.[*]And now the new feature. With five years under our belts -- or 4772 years in internet time -- we've decided we've earned a little nostalgia. Today is the first of a five-article series called First Fiver Retrospectives, in which each of us on staff will revisit his or her first fiver in some way. Longtime readers may remember when these first fivers were published; newer readers may be seeing them for the first time. We begin today with our newest member, Derek Dean, whose first fiver was Star Trek: Generations.[/list]

Be back tomorrow for Day 13 -- unless I hear from a lot of triskaidekaphobes, in which case we'll call it Day 14.

How about calling it Day X?
Edith: Hmm.......all these cow jokes seem to have triggered a that a semi-obscure reference to the game itself?


Aldaris: You shall go to the province of Scion and take it back from the Zerg swarms.
Executor: That's that province where they make those crappy cars, right?
Aldaris: Yes, let this be a lesson to any Zerg who tries to insult our crappy cars!


Fenix: Crap. Well, at least I will die as a warrior!
Hydrolisk: Um, your blades just kinda fzzt-ed out. You still up for this?
Fenix: Of course! We are a proud race....
Hydrolisk: What does that have to do with anything?
Fenix: Nothing. But they're good last words. Mind if I say 'em again?


Tassadar: I find your lack of faith disturbing!


Terran Scout: Hey Sarge! I found me a Protoss!
Sarge: Kill it!
Protoss: Jeez, what is it with you Terrans and your embodied American South stereotype?
Other Protoss: Keelit! Keelit!
Sarge: Very funny-- GAK!


Raynor: No guaruntees.

Words fail me to describe this fiver, so I'll call it Fred from now on........

Gatac 06-27-2005 07:43 AM

How about calling it Day XIII ?

There's a cow level rumor about Diablo, an actual cow level in Diablo 2, and a cheat in Starcraft that references it.


Alexia 06-27-2005 08:17 AM

13 is my favourite number, but then, I've always been weird like that :wink:

I love that Derek fiver :mrgreen: I'd forgotten how funny it was :D

mudshark 06-27-2005 09:43 AM


Remata'Klan: Our Vorta, Keevan, wishes to trade our two captives for medical attention from your doctor and a conversation with you.
Sisko: Is he wounded?
Remata'Klan: Yes, and very bored. Why else would he bargain like a lowly Ferengi?
Sisko: Very well. I agree to the prisoner exchange.
Remata'Klan: Magnificent.
Heh, foreshadowing. :mrgreen:


Executor: You know that you're pretty much guarunteed Zerg bait, right?
Fenix: I think "chum" is the more accurate fishing metaphor here.

Tassadar: As I said, we shall destroy the Conclave!
Executor: Isn't that a little extreme?
Tassadar: It'll mean huge explosions....
Executor: I'm on it.


Mme Blueberry
This commentary is just one long ego trip for you, isn't it?
In contrast to the rest of my experience here at Five-Minute Voyager?
Mme Blueberry
Good point.
Heh heh.

Chancellor Valium 06-27-2005 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Gatac
How about calling it Day XIII ?

There's a cow level rumor about Diablo, an actual cow level in Diablo 2, and a cheat in Starcraft that references it.


That's it. Tis something like "there is no cow", isn't it?

Gatac 06-27-2005 12:14 PM

thereisnocowlevel, I think, but I haven't played Starcraft in ages.


Derek 06-27-2005 12:58 PM


Nog: Oh, no! We're going to die! WE'RE GOING TO DIE! WAH!
O'Brien: It's no good, sir! I've lost all attitude control!
Sisko: So has Cadet Nog, apparently.
Heh. Great fiver, Marc.


Aldaris: You shall go to the province of Scion and take it back from the Zerg swarms.
Executor: That's that province where they make those crappy cars, right?
Crappy? I'm about to buy one of those. Ugly, yes. Crappy, no.

Chancellor Valium 06-27-2005 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Gatac
thereisnocowlevel, I think, but I haven't played Starcraft in ages.


Neither have I, it's probably in the back of a cupboard somewhere.......I should have a look at some point, maybe dig it out.....

Gatac 06-27-2005 02:27 PM

Anybody want to five that?


Marc 06-27-2005 03:50 PM


Mme Blueberry
So you stole from him?
No, no, see, it's funny. It's a joke of repetition. When a joke is repeated in a fiver, it's funnier; so I figured a joke referenced across multiple fivers would be funnier still.
Mme Blueberry
So you stole from him.
Not just him
LOL! Mme Blueberry would make a good prosecutor.

danieldoof 06-27-2005 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Gatac

anybody want to BUY that?

Chancellor Valium 06-27-2005 04:46 PM


Q: But of course. You're familiar with the Captain Pike two-light system, I'm sure.
Picard: THERE ARE F--
But you'd have to ask the Nimon about that.......


O'Brien: Welcome back to the past. Are you done shouting letters now?
Picard: Almost. (ahem) DEEEEEEEE! Okay, now I'm finished.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Picard: If you rearrange the letters of "Tasha Yar," you get "Ah, a stray."

You're a silly, silly man, Zeke.......

Xeroc 06-27-2005 04:53 PM

Ah, nostalgia ain't what it used to be. ;)

Great commentary! :D


Originally Posted by Gatac

Well, lets see, 5 minutes is about 1/12 of an hour, so that collection is about... 500,000 pages, that would give us almost...

42,000 pages of fivers!

Holy Crap! I guess that will be done ... soon, in the sooniest sense of the word. ;)

Zeke 06-27-2005 04:55 PM

Uh, Valium? Those quotes are from my "All Good Things..." fiver.

Chancellor Valium 06-27-2005 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Uh, Valium? Those quotes are from my "All Good Things..." fiver.

Pfft. Mere details.

Scooter 06-28-2005 04:01 AM

That commentary track was absolutely delightful. Will unmarried staffers have to talk to themselves?

Zeke 06-28-2005 04:10 AM

I may talk to my angst. I have enough of it that it's probably evolved sentience by now.

Marc 06-28-2005 04:53 AM

>> Will unmarried staffers have to talk to themselves? <<

Actually, being the rugged individualists we are, we all used different approaches when doing our "First Fivers" segments. Uniformity is for drones.

PointyHairedJedi 06-28-2005 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
I may talk to my angst. I have enough of it that it's probably evolved sentience by now.

A sock puppet would work too.

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