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Nate the Great 09-23-2010 10:21 PM

Start up a Blog on TGWTG?
It's a given that we need more exposure. It occurred to me that we could post a different fiver each and every day over at TGWTG, along with the link to the main site and our forums.

You need to be a member at TGWTG to post blogs. If we deem this to be good idea, I wouldn't want to create a "Nate the Great" account or similar, it would look like I was just showboating.

Would a few of you be up to sharing a TGWTG account ("" or somesuch) and divvying up the workload of posting the new fivers, responding to comments, etc?

We would probably use the Random Fiver Generator to choose the daily fiver:

That way all series and fivists would have equal exposure, and it would assure people that we're not just about Voyager (or even Star Trek in general, as not everyone (gasp!) is a Trekkie). Furthermore, with a list of the month's fivers set up in advance it will involve minimal effort for one of us to update the blog.


Nate the Great 09-27-2010 01:58 AM

Could someone at least tell me this is a horrible idea? I'm sort of in the dark here with limited instrumentation.

Tate 09-27-2010 04:39 AM

I was just trying to figure out what 'TGWTG' meant. :)
But a blog sounds like a good idea.

Nate the Great 09-27-2010 10:21 AM

Oh, right. Sorry about that. I should've linked to the blog section, too.

NAHTMMM 10-03-2010 09:51 PM

I have no idea how good an idea this would be. I wouldn't have any time to devote to it, though. Sorry. :(

Nate the Great 10-03-2010 11:08 PM

I PM'ed Zeke about this, and until he responds I'll be focusing on expanding the TV Tropes page.

Zeke 12-30-2010 05:24 AM

Sorry to be so long addressing this, Nate. I find it a little odd that you see TGWTG as a big promotional opportunity, but if you want to do this, go ahead. My only caveat is that I'd rather not have fivers posted in their <i>entirety</i> on other sites. We do that with TrekToday, but they're our server host. I'd rather you posted a few sample scenes and then linked to the page.

The random fiver generator looks like it'll work fine to start with. We'll probably have to see about getting its list up to date, though.

Nate the Great 12-30-2010 06:33 AM

Odd? Do you know how many registered members TGWTG has? Over 73,000 just at their forums. Unregistered people who visit the main site daily has to be in the hundreds of thousands.

More traffic here is a good thing. And gosh, maybe we can have an influx of talent and manpower to allow for more frequent updates. (Gasp!)

I don't think the idea of sample scenes would really work. Do you want me to read the fiver and summarize the jokes as if it was a commercial?

"It's Voyager versus the Mole Men! Why does Janeway have an obsession with giraffes? Will Harry sell enough boxes of Girl Scout Cookies to earn that trip to Risa? Find out in our Fiver of the Day, 'Janeway Goes Nuts'!"

PS: TrekToday still hasn't fixed my Inner Light fiver to include the missing lines at the start. They never responded to my e-mail, perhaps you'll have more luck.

KillerGodMan 05-21-2011 07:42 PM

So - I happen to have a TGWTG forum account - I hardly ever use it, but it's there

Oh, by the way, hi there, I'm back - last time I was here I was what? 14? Anyways.

If you decide to go ahead with this - and knowing the rate this site goes it could be awhile before you decide - my account is there for use.

Nate the Great 05-22-2011 10:54 AM

We hit an impass. I wanted to post an entire fiver every day on the blog, along with a link back here. Zeke didn't like the idea. I don't like it when people use blogs just to shill for their own sites. People should be able to enjoy a blog's content without seeing this:

Today's Fiver of the Day is:

Five-Minute Star Trek: Voyager, "Caretaker"

Read it at here:

(Enter spiel about the mission of here, how many different fivers we have, a summary of the shows we cover, etc.)

No, no. That won't work. Besides, if we were to use the blogs the username of the poster should reflect the site as a whole, not any one fivist or fivie.

NeoMatrix 05-24-2011 02:27 AM

Where is everyone? I missed the good old days. We need more fivers!

Nate the Great 05-24-2011 03:29 AM

E-mail Zeke and ask him to get some more staff who can update the site. Short of that (or making a sister site yourself), there isn't much that can be done.

NAHTMMM 05-24-2011 04:03 PM

You could also help out with the current Fiver By Committee.

Good to see you drop by! :)

Nate the Great 05-25-2011 03:41 AM

The comver is still alive? That's news to me.

NAHTMMM 05-25-2011 07:48 PM

It just so happens that that forum is only mostly dead. And mostly dead means partly alive.

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