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Zeke 02-02-2005 09:42 PM

Enterprise Cancelled
It doesn't get any more official than this.

I'm more upset than I have any right to be over a television show. ENT did not deserve this, especially now. Maybe this was inevitable now that good writing and acting have become irrelevant to a show's success, but we don't have to like it.

I'm going to make a restriction for this thread that I've never made before. I know a lot of you are indifferent to ENT's cancellation or even happy about it, and you have that right. But don't post in this thread. This is a Star Trek forum and the people who will be disappointed by this news don't need to feel worse. I tolerate bashing -- but not today.

stripysox 02-02-2005 10:09 PM

I hanv't seen season 4, but I'm told its good!

Why? Why? WHY? Ok in tbeory I know why, but WHY?

mudshark 02-02-2005 10:21 PM

Well, bollocks! :evil: This just blows.

A brick apiece for Moonves and Ostroff.

Celeste 02-02-2005 10:38 PM

I just heard the news. And I found out from my lovely friend who said:

* Runty is happy they finally cancelled enterprise

He was promplty kicked from my channel. This is a sad sad day not only for Star Trek but for Science Fiction television as a whole. The reality tvs have won and prime time will never be the same again. Maybe, in another few years, there will be tastefull tv on again. But after May 13th, I won't be watching any more shows on network television. Enterprise was my last holdout, and now it's gone.

::just shakes her head at American culture::

Draknek 02-02-2005 11:09 PM


Season 4 has so far been doing everything right. It's very dissapointing that they're never going to be able to build on that.

Xeroc 02-02-2005 11:19 PM

This <u>really</u> stinks. :(

I totally agree with Draknek, as I would have loved to see them build more on the successes of Season 4.

Have I said this stinks yet? :(

sweetclover 02-02-2005 11:43 PM

How can they cancel it after the total awesomeness that is Season Four?
Chop a well-written, well-acted piece of science fiction and replace it with some cheap brainless reality show that'll die within six months, that's the good old American TV exec mentality.

KillerGodMan 02-03-2005 02:18 AM

I just KNEW this would happen, but I didn't think it would happen so soon...

Right from the moment B&B said ENT had lived out its franchise, I KNEW it would be canceled, I didn't know when, but I KNEW it would happen.

Sigh... oh well, I guess we'll have to wait until the next series.

Nan 02-03-2005 03:12 AM

Aw, damn. I was starting to quite like this series. The writing had really tightened up and was going in interesting directions, especially the sort of "Birth of the Federation" angle.

Stupid TPTB.

MaverickZer0 02-03-2005 04:04 AM

Okay, this wipes, sucks, blows and stinks, in that order.

Words cannot begin to describe how upset I am right now.

I....feel like killing something.


If you notice any undue screaming from the vicinity of Paramount studious or UPN, please either ignore or come help.

KillerGodMan 02-03-2005 04:20 AM

^ I'm helping!

There IS a bright side to this though, there'll be enough episodes for ENT to go into continuation, which is good in it's own retrospect

Ginga 02-03-2005 06:20 AM

I swear to God, I really want to light a candle right now and just go stand outside for a while.


I can't believe people would rather watch the reality shit mulling around their screens than this.

NeoMatrix 02-03-2005 06:26 AM

This really stinks, but perhaps they were just running out of ideas of things to do without interferring with the Star Trek timeline. Oh wait, they already did.

Opium 02-03-2005 07:21 AM

Hopefully they will have time to write up some good ending episodes without too much buildup...sometimes having a whole season to write an ending season can turn sour, like it did with Buffy...after Tara died, it just sucked, with the exception of Spike.

So hopefully ENT will have just enough time to write a good ending, without getting too outrageous.

Have they decided to end the Trek franchise? Because, I remember someone suggested way back before ENT that a series about Section 31 would be interesting...or about Starfleet training.

Oo! Oo! Maybe ENT will do a Buffy and move to UP... I mean, move to the WB?

admiral sab 02-03-2005 12:26 PM

Zeke, I totally understand. I also am way too upset's just a tv show? I almost cried... ok now I am crying. :) It's just so sad. There has been Trek on my TV since I was 7. My dad watched TNG and sometimes I'd watch with him. Since I was 13, I watched Trek religiously and now when a show has finally proven itself it gets cancelled? It's just so sad and disappointing. If it had happened at the end of Season 2 I probably wouldn't have cared as much. But not after this year and the spoilers only point to it getting better.

Well some people are happy today, so, thanks Zeke, for making this a non bashing Enterprise thread.

Derek 02-03-2005 12:45 PM

NOOOOOOO! How can this happen? There is no justice.

What really sucks is that next year I'll be down to only one show: Smallville. And if you know my opinion of Smallville, you'll know just how awful that really is for me.

At least ENT is coming out on DVD this year so I can have the four great seasons they did produce. But I suspect that, like Angel, I'll always watch the last episode with regret that they didn't get that next season.

Anonymous 02-03-2005 01:29 PM

What a bummer :( I know how upset I would have been if DS9 had been canceled, so I feel your pain folks. I hope they make a nice ending to the series!

Kira 02-03-2005 02:54 PM

This just goes to show that networks are run by monkeys who don't give a @*&#$ about writing, acting, or the overall quality of a show.

Celeste 02-03-2005 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Kira
This just goes to show that networks are run by monkeys who don't give a @*&#$ about writing, acting, or the overall quality of a show.

No, they only care about ratings. And when Americans only want to see half clad skinny women posing infront of the camera waiting to 1) eat something disgusting, 2) Perform in a crazy/scary challenge that requires them to jump and down and get wet, or 3) take off all there clothes and pose for pictures with feathers only covering their breasts. This is what happens.

Of course, Science Fiction is renowned for having its barely clothed skinny women in every show and series. So what the heck..

Hotaru 02-03-2005 03:10 PM

I can't believe it's gone. In my entire life there has only been 5 months in which star trek hasn't been on. The 5 months between me being born and TNG starting. I'm gonna miss it.


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