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Zeke 03-17-2009 03:33 PM

March 17 (5MBSG: Five-Minute "Deadlock")
<p>After an unexpected delay (one reason for which will be clear shortly), the BSG relaunch now continues. We started with an early episode, so next up is a recent one: Five-Minute "<a href="../bsg/fiver.php?ep=deadlock">Deadlock</a>". Spoilers up to near-series-end, so be warned.
<p>This is actually <i>not</i> the one I mentioned having already written; that'll be next. I wanted something more recent first so I could advertise the event around (which I'll do now; better late than never).
<p>Other things to be aware of:
<ul><li>The <a href="../about/5mbsg.html">FAQ</a> for this subsite is now up. No, I will not call it a FrAQ.
<li>The show is ending this Friday, so now's the time to talk about it! We've got a <!a href="">thread<!/a> at the forums for that purpose -- drop by and say something.
<li>The "Deadlock" fiver includes a reference to a <i>non</i>-fiver BSG piece I've been toying with since about 2006. I'm hoping to finish it for this event. Feel free to guess which scene has the "foreshadowing".
<li>Happy St. Patrick's Day and happy belated Pi Day. I'm working on something for the latter, but that'll be after the BSG event.</ul>
<p>Finally, a personal note: two weeks ago, my grandfather passed away. I've said a few things about this at my LJ, but it's actually relevant to You see, "Zeke" isn't short for Ezekiel -- it's a nickname my grandpa gave me when I was just a baby. I use it as my handle whenever I need one, and it always reminds me of him. Rest in peace, Grandpa.

[Note: There are technical bits in this update that aren't finished. I know, so don't tell me.]

evay 03-17-2009 04:21 PM

I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather, Z. Condolences to you and your family. And since the internet is forever, so is your nickname, and therefore a little bit of Grandpa is now immortal. In a Borg hive kind of way.

and I particularly loved this bit from the fiver:

Tigh: God, Bill, what the hell has happened to us?
Adama: These days I just drink till it doesn't bother me.
because it's so disturbingly true.

PointyHairedJedi 03-19-2009 11:47 AM

Really sorry to hear about your grandfather, Zeke. My condolences also.

Nothing on the fivers I'm afraid; don't want to spoil myself.

Chancellor Valium 03-21-2009 09:50 PM


Finally, a personal note: two weeks ago, my grandfather passed away. I've said a few things about this at my LJ, but it's actually relevant to You see, "Zeke" isn't short for Ezekiel -- it's a nickname my grandpa gave me when I was just a baby. I use it as my handle whenever I need one, and it always reminds me of him. Rest in peace, Grandpa.
My condolences. I'll be praying.

On a more happy note:

Six: Sometimes I forget you could sell condoms at a nunnery.
This line made me LOL.

Zeke 03-25-2009 12:59 AM

Thanks for the condolences, all. I forgot to mention that Grandpa is actually responsible for both parts of my handle (the rarely-used full version being Commodore Zeke), and arguably this site itself. He's the one who got me my first computer, a Commodore 64. No one else in the family was much into computers. I learned to program on my 64, and man, I loved that thing. It was the start of my fascination with computers and later the internet -- which has been very much a mixed blessing in my life, but I don't regret it. Thus, when we were all choosing ranks at Deltachat, I knew right away which one I wanted.

On another topic, I just renewed the domain, but today was the last day to do so -- so don't be alarmed if there are minor DNS hiccups.

Nate the Great 03-25-2009 01:15 AM

PNQ: If you'd forgotten, would somebody have snapped it up, and what would the alternative webaddress have been?

Wowbagger 03-29-2009 10:09 PM

Condolences on your granddad, Zeke. Losing family is always bad.

Deeply pleased that there are new fivers, though.

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