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Burt 06-25-2006 04:41 AM

Please Help!
Can anyone help with a movie I'm trying to find (Or remember!)
I'm pretty sure I haven't seen it the last 10 years, so it was made before 1995(ish). I think maybe even in the 80's.
I remember the story set around a women who was part of a group of people from the future, who would go back in time, and take people away...or kill them(?), just before an big accident.
The opening scene, from what I remember, was onboard a airplane that was having troubles and was going to crash, the pilot asked the air steward to check on the passengers, but she comes back and says, they're........I'm not sure, either gone, or all dead already?
The future Women leaves something behind, and a guy investegating the crash finds it and her. I think they fall in love... and her world is destroyed cos she saves some people. Or something.

Anyways, I think the title has Friday in it. I thought it might have been Destination Friday, till Google told me I was wrong. But it might not be Friday. Might be any day of the week. Ain't the human brain wonderful?


Zeke 06-25-2006 08:21 AM

My advice is to try something more specific than Google -- IMDb. Run a search for titles containing "Destination." I gave it a shot, but I had no good way to narrow down the 108 results; you should have more luck. If that doesn't work, maybe the days of the week?

danieldoof 06-25-2006 09:24 AM

hey zeke...something out of topic: have you gotten the mail I sent you?

Zeke 06-25-2006 11:36 AM

Yes, sorry, had a strange week. I'll answer shortly.

Lostoyannaya 06-25-2006 12:01 PM

A further IMDb tip - instead of searching the title, go to the search bar and search by description, using some of the key words you used above.

~ Losty

Scooter 06-25-2006 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Burt
Can anyone help with a movie I'm trying to find (Or remember!)
I'm pretty sure I haven't seen it the last 10 years, so it was made before 1995(ish). I think maybe even in the 80's.
I remember the story set around a women who was part of a group of people from the future, who would go back in time, and take people away...or kill them(?), just before an big accident.
The opening scene, from what I remember, was onboard a airplane that was having troubles and was going to crash, the pilot asked the air steward to check on the passengers, but she comes back and says, they're........I'm not sure, either gone, or all dead already?
The future Women leaves something behind, and a guy investegating the crash finds it and her. I think they fall in love... and her world is destroyed cos she saves some people. Or something.

Anyways, I think the title has Friday in it. I thought it might have been Destination Friday, till Google told me I was wrong. But it might not be Friday. Might be any day of the week. Ain't the human brain wonderful?


Sounds like Millennium to me (

Burt 06-25-2006 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Scooter
Sounds like Millennium to me

Damn it yes!!! Thats the one.
Give that man an eyebrow!

I wonder why I thought it had Friday in the title? I was so sure..

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