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Zeke 06-22-2005 05:16 AM

June 21

Zeke again, but still pressed for time, so I'll have to be quick. Hopefully I'll have time for a more leisurely update tomorrow. The Day 7 content:
<ul>[*]Derek concludes one of my favourite DS9 two-parters with "The Die is Cast."[*]Scooter gives us his first Smallville fiver: the Season 1 cliffhanger, "Tempest." (Temporary page.)[*]And the Cliffhangers saga continues with Part 4 by yours truly.[/list]

Day 8 tomorrow. (What? Yes, we called this a "Week." What's your point?)

Scooter 06-22-2005 06:30 AM

Great fiver.


O'Brien: I think I liked you better when I hated you.
Funny and true.


Tain: FIRE!
Lovok: I wonder if there are any implications to yelling fire in a theatre of war.
Tain: It's not crowded.
hee hee


Tain: I need you to torture Odo.
Garak: Aw, do I hafta?
Tain: You used to love torturing people, Garak. What happened?
Garak: I got cursed with a soul.
OMG, I never realized -- Garak is Angel!

Boy, the staff sure are having a bad day, huh? I hope everybody survives next time when everybody dies...

Derek 06-22-2005 12:16 PM


Clark: You bet. I've been waiting all year to go the prom with Lana.
Pete: Chloe. You're taking Chloe.

Clark: Every week it's the same. Drive fenceposts, toss hay bales. Drive fenceposts, toss hay bales. Have the writers ever *been* on a farm?
Heh. Great scenes.

Derek 06-22-2005 12:28 PM


Zeke: ....Yes, I think I'll take your advice, Derek. You can be Fred.
Derek: Kill me now.
WHAT? Last time I was Seven, this time I'm Fred, is there something I should be asking myself?


And everybody dies!
Everybody: GAK!
Or so we've made it look for the preview by carefully selecting our clips.
Zeke: Hey, was that Henry P. Everybody who just got shot? Poor guy.

Kira 06-22-2005 03:56 PM

Heeheehee, great fiver Derek.


Garak: Sigh. I guess it's back to the old tailor shop.
Odo: Well, maybe you'll be able to have a fire sale.
Garak: I wonder if it's a bad idea to yell "Fire Sale" in a crowded Promenade.
Is that an Arrested Development reference, or just a coincidence?

Marc 06-22-2005 04:42 PM


Sisko: I'm going to take the Defiant into the Gamma Quadrant in an effort to save Odo.
Eddington: Uh, Admiral Toddman just told you not to.
Sisko: He only said a futile effort. I'm going to succeed.
I think Sisko would have made a darn good constitutional lawyer.

Derek 06-22-2005 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Kira
Is that an Arrested Development reference, or just a coincidence?

Well it must, by necessity, be a coincidence. Though I've thought about watching that show before.

mudshark 06-22-2005 05:43 PM

Whee! Big fun.

Kira: Admiral Toddman just sent us a message saying that if we go into the Gamma Quadrant we are betraying our oath, our duty, and him.
Sisko: What a load of crap. Like anyone would ever say something so melodramatic.
Who, indeed? Heheheh.

Garak: I've come to torture you.
Odo: Uh, you can't torture me, I won't stay solid.
Garak: Don't be so sure about that. I plan to apply lots of pressure.
Garak: I'm up to 47 atms at the moment. Sure you don't want to tell me your secret?
Odo: What secret, Lex?
Garak: 48 atms.
Odo: All right! All right! My secret is that I want to return to my people! It crushes me to have to tell you that.
Garak: Nah, it's probably just all the extra pressure.
Garak: I wasn't able to get anything from him.
Tain: Come on. He obviously had a secret. You sure you don't have a crush on him?
Garak: Not anymore. I returned his quarters to normal pressure.
:mrgreen: :D

Lovok: Don't worry. I'm actually a Founder.
Garak: Aaah! Are you going to kill us?
Lovok: No. Because no Changeling has ever harmed another.
Odo: Why did you say it like that?
Lovok: Seemed important.

Really nice work, Derek. :D


Nixon: Cool, a spaceship! And there's even a slot for the octagonal paperweight I swiped from Luthor.
Spaceship: Hey, I've been looking for that. Bye now! See you next season!
Nixon: Oops.
Heh heh.


Kira: Uh, Zeke... is that a sucking chest wound?
Zeke: Geez! It's not enough to tell me I suck anymore, huh? Even my wounds have to suck now!

Zeke: And I'm not just a vampire here, I'm a vampire with a solo.
(Zeke pulls out his clarinet and starts playing. A few moments later, realizing the joke and his notes have fallen flat, he puts it away.)
What sort of clarinet solo would a vampire play, anyway? (And don't say "Peg o' My Heart".)

Zeke: Don't worry, you're not him. You're Wesley.
Marc: Oh no! NO!
Zeke: Not your usual Wesley. This one used to be sort of similar, but then he was gradually betrayed by everyone and everything he cared about, leaving him a borderline psychotic.
Marc: Ah. Good.
Derek: (Uh oh. Wait a minute....)

Zeke: IJD, you're Gunn, the young, street-smart fighter with a vigilante past.
IJD: If I understand this show correctly, I have a vigilante present too.
Zeke: It's not the same. You used to be a troll; now you're more like a slightly corrupt admin.

Kira: But which one will it be? WHICH ONE?
Derek: Pause for suspense.
Kira: You're not supposed to actually say that.

Good stuff, all.

Ginga 06-22-2005 08:40 PM

Hosnap! I didn't see it until today, but I have been cameo-tized... :D

Kira 06-22-2005 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
Well it must, by necessity, be a coincidence. Though I've thought about watching that show before.

Ah. I've never heard that phrase before except on AD, so I had to wonder. You should definitely watch it, though -- I just got the S1 DVD a month ago and it's fantastic. Can't recommend it highly enough.

Xeroc 06-23-2005 04:14 AM

Woo! :D

Great fivers! :D

Sa'ar Chasm 06-25-2005 07:16 PM


Sisko: I'm going to take the Defiant into the Gamma Quadrant in an effort to save Odo.
Eddington: Uh, Admiral Toddman just told you not to.
Sisko: He only said a futile effort. I'm going to succeed.
Creative order interpretation is a critical skill for field officers.


Dax: The Jem'Hadar ships are still ZOOM ZOOMing.
Sisko: Let's see if we can't put a little BOOM BOOM in their ZOOM ZOOM room.
Dax: I'm going to assume you mean for me to take out their engines.
I have absolutely no idea what that means.


Sisko: ...And that's when we decided to stop listening to rock music on rogue missions.
Toddman: (over the comm) It'd be nice to have even a semblance of coherence from you once in a while.
This, however, amuses me. *g*


Kira: Uh, Zeke... is that a sucking chest wound?

Zeke: Geez! It's not enough to tell me I suck anymore, huh? Even my wounds have to suck now!


Zeke: Not anymore! We're in mine now. And I'm not just a vampire here, I'm a vampire with a solo.

(Zeke pulls out his clarinet and starts playing. A few moments later, realizing the joke and his notes have fallen flat, he puts it away.)
As a brass player, I am duty-bound to mock woodwinds. *ahem* HAW-haw! OK, done. Excellent joke, Zeke.


Zeke: No problem. We'll take a blipvert.
A whatnow?


Zeke: ....Yes, I think I'll take your advice, Derek. You can be Fred.
I assume from Derek's reaction that Fred is a girl. *snicker* Poor Derek. Suddenly Sa'arclay isn't looking so bad.


Ginga: Get out! Quick! It's a trap!
Ackbar Ginga?


Derek: Pause for suspense.

Kira: You're not supposed to actually say that.

Great stuff, all around.

Chancellor Valium 06-25-2005 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by "Sa'ar Chasm[quote
Zeke: Not anymore! We're in mine now. And I'm not just a vampire here, I'm a vampire with a solo.

(Zeke pulls out his clarinet and starts playing. A few moments later, realizing the joke and his notes have fallen flat, he puts it away.)

As a brass player, I am duty-bound to mock woodwinds. *ahem* HAW-haw! OK, done. Excellent joke, Zeke.

You're a brass player? What do you play?
I play the trumpet.....

Sa'ar Chasm 06-25-2005 07:55 PM

Trombone, in theory. Haven't played much since I got to Ottawa. It's sitting in its case in the corner of my room, gathering dust (but not rust, thankfully).

Chancellor Valium 06-26-2005 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm
Trombone, in theory. Haven't played much since I got to Ottawa. It's sitting in its case in the corner of my room, gathering dust (but not rust, thankfully).

Ah! Well now, all we need are a few more people......and there can be a 5-Minute band! Best to go for a jazz one.....marching in step is very difficult.....

mudshark 06-26-2005 09:28 PM

It is?

I'm cool with jazz, though. 8)

Zeke 06-26-2005 09:30 PM

Clarinet jazz is badly underrated. I spent two years in CUJO, the Carleton University Jazz Orchestra, with my clarinet. Fun stuff.

Chancellor Valium 06-26-2005 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Clarinet jazz is badly underrated. I spent two years in CUJO, the Carleton University Jazz Orchestra, with my clarinet. Fun stuff.

I agree.....there's some great clarinet jazz music....of which a fine example is "The Mooche" by Duke Ellington.......

PointyHairedJedi 06-26-2005 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Clarinet jazz is badly underrated. I spent two years in CUJO, the Carleton University Jazz Orchestra, with my clarinet. Fun stuff.

Clarinet? Zeke, you don't by any chance happen to live next door to a square pants-wearing yellow sponge with a pet snail, do you? :lol:

Sa'ar Chasm 06-26-2005 11:16 PM

I spent three years in a swing band, playing with guys who had more years of experience than I did of lifetime.

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