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admiral sab 01-19-2006 02:12 PM

I'm a mom! Introducing Abigail Elise!
So I had the baby. It's a GIRL!!! (Yes I used multiple exclamations and I think "Uncle" Zeke might let it slide ;) )

She was born January 11th weighing in at 7 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long!
For those that don't know this isn't the baby I was pregnant with when I made the post awhile back. That baby was due in October and we miscarried it. We got pregnant again a few months later, but decided to keep it to ourselves and then I just forgot to post again. Anyway, here's a pic of our cutie:

Gatac 01-19-2006 02:26 PM

*icy heart melts*




Chancellor Valium 01-19-2006 03:38 PM

Congratulations! I'm very happy for you :D

Katy Jane 01-19-2006 04:01 PM


She is SO adorable!

*heart melts*

Celeste 01-19-2006 04:19 PM

Aww, that's happy sad. Congratulations. :)

Hotaru 01-19-2006 04:44 PM


Alexia 01-19-2006 06:33 PM


She's so adorable :D I'm so happy for you sabby :D :D :D

danieldoof 01-19-2006 06:48 PM

awww that is so gorgeous

congratulations :D

PointyHairedJedi 01-19-2006 06:50 PM

Auspicious news, to be sure. Congratulations!

NeoMatrix 01-19-2006 07:49 PM

Congrats! May your love for star trek be passed down to your daughter

PointyHairedJedi 01-19-2006 10:49 PM

She'll have an account here before you know it.

e of pi 01-19-2006 10:57 PM

Maybe she has one already? *twilight zone music cuts in*

Derek 01-19-2006 11:00 PM

Congratulations! That is awesome.

e of pi 01-19-2006 11:00 PM

Oh, wait, forgot a line: Awwwww!...

Zeke 01-19-2006 11:21 PM

I'm so happy for you, Sab. She's beautiful. Congratulations to the whole family.

And after that "Uncle" line, I'd let anything slide. :)

Alexia 01-20-2006 12:00 AM

Uncle Zeke, buy me an apartment? :wink:

Ginga 01-20-2006 12:19 AM

Congrats! <3 :D

KillerGodMan 01-20-2006 03:28 AM


It's sooooo awesome; I made up a word for it!

'Seko'! say congratumelations too...

*temporally borrows hammer of smiting*

I'll give it back Zeke! I promise!

Naki 01-20-2006 04:24 AM

aww so Kawaii =^_^=

Congrats Sab

Opium 01-20-2006 07:45 AM

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!

And awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww?

And did I mention congratulations?

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