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mudshark 02-27-2008 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi (Post 76051)
Aisde from that Disraeli quote...

I'll get this... one day. Just not yet.

Chancellor Valium 02-28-2008 12:36 PM

The Best Is Yet To Come - Trek style...

Nate the Great 02-28-2008 09:50 PM

Great episode. Especially love how Julian insists on "stirred, not shaken."

mudshark 02-29-2008 06:02 PM

Have I mentioned the Bunny comic here yet?

Nate the Great 02-29-2008 11:10 PM

Somebody has GOT to invent a smiley that blinks twice and says "that's random," then blinks twice again and so on in a loop.

I went back a few dozen comics and my impression didn't waver. A few were funny, but mostly I was just "how bizarre is THAT?"

Nate the Great 03-01-2008 02:30 AM

Must relate this story from Computer Stupidities, because you Canadians in the audience might enjoy it (or get enraged by it, whatever).

"Back in the good old pre-PC days we sold a system that required the user to hit Ctrl-A in order to sign on. We sold one to some outfit in Canada. Well, trying to get them going over the phone took an hour. We'd say, 'Hit Ctrl-A,' and they'd say, 'Ok, we hit Ctrl, eh? And nothing happened, eh?'"

PointyHairedJedi 03-03-2008 09:13 PM

It is, if you haven't run across it yet, Garfield without the Garfield in it. Amusing yes, but also distinctly unsettling.

Nate the Great 03-03-2008 09:46 PM

I'm not sure if those are better than the strips edited with Garfield's lines cut out or not. When Garfield is there you can imagine all sorts of things going through his head, from incomprehension to exasperation and back. But just Jon running around like an idiot, that's what we call "sad and pathetic."

NAHTMMM 03-05-2008 01:21 AM

On that note, has Permanent Monday been mentioned here yet?

PointyHairedJedi 03-06-2008 08:08 PM

Don't believe it has, no. Nice linkage there. ;)

mudshark 03-07-2008 03:17 PM

Hey, Zeke, do they have this at Math Camp?

Nate the Great 03-07-2008 10:28 PM

It's Slang Time!

"Groovy greets, gates! Frilly filly's steady shmoe is ready to blow...the cuddle buggy's perkin' chuggy an' the pash pit's sizzling huggy!"

I was going to provide a translation and ask for alternatives, but that's leaning into PNQ territory and I'm trying to stop doing these Link/PNQ crossovers.

Nate the Great 03-08-2008 12:50 PM

Strange Candy returns to Wikipedia!

Shameless plug time. I'm thrilled that OO (that's Okashina Okashi, long story) has returned to the big W, and highly encourage the reading of this webcomic to anyone who has yet to live the Strange Candy experience! Anime/manga obsession helpful but not required. :)

PointyHairedJedi 03-09-2008 09:50 PM

This is possibly a mistake and a colossal timesink, but that sounds strange enough to be worth checking out.

Zeke 03-09-2008 11:13 PM

Nate, your timing is incredible. I reread this thread the other day and noticed something: way back on page one, I never did explain where I had made a reference to Okashina Okashi on this site. I was just coming here now to finally <a href="../top10/43.html">link you to it</a>. (It's not <a href="../enterprise/fiver.php?ep=azatiprime">here</a>, although that would have been a good guess, considering that the Hoshi in OO really is nicknamed Ho-chan.)

I'm way behind on OO; one of these days I'll go through it all again. I'll appreciate a lot more of the anime/Japan-based humour now. Either way, there are two things I owe to OO: occasionally catching the words "strange" and "candy" in subbed anime, and being completely unable to take <a href="../zeke/nyarr.jpg">this comic panel</a> seriously.

Note for Megatokyo fans: the war between Dom and Ed is actually waged in this comic too. I don't remember the details.

mudshark: Nope. We used to have fencing, though.

Nate the Great 03-10-2008 12:28 AM

Go Orion!

I never really thought of calling Hoshiko Hoshi. She was always Ho-chan to me. Now here's a few classic Strange Candy quotes!

Petra: We’re headed towards outer space. We can’t BREATHE in outer space!
Ellie: Don’t worry! Ulrich once told me that space here has plenty of air. It’s what makes all those space battle explosions sound so cool!
Takeshi: We’re going to DIE!

Bearded Quest Merchant: How may I help you?
Lycidia: We want to go on a quest.
Bearded Quest Merchant: For the Holy Grail?
Lycidia: Will that involve fame and fortune?
Bearded Quest Merchant: No, usually just meeting rude people with French accents and killer rabbits.
Lycidia: Then no.

Zeke 03-10-2008 08:07 PM

Spider-Man, Spider-Man... does whatever a... huh... where am I?

Nate the Great 03-12-2008 05:20 AM

The Dark Secret of the Kool-Aid Man

You'll never see him the same again.

mudshark 03-13-2008 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Nate the Great (Post 76124)

Huh. Boondocks much? (I know the names at the bottom are different, but they've pretty well nicked McGruder's look.)

Nate the Great 03-13-2008 10:55 PM

I've never read Boondocks, I just liked this particular comic.

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