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Zeke 04-21-2006 08:04 AM

April 21

Here's Derek's latest Smallville fiver, "Fragile." I'm starting to find it really embarrassing that he's so punctual while I'm late with entire seasons. But on the other hand... uh... well, I can show that pi to the power of e is less than e to the power of pi without using a calculator. Let's see Clark Kent do that.

Uh, post-Crisis Clark Kent. Let's not get that pesky super-intelligence power involved.

Anyway, today we also have a link courtesy of Celeste: Cyanide and Happiness. It's definitely not worksafe and, like South Park, sits right on the border between "gross but funny" and "too gross to be funny." But when someone actually encourages my highly unhealthy addiction to webcomics, how can I say no?

Derek 04-21-2006 11:06 AM

Re: April 23

Originally Posted by Zeke
I'm starting to find it really embarrassing that he's so punctual while I'm late with entire seasons.

Unfortunately my VCR and I disagreed on how much space was left on the cassette (I need a Tivo), so last night's episode won't be as punctual. :(

admiral sab 04-21-2006 12:40 PM

am I missing something? Did you skip ahead two days on purpose or did I miss two days of my life? I thought it was the 21st?

Or is canada that far ahead of us? ;)

Zeke 04-21-2006 12:42 PM

Huh. No idea how that happened.

Celeste 04-21-2006 06:20 PM

Re: April 21

Originally Posted by Zeke
But when someone actually encourages my highly unhealthy addiction to webcomics, how can I say no?

Its cause you love me Zeke. Just admit it.

Dragon Frost 04-21-2006 07:03 PM

More Smallville Fivers. Its kinda like shooting fish in a barrel.

or clubbing baby seals.


What a shame! Keep them coming Derek.
Oh Zeke; just because you're a "little" behind with the Enterprise stuff isn't something to be embarased about...

Sa'ar Chasm 04-21-2006 07:20 PM


Uh, post-Crisis Clark Kent. Let's not get that pesky super-intelligence power involved.
Superfriends Clark Kent (or Kal-El, if you prefer). That guy seems like he can barely add.


Everything Else Made of Glass: EXPLODE!
Naomi: OH NO! Everything made of glass is broken except for this mirror, so while I'm here suffering all these cuts from the glass exploding, I think I'll walk toward the mirror....
Mirror: Honestly, you deserve what's about to happen next.


Lois: Clark, that kid is dangerous. We should call the police and get out of here.
Clark: You're just afraid of babysitting her.
Lois: No, I'm not! And to prove it, I'll babysit her!
Clark: You're also afraid of giving me $100.
Lois: No, I'm not! And to prove it -- Here! Have $100!
I wish that worked in real life.


Chloe: Lex, you cretin, I'm onto your nefarious scheme!
Lex: Which one?
Chloe: The one where you're trying to get Lana to go out with you!
Lex: (Phew.) I completely and utterly deny that totally true statement. I'm also going to make a few somewhat out-of-character jabs at your love life.
Chloe: Ha! The joke's on you! I don't have a love life!
You tell him, Chloe.


Lana: We're not dating, are we?
Lex: No, of course not.
Lex: Let's kiss.
(They kiss at Ludicrous Speed)
They're just tonsil-buddies.

PointyHairedJedi 05-02-2006 10:17 PM

I have bookmarked that webcomic as I find it Very Funny (though not quite Bob the Angry Sunflower funny).

Also, damn you Celeste, damn you. Keep feeding his habit like that and we'll be lucky to get an update a month, never mind what it's like now.

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