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Chancellor Valium 10-13-2004 07:09 PM

the official "why I chose my forum name" thread
Umm...I think it has something to do with the Phantom Menace - Supreme Chancellor Valorum - rather dull, so he could be - Supreme Chancellor Valium. Though I didn't do THAT conciously. the concious process was Time Lords. Have a Chancellor. Was doing something DW related, and needed a new pseudonym. Anyhoo. Time Lords are incredibly dull. So Chancellor Valium seemed kinda appropriate.

stripysox 10-13-2004 07:51 PM

I like all my screan names to match so I had to come up with osmething. Lack of imagination. The fact that I like socks. The fact that you can write it sTRIPysox. That last one being somewhat pathetic. I have thought about changing it, but that seems like too much bother.

Alexia 10-13-2004 08:09 PM

Ahhh, interesting question.


Well, I was going for a Voyager name, but I didn't want to go down the Janeway147232 route so I picked a really really minor character; so minor she was only talked about and seen in photos, ie: Neelix's favourite sister.

But I went and spelled it wrong! :lol: About 6 months after registering EVERYWHERE with the name Alexia, I read Jeri Taylors Pathways and found out it was spelled Alixia...but it was rather too late then :wink:

Anonymous 10-13-2004 09:53 PM

I was Alixia for a while, for the same reason. Its a cool name. If I have a little girl I may well call her that.

stripysox 10-13-2004 09:56 PM

Not that anyone realy neads to know this but that last post was me. I just forgot to log in. :roll: I'm sleepy.

Draknek 10-13-2004 09:57 PM

I've used Draknek for many years now, ever since needing a unique username on For some reason, appending numbers to something I'd thought of never occurred to me. This is good, because I have a username that is 99.99% guaranteed not to be already claimed, anywhere.

Anyway, I think the actual name came from thinking about dragons and cutting their heads off, and to do so, you'd cut through their neck.

Possibly. It's been a while.

Ginga 10-13-2004 10:04 PM

Fuyu Ginga is the name I've used everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Except Neopets. XP

It came into existance on a forum I don't even go to anymore... I decided to change my name, take out the numbers, and make it look cooler. So I sat there for a while... not thinking of anything.

Finally I said, "Hey... I was Sailor Galaxy when my friend and I wrote that Sailor Moon fanfic way back when... I could put galaxy somewhere in there..."

Then, "Hey, my favorite season's winter... I'll put winter in there..."

So then I had "Winter Galaxy". But that didn't sound cool enough.

I grabbed my Japanese/English dictionary and, you guessed it, translated that to Japanese.

And there you have it. "Fuyu Ginga" means "Winter Galaxy" in Japanese, and now you know the reasons why I chose it and use it eeeeverywhere.

Xeroc 10-13-2004 10:12 PM

Well, there's not a whole lot of story, really.

It sounds pretty cool.

There you have it. Happy? :D

Ginga 10-13-2004 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Xeroc
Well, there's not a whole lot of story, really.

It sounds pretty cool.

There you have it. Happy? :D

It's because you like copying things and wanted to pay homage to Xerox without breaking any copyright laws.

Katy Jane 10-13-2004 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Alexia

Well, I was going for a Voyager name, but I didn't want to go down the Janeway147232 route so I picked a really really minor character; so minor she was only talked about and seen in photos, ie: Neelix's favourite sister.

But I went and spelled it wrong! :lol: About 6 months after registering EVERYWHERE with the name Alexia, I read Jeri Taylors Pathways and found out it was spelled Alixia...but it was rather too late then :wink:

I always wondered if that was what happened. :lol:

Contrary to popular belief my name has nothing to do with Kathryn Janeway. When I went to pick my user name for my Yahoo email adress years ago (*checks her Yahoo profile* Four years ago to be percise) I decided to be so unimaginitive as to use my own name. :shock: :wink: I didn't however want to use Katrina as it isn't a very common name, and Katie (which is how I use to spell it) seemed too boring. So i used my Grandmas spelling for my name, Katy. My Yahoo name is Katy_j2001 and in the fall of 01 i decided that the J should stand for something, but i didn't want to use my real middle name so i picked Jane, because my mom use to call me Lady Jane (Yes thats where my LJ name comes from too ;) ) And because of the long runing family joke that if it had been up to my dad he would have given me a boring name like jane. ;) So there you have it thats how i became Alexia's name sake even though i hadn't met her. ;)

Hotaru 10-13-2004 10:34 PM

I was told Hotaru means "Firefly" in Japanese. I thought it was cool. Little did I know it was a girls name.

Ginga 10-13-2004 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Hotaru
I was told Hotaru means "Firefly" in Japanese. I thought it was cool. Little did I know it was a girls name.

The first time I saw your name, I was like, "Oh, hey, a Sailor Saturn fan?" XD

Hotaru 10-13-2004 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Fuyu Ginga

Originally Posted by Hotaru
I was told Hotaru means "Firefly" in Japanese. I thought it was cool. Little did I know it was a girls name.

The first time I saw your name, I was like, "Oh, hey, a Sailor Saturn fan?" XD

I'm actually not a fan of Sailor Moon. However, I get that alot.

Xeroc 10-13-2004 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Fuyu Ginga

Originally Posted by Xeroc
Well, there's not a whole lot of story, really.

It sounds pretty cool.

There you have it. Happy? :D

It's because you like copying things and wanted to pay homage to Xerox without breaking any copyright laws.

Actually, most of my ideas are quite orginal! :D

AKAArzosah 10-13-2004 11:49 PM

My name is actually the name of a dragon in a series of books I read. I first used the name here, but now it's spread to my hotmail address and various other sites i visit.

If you're wondering, the full name is Arzosah Sothey Lorezohaz.

Celeste 10-14-2004 02:35 PM

Dauna Celeste was my Role playing character, she was Bajoran, hence why I now go by Celeste. However I haven't played her in quite some time.

NeoMatrix 10-14-2004 05:30 PM

Do I really need to explain where I got my screenname from? If so, I got it from The Matrix, and NeoMatrix sounds cool together.


Zeke 10-14-2004 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Celeste
However I haven't played her in quite some time.

Of course not -- she's not a Trill. ;) (What is it with you and Trills, anyway? Are you just a Trill-seeker?)

Zeke is the nickname my grandpa gave me when I was a baby. He even gave me a shirt with "Zeke" on it. Years later, when I first posted online, I figured I could do worse than to use a name I already had. At first the name would vary depending on where I was posting (I was Curt Connors at a Spider-Man board, for example), but now I'm Zeke everywhere -- except on Usenet, where I just use my real name for whatever reason.

As for the now-rarely-seen "Commodore" part, that's from when everyone at Deltachat started picking ranks for themselves. I made a smug little post about how I didn't need a rank to inflate my ego, but I added that if someone thought of a good one, I'd use it. I forget who came up with Commodore -- Sab or Nan, maybe? -- but I loved it right away because of my years programming my Commodore 64. (And also because it meant I outranked almost everybody.) So there you go. I dropped the Commodore pretty quickly at 5MV because I thought it sounded a bit too dorky, but Zuke still uses it -- no amount of ego-inflation is too much for him.

Chancellor Valium 10-14-2004 06:44 PM

he's only posted thrice....which reminds me...what is it with the six over the 5MV logo on his avvy? And where is he at the moment (:P)?

Alexia 10-14-2004 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
(What is it with you and Trills, anyway? Are you just a Trill-seeker?)

Oh boy... :wink:

Isn't the "6" a "The Sixth Minute" thing, like your LJ? Plus, being one number higher than 5 :wink:

Katy Jane 10-14-2004 08:47 PM

No its from when Zuke took over the forums and turned it in to 6MV. ;) Last years April fools joke, i beleve.

Edit: Nope it was april 2002!

Draknek 10-14-2004 09:49 PM

Not just the forums. Lock your past self's doors! Bar the temporal windows from years ago! Nowhere was safe!

Katy Jane 10-15-2004 12:19 AM

I knew that. Slip of the brain. :p

Sa'ar Chasm 10-15-2004 12:37 AM

It's a pun, ovciously. The Sa'ar Chasm is either a tourist attraction on Vulcan or a coal-rich hole in the ground in western Germany.

I'm assuming I don't need to explain what I'm punning.

Nan 10-15-2004 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
I forget who came up with Commodore -- Sab or Nan, maybe? -- but I loved it right away because of my years programming my Commodore 64.

It was me. ;)

Chancellor Valium 10-15-2004 08:47 AM

Where is Zuke? I think I feel a plan coming on..... :D

Celeste 10-15-2004 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Of course not -- she's not a Trill. ;) (What is it with you and Trills, anyway? Are you just a Trill-seeker?)

Can you say, Groan?

And as for why i'm into Trills, if it was culturaly okay for me to get spots tattooed all the way down my body, I would. My Favorite Character is Trill and there's just something sexy about those damn spots, okay? :P

admiral sab 10-15-2004 10:30 PM

yep that was Nan, Zeke. Because Admiral was taken by someone (doo de doo) she suggested Commodore.

My name has an interesting history. Sorta like Zeke's. But different. Ok it's exactly like Zeke's. I came online and decided to use my nickname from my High School friend's and (Sab) and at Deltachat everyone was getting ranks (thanks to Nan for starting that) and someone (thanks, Kellie!) suggested Admiral. Of course who is going to pass up the rank of Admiral? HA! I outrank everyone and then the added bonus came with Zekey being my second in command. Yep that's the story behind my nick. Now it just goes with me everywhere. Pretty boring, huh?

BTW Deltachat is celebrating it's fifth anniversary today! :)

KillerGodMan 10-16-2004 03:33 AM

My name used to be my MSN name, but I keep changing it, but I liked KillerGodMan, because it made me look like A Mortal Killer God, I kinda got the Idea from Dogma (Loki) and ya know...

But elsewhere, I had a different name, On MSN I go by my real name, on I go by Mr. Kyle, Mr_Kyle_The_Evil on AIM, Mr Kyle the Crazy Evil One on a forum, Mr Kyle the Crazy Guy on another, and Bob_Hope_The_Evil_One on a MSN group.

I like having different names everywhere, I don't know why...

Chancellor Valium 10-16-2004 01:36 PM

Could I point out to Sab that she doesn't outrank me....*I'M* a Chancellor -in fact, a SUPREME chancellor....and the first name must be a part of Dormir the french verb - the Valorum in TPM is called Finis - I thought this was incredibly daft....

PointyHairedJedi 10-16-2004 02:22 PM

This name I first came up with for the site itself for the long since defunct Lazy Entrepreneur section. I only ever actually made one submission, but I liked the name so much (an obvious combination of Dilbert and Star Wars that luckily I seem to have been the first to make) that I've since used it everywhere else on the web. I have though used other screennames, on the very odd occasion, usually where PointyHairedJedi is just too long to fit, and in those cases I generally pick CHOAM.

Chancellor Valium 10-16-2004 06:44 PM

CHOAM? i no understand.....

Scooter 10-17-2004 01:43 AM

In college I made the mistake of mentioning to my funloving, slightly sadistic friends on the newspaper staff that I hadn't ever really acquired a nickname. They were delighted to be handed the opportunity to gave me one--the nerdiest one they could think of. (Primary inspiration was probably the nerdiest Muppet, but I'm not certain of that.) To this day, whenever my best friend from college catches me doing something nerdy (like, say, writing parodies of thirty-year-old science fiction tv shows) he'll scrunch up his face and call me that name.

Usually I tell people it's because of my fondness for scooter pies, which is plausible--I do love scooter pies--but sadly wrong.

In recent years I've resorted to using it online because (a) my first name is really common and (b) my last name is really common and therefore (c) all permutations of some or all of said names are really common. But Scooter or Scootermark, for better or for worse, are not.

Knowing that your online banking system knows you as Scooter makes doing your finances just that little bit less stark and oppressive, too. :)

Nan 10-17-2004 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
CHOAM? i no understand.....

Look, everybody! He hasn't read Dune!

Fresh meat. :twisted:

Chancellor Valium 10-17-2004 11:47 AM

You try that, I read you some poetry by Paul Neil Milne Johnstone of Redbrige.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: BEWARE MY FREAKY EVILNESS - and the goatee and eyes.... :twisted:

Scooter 10-17-2004 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Nan

Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
CHOAM? i no understand.....

Look, everybody! He hasn't read Dune!

Fresh meat. :twisted:

He's just waiting for the movie to come out. ;)

Kira 10-17-2004 09:18 PM

Look, everybody! He hasn't seen the Dune miniseries!

Fresh meat! :twisted:

As for me, having no nicknames in RL I, similar to Alexia, wanted to nab a Voyager name but nothing really jumped out at me. The next female character that came to mind was Kira, even though I wasn't a DS9 regular at the time, and the rest is history.

Nan 10-18-2004 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Scooter
He's just waiting for the movie to come out. ;)

There've been two.


Originally Posted by Val
...Paul Neil Milne Johnstone of Redbrige...

I thought it was Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings. Or are you referring to a different book? :mrgreen:

Chancellor Valium 10-18-2004 10:58 AM

no. This one is real and did write a really dreadful poem. And he appears in the radio series.:P. :twisted: :D

Standback 10-18-2004 03:04 PM

"Standback" I took at the age of 12 from a character in a Dragonlance book. Specifically, a gnome in a quite minor short story in one of the early short story collections (when Dragonlance was still any good). Standback was a typical gnome who built a wide variety of brilliant-yet-utterly-useless devices. I liked the name, I liked gnomes, and I needed a screenname; it's worked out pretty well. It's a good name that's nice and memorable with no knowledge of the story or setting (which is very good, because few people know the story and I no longer associate myself with the setting very much ;) ).

I've used it on a Discworld MUD, on the Kencyclopedia where I ran a contest and answered gnome questions for a while, and other random places. The only forum in which I don't go by Standback is on the Israeli Roleplaying Phorums, where I just didn't manage to make "Standback" stick, but suddenly acquired a bit of a reputation as "Zivities", which is what you get when you squash my RL first and last names together (no "W" in Hebrew, it's a "V" sound instead). Hey, whatever sticks. :)

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