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Celeste 06-02-2006 12:50 AM

Who's a Dental Hygienist?
After 5 years of toiling away in school, and taking tests, and dealing with tattle tales and monsters as teachers. And stress, and nervous breakdowns, and bad luck, and miracles. I have received the final piece of paper in my hands that says "I have passed the Dental Hygiene Boards" And from this point onwards, I am officialy a Registered Dental Hygienist!

Hooah! ^_^

Derek 06-02-2006 12:58 AM

Congrats, Celeste!

Zeke 06-02-2006 01:06 AM

Congratulations! Now you're ready for the wide world of professional dentistry.

Your first job will be to fix the teeth of everyone in Britain. You have 24 hours.

Burt 06-02-2006 01:33 AM

I think I speak for all of us when I say: Hey!

Except Cornwall. They really do have lousy teeth.

Burt 06-02-2006 01:35 AM

Forgot to say....Congrats Celeste!
Be a nice Dentist! Mine's a moody old git. Broke a wisdom tooth the other week, and had it out. Not sure what was more painful - the Tooth or Him!

Celeste 06-02-2006 01:42 AM

As much as I'd love to try and tackle the English population, I'm only able to work in 12 states. Or else I'd have to take another round of testing. AND YOU CAN FORGET THAT. But thanks anyways, guys ^_^

Oh, and I'm not a dentist. I only clean teeth. Not do all that other crappy stuff. ;)

Burt 06-02-2006 01:52 AM

I have no idea how a person can.....pull a tooth out of another person's mouth.....I mean god!!!!! I'm still having flashback's to mine!!! It was a harrowing tale of pain and woe. Lord knows what the Dentist went through!
And do you know they still use, for want of a better work, PLIARS!!!!! I mean...We've been to the moon. We've cracked the atom, unlocked secrets of the universe. We even have Cheese in tubes now. Yet to remove a tooth, something that is half buried INSIDE your mouth, the best they can do is.....
1. Pick up Pliars
2. Grasp Tooth
3. Pull -


By the way, if anyone reading this is going to the Dentist, please -as they say in England- don't have nightmares, do sleep well!

e of pi 06-02-2006 02:11 AM

Congrats! However, come near Indy and I may be forced to kill you to protect my mouth.

Lostoyannaya 06-02-2006 07:28 PM

Congratulations, Celeste!

And I would just like to add that I have nice teeth...and I'm British, damnit!


PointyHairedJedi 06-04-2006 11:21 AM

So... does this mean you can get us discounts and stuff?

Congratulations, and such. :)

Celeste 06-04-2006 01:59 PM

You should see all the free crap I have. :D From tooth brushes and tooth pastes to mouthwash and tooth whitening kits. Its crazy. My mom wants to kill me for cluttering up the bathroom.

mark726 06-04-2006 08:25 PM

Yeah, congrats! I have a mom who works in a dental office, I know the free stuff we get access to. Unfortunately, she also likes to buy in bulk, so I have a lifetime supply of Kids Crest Sparkle toothpaste, which I stopped really liking about 3 years ago...but I still have a box or so of the stuff before I can move up to 'adult' toothpaste.

PointyHairedJedi 06-05-2006 10:42 PM

If there's one thing I've learned from living in Scotland, it's this:

Don't knock it if it's free.

Katy Jane 06-14-2006 12:56 AM

Congrads Celeste! :D

e of pi 06-14-2006 01:57 AM

By the way, I like the sig, though I keep forgetting to mention it. Also, just to throw this out there, but has anybody else learned to nap while having dental work done?

Celeste 06-14-2006 01:12 PM

Hehe. And yes. I've had at least one person fall asleep on me already. And I've heard many a more snoring a way in other parts of the clinic. One was so bad we had to get a bite block to prop his mouth open.

e of pi 06-14-2006 05:20 PM

Well, for me it's less a nap than meditation with my eyes closed. The white noise of the motorised toothbrush-thing always makes me calmer.

mudshark 06-14-2006 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by e of pi
By the way, I like the sig, though I keep forgetting to mention it. Also, just to throw this out there, but has anybody else learned to nap while having dental work done?

Long ago. I even almost managed it during the root canal I had a few years back.

Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
If there's one thing I've learned from living in Scotland, it's this:

Don't knock it if it's free.

So the stereotype of Scots as tightwads is true, is it? :p



Thrifty. I meant thrifty.

PointyHairedJedi 06-14-2006 11:06 PM

There's a joke that goes:

An English tourist is on holiday in the Highlands, and feeling a bit thirsty he stops in at the pub in the village he's staying in. It's a pokey little place, and deserted apart from two locals in the corner who're playing chequers and conspiciously not drinking anything.
He's a bit worried that this might mean that the drinks are ridiculously pricey, sp he asks the barkeep how much a glass of whiskey costs.
"Ten pence", the barkeep replies.
He can't believe this! Ten pence? How can that be? He's never one to look a gift horse in the mouth though, and orders a glass of the nicest whiskey in the pub.
Wishing to be friendly, he asks the two locals why the spirits are so cheap. Apparently there's a big distillery nearby, but he's puzzled to notice that the locals aren't drinking anything themselves. Curious, he asks why.
"Oh, it's simple enough" one of them explains. "We're waiting for happy hour."

Alexia 06-15-2006 06:54 AM

Must be something to do with the North. The further you up you go, the cheaper people get ;)

Saying that, they can afford a house, and I can barely afford a shed. Bloody South *grumbles*

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