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Zeke 02-04-2006 03:28 AM

February 3

Welcome to Day 2 of Babylon 5 Three-Dayge, with the following content:
<ul>[*]Sa'ar completes his cliffhanger from Cliffhanger Week with "The Fall of Centauri Prime." Can you guess what scene I have to kill him for?[*]Here's a Top 10 list I'm surprised I didn't write long ago: The Top 10 Signs That Your Girlfriend is a Vorlon.[/list]Conclusion tomorrow. Be here or Babylon Squared!

e of pi 02-04-2006 04:26 AM


Lennier: Just a minute... almost... aha! Got it!
Delenn: You've fixed the navigational thrusters?
Lennier: No, I've got Tetris working.
Well, I may not have seen the episode, or even the series, but that is a funny scene.


Lennier: We're almost out of options, but there's one last thing I could try....
Delenn: I shall tell you what I told John: I am not wearing that.
Lennier: Hark, the telltale sound of sensors picking up approaching Centauri vessels. Before we die, I'd just like to tell you that I wish I could Leia.
Delenn: Unfortunately, you'll have to go Solo.


Londo: And now the end is near... so I face my final curtain.
G'Kar: Don't be so melodramatic, Mollari, it's just a coronation. They wave a sword at you, drop the crown on your foot, and then you're emperor. Simple as that.
Londo: You'd think so, but I said "King me!" to the High Priest earlier and he beat me over the head with an Earth checker.
G'Kar: Perhaps he thought you were being metaphorical?
Return of Ditto!


Sheridan: Wow, what an adventure. It's good to be home. Now, what do you have to show me?
Franklin: Oh, nothing. Just a little hell-spawned demon that chewed half my face off.
Shadow Hamster: (beams)
Sheridan: This cute little thing did that?
Franklin: Don't touch it!
Sheridan: Oh, stop being so paranoid. It looks completely harml-- GAAAAHHHH! MY JUGULAR!
Franklin: Warned you.
Son of the ditto!


Ranger: Sir, I'm picking up coded signals, but I can't quite make them out. I'm pretty sure this x2 functions as the symbol for Centauri.
Sheridan: And this 2x?
Ranger: Centauri Prime.
And would this be the scene? Just a guess...

Gatac 02-04-2006 09:04 AM

Yay for sneaky biblical references!


Derek 02-04-2006 12:48 PM


4. She watches CSI, but only for the theme song


Londo: What is that thing?
Regent: It's called a Keeper.
Londo: (points at Drakh) And who's that?
Regent: It's my Keeper's brother.
Brutal. This would be the scene I would have to kill you for.


Ranger: Sir, I'm picking up coded signals, but I can't quite make them out. I'm pretty sure this x<sup>2</sup> functions as the symbol for Centauri.
Sheridan: And this 2x?
Ranger: Centauri Prime.
I found this joke to be rather derivative.

Hilarious fiver, Sa'ar. Good work.

MmeBlueberry 02-05-2006 03:44 AM

Nice fiver and T10, Sa'ar. :)

Zeke 02-05-2006 05:56 AM

Actually, the T10 is by me. I could have phrased that part of the newspost better.

Kristina 02-05-2006 08:58 AM

Great fiver, Sa'ar.

Zeke: funny T10, but I'm not sure #1 is a helpful sign, either... :wink:

MmeBlueberry 02-05-2006 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Actually, the T10 is by me. I could have phrased that part of the newspost better.

Sorry for misreading it (and, you know, not looking at the author on the actual page). Nice T10, Zeke. :)

mudshark 02-05-2006 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Derek

Ranger: Sir, I'm picking up coded signals, but I can't quite make them out. I'm pretty sure this x<sup>2</sup> functions as the symbol for Centauri.
Sheridan: And this 2x?
Ranger: Centauri Prime.
I found this joke to be rather derivative.


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