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Sa'ar Chasm 07-07-2003 05:26 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Yesterday as I was walking from my broom closet of a dorm room to the office to check email and whatnot, I passed an older British gent with a very distinctive voice waiting for a bus. Â I inconspicuously (hah! ) turned and walked past again a couple of times, and was only able to determine that it *might* be Sir Ian McKellan. Â It was hard to tell, since he wasn't wearing a bulbous prosthetic nose, white flowing beard or dorky helmet. Â Basically, the chances of it being him are less than the chances of it not being him. Â I do know that he was living in Vancouver not too long ago, but I'm not sure for how long.

I am sure that I talked to Robin Williams last Wednesday.[/color:post_uid0]

PointyHairedJedi 07-07-2003 05:41 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Regardless of weather it was or not, keep taking the pills.[/color:post_uid0]

taya17 07-10-2003 06:15 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Yes, Sa'ar, don't stop. :hands him more dried frog pills:[/color:post_uid0]

Saxamaphone 07-14-2003 08:22 AM

[quote:post_uid0="Sa'ar Chasm"][color=#000000:post_uid0]I am sure that I talked to Robin Williams last Wednesday.[/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]Which one? ;)[/color:post_uid0]

Sa'ar Chasm 07-14-2003 05:57 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Robin, not Robbie. Adrian Cronauer, Peter Pan, the Genie, Mrs. Doubtfire...that Robin Williams.[/color:post_uid0]

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