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Nate the Great 11-26-2006 03:02 AM

The "Willow/Star Wars Connection"
It was only recently that I rediscovered Willow, and I was wondering if anyone had any corraborating evidence to the notion that George Lucas once said that the events of Willow happened sometime in the past of the Star Wars universe, or even just opinions as to whether this should or should not be the case.

"Ignore the bird! You know the way." :)

A new favorite quote of mine. That guy's so funny, I'm still amazed that anyone would entrust him with the most powerful magic wand in the world.

mudshark 11-26-2006 03:59 AM

I'd never heard that Lucas ever said anything of the sort, and can see no reason whatsoever to suspect that Willow has anything to do with the Star Wars Universe.
"Are you suggesting we go home?"
"Nah, this is more fun."

Zeke 11-26-2006 05:03 AM

According to Wikipedia, it was an April Fool's joke. Apparently it's backfired. I can relate.

I haven't seen the movie, but I read the kids' novelization. The bit Nate quoted was my favourite. Apparently the NES game was also a standout -- which is very rare for licensed games.

mudshark 11-26-2006 06:48 AM

Oh, do see the movie -- it's great fun.

Burt 11-26-2006 04:52 PM

Right.... And there was me thinking you were talking about Buffy's Willow....
Because of the....Lightening from her hands....and the...stuff...and......Oh forget it!

Nate the Great 11-27-2006 01:01 AM

Well, April Fool's joke or not, I can't see any reason why Willow can't occur in the Star Wars universe. After all, just say that there exists some sort of combination of environmental factors that allow trees to grow whose wood can allow the focussing of latent, unconscious Force abilities.

mudshark 11-27-2006 03:30 AM

I see. The widely-known Midichlorioaks, I suppose?

Nate the Great 11-27-2006 04:33 AM

Uh, yeah. I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to be disgusted at the lameness at that pun or disgusted that I didn't come up with it first. :)

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