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Hejira 09-15-2003 09:20 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Spoiler Space for those who want to be surprised about it, or whatever.

[i:post_uid0](This spoiler space is brought to you by the League of Spoiled Emoticons.)[/i:post_uid0]











[i:post_uid0]That last one's me - a total, total slut.

On spoilers.[/i:post_uid0]

So they're going to be born, grow up, grow old, and die.

The poor women lose the advantage of having heaven sprinkle down a crib for them, and have to give birth to their kids.

They have weeks, now. You know, Monday to Sunday and all that.

They have DNA, like Norns. (RIP Creature Labs.) Unlike Norns, however, there can't be incest.

*needs to remember links*

A free Sim Creator thing'll be released 'soon', I'm getting that.

And has the knowledge that The Sims 2 is coming out affected your decision on Makin' Magic, the last original Sims expansion pack? (As in, getting it or not.)

You guys get the links. My modem's too screwy. (Well, actually it's the phone line, but...yeah.)

And, stuff.[/color:post_uid0]

catalina_marina 09-15-2003 10:10 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]They should have had that when I was still interested in The Sims. I always wondered why the kid's never grew up.
They die? Of old age? Cool. :D[/color:post_uid0]

Katy Jane 09-15-2003 04:18 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]that sounds realy cool, unfortionetly now i have to come up with more money. :([/color:post_uid0]

Hejira 05-23-2006 12:07 PM

Well, Sims 2 is still around, and has come out with a 'Stuff' pack on top of their other packs.

'Stuff'. At least they're honest about how lame an idea it was.

...I bought it anyway. It was a non-console Sims thing, I had to. :D

Anyway, apparently the next one will be about pets and am I the only one whose soul is being consumed by this thing? If not, what's your strengths and weaknesses in gameplay?

I can make absolutely gorgeous Sims (that, by some miracle, have gorgeous in-game babies) but I can't build a house to save my life. I'm good at planting things near a wedding arch for beautiful cut-scenes and that's it.

Oh, and my Sims don't know what birth control is. I'm not the only one with this gameplay problem. Rabbitosis, I think it's called. Somewhat solved with infertile Servos, but still. The telephone is right there, and...

...your addiction stories, plz?

PointyHairedJedi 05-23-2006 01:01 PM

I was hooked on The Sims for a little while. Never again, though.


Celeste 05-23-2006 07:31 PM

Dude, starting to play The Sims is like asking for trouble. You just.. can't stop.. But I didn't know they were releasing a Sims add on with pets!? I'm so there.

Alexia 05-24-2006 07:40 PM

The Sims 2 has killed a hell of a lot of computers. Mine... my cousins THREE computers...

And yet... I still love it xD

It's currently not installed on my pc for one reason and one reason only; lack of memory. My ancient PC just can't handle it.

In a few months I will have a new PC. Sims 2 will be back. And I will again be hooked xD

Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic and want to see my sims fall in love, have kids and be successfull...

Maybe I just want to see 2 female sims "play"...

Either way, I have to be restrained when a new expansion pack comes out...

Ginga 05-24-2006 10:23 PM

Yeah, am I the only female who would rather blow shit up or run around casting magic to blow shit up instead of raise a family of stupid Sim people who just won't go over there to clean up their dish!?

Maybe it's just because my Sims never did anything. I would sit there for hours hoping they would do something but they would just whine at me.

*pops Roller Coaster Tycoon into the CD drive instead*

I have seen a bit of the Sims 2, though. It was interesting. We were trying to create me and what with all the things you could do to your face, it was really turning out to look like me.

Hejira 05-25-2006 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by Fuyu Ginga
Yeah, am I the only female who would rather blow shit up or run around casting magic to blow shit up instead of raise a family of stupid Sim people who just won't go over there to clean up their dish!?

I like to do both. :D

Each major expansion pack comes with its own weird version of a Sim. The original game has aliens. University has zombies. Nightlife has vampires. And Open for Business has Servos, like Sims 1 but playable.

Until the Servos came, each level of weirdness was stackable. Both aliens and normal sims could be zombie vampires, but you can't have a Servo alien because Servos don't reproduce. (Unless you count bulding and initializing another Servo reproduction. The game doesn't.)

For the record, Sims 2 vampires pwn Oblivion vampires. Motives don't degrade at night and one can bite other Sims and make them vampires. 'Tis sweeeeeet.

I'm guessing the Pets one will have werewolves.

Ginga 05-25-2006 07:01 AM

So, like, everything you just said, was that in English? =P

Chancellor Valium 05-28-2006 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi
I was hooked on The Sims for a little while. Never again, though.


Indeed. Now I know why there were so many ancient gods in the whole 'meddle with humanity' business.

Hejira 06-02-2006 02:35 AM

It also explains, a bit too well, why God, as one lonesome God, flooded the Earth.

PointyHairedJedi 06-04-2006 11:15 AM

Actually, I think he was on a Populous kick at that time.

Chancellor Valium 06-18-2006 02:06 PM

Nah. That was with the last plague in Egypt.

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