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Zeke 01-15-2006 03:26 AM

Forum remodelling
So, as you've noticed, I finally got around to modding this forum. Here are the new features:
  • Member titles are back
  • Topics can now have descriptions
  • You can now save posts as drafts (you can see and edit your drafts on a new page which also shows your recent posts)
  • Members can supply their birthdays; the forum splash page gives seven days' warning of an upcoming birthday
  • Country flags are back
  • The board keeps track of how many topics you've started and can search for them from your profile
  • When replying to a PM, the one you're replying to is shown below
  • Usernames are now profile links when viewing a thread
  • The memberlist shows when a member last posted (but doesn't let you sort that category, which was what I wanted... I'll work on it)
  • At the bottom of each topic is a search box that searches within the topic
  • When viewing a forum, clicking on the number of posts in a thread gives you a popup listing the users who have posted in it and how many times each
  • Finally, a mod making it easier for me to edit the FAQ, which I intend to do so as to make it less generic
How did I do all these so fast? Well... remember when I said I wasn't going to use EasyMod this time? I changed my mind. It's much less work this way (but still some -- I have to edit the instructions manually to resolve conflicts between mods), and I think I have a better understanding of how phpBBs work now. Besides, even in the worst case scenario of everything getting fouled up again, I now know how easy it is to clean the database and reinstall the forum software without losing any of our posts.

Anyway, those are the mods. You'll notice one other change if you look closely at your profile: I've made a clone of subSilver called subFiver, now selected by default. This is where I'm going to rebuild the skin. It may not be soon (I'm thinking of getting someone with actual experience to help), but it's coming.

Vedra 01-15-2006 03:48 AM

Awesome! You actually did something meaningful in less than 6 months! It's a miracle!

e of pi 01-15-2006 03:49 AM

Expression of the glory of Zeke, the Mighty, for completing this task. Every other word end in eth.

Scooter 01-15-2006 03:53 AM

Awesome. Awesome-awesome. Awwwwsome.

ETD: joke with political content :?

evay 01-15-2006 03:57 AM

::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:: 8)

evay 01-15-2006 03:58 AM

::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:: 8)

Although I gotta say, that "save as draft" thing is really weird. I can't tell if I've actually posted or not. What's the purpose of it?

e of pi 01-15-2006 04:06 AM

I dunno. However, I agree that with the current administration, I have to wonder too.

Zeke 01-15-2006 04:19 AM

All right, can this NOT turn into politics for no reason? Remember how I lost friends when I dared to attempt a civil political discussion thread in my own forum? Is idiotic sniping going to turn out better, or is it allowed on only one side, or what?

Anyway. I found a simple fix for the flag thing: I've simply removed the country-name text and left the flag. I think it looks better that way anyhow.

As for saving drafts, it's just there for those who want it. Those who don't will get used to the extra button.

Scooter 01-15-2006 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
All right, can this NOT turn into politics for no reason?

Eeep my bad

MaverickZer0 01-15-2006 08:15 AM

*bounces around randomly*


*promptly sits down and hugs Canadian flag*

danieldoof 01-15-2006 10:40 AM

hee I could just stay here and look at all the new stuff all day :wink:

Alexia 01-15-2006 11:16 AM

*agrees with the awesome-ness* :mrgreen:

Derek 01-15-2006 12:38 PM

Okay, why is Puerto Rico a country?

evay 01-15-2006 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
All right, can this NOT turn into politics for no reason?


Um, sorry, I didn't know that asking "what does this button do?" was politics. I have never seen the "save as draft" function before on any board. I was wondering what need the makers of phpBB thought the mod would serve.

PointyHairedJedi 01-15-2006 01:03 PM

This is all cool, but...

You should fill it with cream.

Scooter 01-15-2006 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by evay

Originally Posted by Zeke
All right, can this NOT turn into politics for no reason?


Um, sorry, I didn't know that asking "what does this button do?" was politics. I have never seen the "save as draft" function before on any board. I was wondering what need the makers of phpBB thought the mod would serve.

Oy, Zeke was referring to something I said, no worries.

Zeke 01-15-2006 07:35 PM

Yes, it was Scooter and e of pi I was talking to. And Scooter, I appreciate the edit, but it wasn't necessary -- I was just cutting off any further politics, not telling you to remove what was there. That usually just leads to confusion, as we just saw.


Originally Posted by Derek
Okay, why is Puerto Rico a country?

I've got a better question: why are you from Puerto Rico?

e of pi 01-15-2006 09:26 PM

Apologies. N00b error alert. :oops: Anyway:



Okay, why is Puerto Rico a country?

I've got a better question: why are you from Puerto Rico?
Why not?

Derek 01-15-2006 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
I've got a better question: why are you from Puerto Rico?

Florida, Puerto Rico, what's the difference? You know, besides distance, statehood, shape, population, climate, and a number of other things? Otherwise, they're virtually identical!

Zeke 01-15-2006 10:05 PM

Whoa! I forgot to list one of the coolest mods! It's on the list now (second last item).

I've successfully added custom titles to the memberlist and even made them sortable. Unfortunately, the last post column, which I really wanted sortable, is coded in a way that makes it much harder -- I would basically have to rework that whole mod. I may in fact do so, but not till I get some other things done.

(For those interested in the details, most columns in the memberlist are simply called up from the user database, and can be sorted before listing anyone. The last post column, however, is implemented by searching the post database to see when the given user last posted. Thus it can't be sorted in advance. To make that possible, I'll need to add a field to the user database storing the user's last post time, and get it to update each time someone posts. It won't be terrifically difficult -- more like challenging -- but it probably won't be quick either.)

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