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Nate the Great 11-12-2021 02:01 AM

Someone re-scored the classic short Paper Man.

Nate the Great 11-12-2021 02:06 AM

So I'm rewatching the original VHS promo for Ocarina of Time and I was struck by the sheer number of beta elements present in the footage.

DrWho42 11-12-2021 08:57 PM



Nate the Great 11-13-2021 03:18 PM

Using a hydraulic press to hammer 1000 nails at once.

DrWho42 11-16-2021 08:11 PM

weird west
my cowboys and dinosaurs collage commission by Lauren Fox!


Nate the Great 11-17-2021 04:43 PM

More Star Trek filk songs...

Open Hailing Frequencies

All About That Borg

Engineer's Hymn

Border Patrol

Mineral Rights

Tell the Captain

Banned from Argo

Nate the Great 11-17-2021 06:22 PM

It's Matthias Wandel time again!

A machine to test the strength of wood and wood joints.

I'm sure there's a simpler option, but his credo is why buy what you can build.

DrWho42 11-17-2021 09:03 PM

PM Press has a new book on sci-fi/fantasy literature from 1950 to 1980 :cool:

Dangerous Visions and New Worlds

Nate the Great 11-22-2021 05:17 PM

Someone made a seven-segment "LED" clock using LEGO.

Nate the Great 11-22-2021 06:11 PM

So people have apparently been trying to figure out the mechanics of the slot machines in Pokemon RBY for years. I'd insult this, but I'm sure I've obsessed about more pointless things myself *cough* Prime Directive *cough* Maquis *cough* Yu-gi-oh *grumble*.

Nate the Great 11-22-2021 06:21 PM

10 actors who were on both Star Trek and Stargate.

Most of these I knew about, but I was surprised to see that Jellico on Trek and Kinsey on Gate are the same guy.

DrWho42 11-23-2021 03:55 AM

Will Quinn did my Patreon request based on Dune (1984)!

Daily bunny no.1583 challenges you to a battle of knifes

Nate the Great 11-23-2021 04:07 AM

Someone broke a watch by soaking it in oil, so this guy resurrects it with a thorough cleaning.

This kind of intricate machinery is always impressive. I'm a big proponent of restoration instead of replacement wherever possible. I've seen plenty of examples of "oh, that can't possibly be restored" where I've been proven wrong.

Then again, some restorations seem to go too far in my opinion. It's the Ship of Theseus paradox all over again, replace too much and I can't call it the same thing as the original in good conscience.

I'm confused at the comparison between the Ship of Theseus and the Cutty Sark, frankly. One is internal restoration, one is external restoration. I call the Ship of Theseus the same ship because the onboard crew was able to take raw materials and do the restoration en route. The Cutty Sark needed complicated parts from elsewhere and wasn't functional in the interim.

DrWho42 11-23-2021 07:19 PM

Joachim Boaz posted the introduction to PM Press's Dangerous Visions and New Worlds: Radical Science Fiction, 1950-1985 on his website Science Fiction and Other Suspect Ruminations!

The Introduction to Dangerous Visions and New Worlds: Radical Science Fiction, 1950-1985, ed. Andrew Nette and Iain McIntyre (2021)

Nate the Great 11-25-2021 04:22 PM

I hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving. Here's a roundup of links...

The Mouse on the Mayflower. Our VHS tape was much-loved until it broke. At least we'll always have YouTube. It's a shame how few people know about the wider range of Rankin-Bass specials.

Garfield's Thanksgiving. I confess to having less nostalgia for this one than the Christmas special, but it still has some good moments.

This is America, Charlie Brown: The Mayflower Voyagers. I'm actually not that fond of the regular Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special. Peppermint Patty is really a jerk in that one.

A compilation of Friends Thanksgiving clips.

Intergalactic Thanksgiving. I never heard of this one before the Cinema Snob episode, but give it a whirl if you want something a little different.

Ashens trying Turkey and Stuffing Doughnuts

Kurn will try some burned replicated bird meat

DrWho42 11-25-2021 10:47 PM

apparently today is Spider Robinson's birthday?

spiders robinson

Nate the Great 11-26-2021 03:14 PM

Back in the FMV days Terry Farrell starred in a puzzle game called Treasure Quest.

Which inspired a search for other Trek alumni in video games...

Screenrant presents 10 video games with Trek alumni cameos

DrWho42 11-28-2021 05:29 AM

got a shout-out in yesterday's File 770:

Pixel Scroll 11/26/21 Tinker, Tailor, Pixel, Scroll

Nate the Great 11-29-2021 09:57 PM

This is just weird. Putting cinnamon sticks in epoxy, then turning it on a lathe.

Nate the Great 11-30-2021 11:10 PM

It's always relaxing watching the gang at Lofty Pursuits use the tried and true candymaking techniques. This time they made pecan pie candy for the holidays.

I've never had pecan pie, by the way. I prefer my nuts by themselves, not in desserts. Give me key lime or raspberry pie any day.

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