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richardson 10-01-2005 03:23 AM

Richardson's personal site now available to the people!
Yep, it is now pub-lick.

Strange things lurk there. Don't let that scare you though. Stranger things lurk here. It's got some nice reading, which I one day hope to fiverize to put on my site as a goodie factor.

And yes, the main story started out as a trek fanfic, though it is no longer. it is something new, strange, and branching off into a new universe...

Come on over to it, check it out, enjoy your stay, and let me know what might be wrong with it.

(Yes, I know most of the links are not yet linked up. I only started it in May, and it takes a while to get the ball rolling on an independent project.)

PointyHairedJedi 10-01-2005 04:03 PM

Hmm, interesting. I'll poke at it properly later when I'm less occupied with other stuff.

richardson 10-08-2005 12:20 AM

Okay, an update will be coming within a week or so, with several dozen new features that have been listed, but not yet put up.

They include:
and a new chapter to the story.

You guys need to check out the story pages some more, because they are pretty good, and as time goes on, they will only get better. Cool stuff is coming, and the kind of cool stuff that inspires fivers cool.

Oh, and the links page will likely get an update.

richardson 10-10-2005 12:14 AM

NOOOOOO!!!!! The update will be soon!!!!! *Implodes.*

Yodck: I must apologize for my co-author. Due to an editing mishap, he is unable to update the site currently. In the meantime, he's shivering in a corner over the fact that his perfect update record is now tarnished. It should be here within the week. *Kicks Richardson.* Get up, you fool!

richardson 10-12-2005 03:13 AM

Yodck: I apologize for my currently illogically insane co-host of this program. However, even though he is currently running around daffy-duck laughing, there is good news. I have updated his site while he has been indisposed.

Richardson: You did what!?

Yodck: While you were busy having a nervous breakdown, I got the site updated. A day late, yes, but it is updated. I found the editor's email late yesterday. It was odd though, it was marked...

Richardson: Okay, then! (Shuffles Yodck back to his html coding booth.) Go back and do your job while I get the credit. (He clears his throat.) We now return you to your regularly scheduled broadcast.

PointyHairedJedi 10-12-2005 07:38 AM

I've read a bit and it's interesting stuff, richardson. Pretty well written too.

richardson 10-13-2005 10:54 AM

*Ego grows again.*

Thank you, thank you. It's very very quickly going to become possible for the public in general to write stories for the site, too. I've been working on a set of rules over the past 2 days or so, and I am just about ready to hit the release button.

Also coming up in the next month: The ship/race/technology submission rules, the specs for the Falcon class runabouts (Yes, that kind of falcon almost.) And a couple of other things.

Oh, and would any talented cgi artists or graphics dudes please raise their hands, I need a mesher for future projects.

*Yodck raises his hand, and gets an ill-tempered sea-bass thrown at him. (Richardson: Not you, you fool!)*

PointyHairedJedi 10-13-2005 07:54 PM

Heh, sounds like you have grand plans for this thing. I would suggest one thing, that you get yourself an editor - while I think they're good, there is definitely some room for improvement.

richardson 10-13-2005 08:17 PM

Actually, I already have one. He's why the last chapter was late. I am trying to improve the storyline, working and tweaking as I go. I've got others who are starting on editing my work as well.

Heck, look at FMV itself. One day, I want to be able to look upon this place, and wonder why I choose such a small site as my role-model.

Hey, good news! Some of the technobabble has arrived! Enjoy!

richardson 01-23-2006 12:32 AM


The entire rest of the second story!

Sorry about being so late, but when your computer crashes, all you can do is live in roast circuit city.

e of pi 01-23-2006 04:33 AM


Sorry about being so late, but when your computer crashes, all you can do is live in roast circuit city.
I've fortunately never been in that situation, but I can sympathyze.

richardson 02-10-2006 03:33 AM

Bah. Sorry about taking so long, but I had a hard time getting onto the forums again.

My monitor blew out (2 of them actually), and my current monitor, the last available, won't display red... (And guess what color most of FMV's site is?)

So, I've been trapped, EXILED!

But, with hope...

I have fixed up my old group, and it is now ready to allow new people into my strange new universe!

you've got to apply to join (Extra layer of protection against spammers and well... disturbed psyco freaks[doesn't apply to present company and crew of forums, of course...] to keep them from giving me a large invovled clean-up job.), but it's worth it.

Previews of upcoming chapters, sneak peaks into the backstory of the universe, at the least, you could get a better understanding of how my world came to be where it is now...

Chancellor Valium 02-10-2006 01:35 PM

Why do you like Four-Minute Voyager so much, anyway?

From what I've read, Pointy's absolutely correct - these ARE well written. Nice stuff :)

richardson 02-11-2006 04:30 AM

Let's see....

well, I THINK this is the 13th draft for most of this stuff anyway.... I think...

richardson 02-14-2006 04:59 AM

I've got the latest chapter halfway edited, and I've got page-breeze to get ready to upload it come the time I am done.
Life is good...

Especially with muffins...

Drat it! *Goes after Misha for getting him thinking of them.*

richardson 02-16-2006 10:24 PM

Bad news.

Geocities decided to be a total *Deleted-deleted-censored-censored* about my being away for so long, and I can no longer reach my old site directory.'

Which means it's time for me to move to the next version, hosted in the US!

HAH! Eat that geocities! Your file-eating power is no match for the power of the surviving Hard drive!

I've got to re-work the links on my site, but I should have it up and running again at best-case scenario during the weekend.

Chancellor Valium 02-17-2006 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by richardson
Bad news.

Geocities decided to be a total *Deleted-deleted-censored-censored* about my being away for so long, and I can no longer reach my old site directory.'

Which means it's time for me to move to the next version, hosted in the US!

HAH! Eat that geocities! Your file-eating power is no match for the power of the surviving Hard drive!

I've got to re-work the links on my site, but I should have it up and running again at best-case scenario during the weekend.

They're the spawn of Apophis, and incredibly annoying to boot.

richardson 02-18-2006 05:12 AM


Chancellor Valium 02-18-2006 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by richardson



richardson 02-18-2006 02:41 PM

Quiet, you fool! ~O'malley

I almost have it totally fixed already.

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