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DrWho42 03-08-2021 05:09 AM

i got a food illustrator to draw a star trek dish:

itadaki yasu

Nate the Great 03-08-2021 04:49 PM

Dr. Seuss Enterprises is stopping publication of six Seuss books, including "And To Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street," because they have racist caricatures.

Mulberry Street is one of my favorite Seuss books, so this saddens me.

I wonder why censorship isn't possible in these cases. Just Photoshop out the racist parts, it's not complicated. The original version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has racist implications with the Oompa-Loompas, later editions fixed this. The original editions of some of the Doctor Doolittle books had racist portrayals of Africans, later editions fixed this. Surely clipping out a few people from group shots isn't as much work as this.

Nate the Great 03-10-2021 03:04 PM

Every episode of TNG.

I get what they were going for, but I'm not sure why this is supposed to be funny. Furthermore, this is just a generic spoof, not "every episode of TNG".

Plus there's the whole "vegetarian space socialists who are always right" thing. Vegetarian? Hardly, we've seen people import real meat and other foodstuffs for the authentic experience. Plus replicated food isn't really "vegetarian." Socialist? That's a whole essay by itself, but the immediate counterargument is that socialism doesn't really have "private property", which doesn't apply to the Federation. Always right? Again, highly debatable.

Nate the Great 03-10-2021 03:52 PM

Happy Mar10 Day!

Yeah, Mario=March 10th.

Piranha Plant Costume
How much is a Mario coin worth?

Mario parkour in real life (the real question is how he keeps his hat on)
Mario Kart in real life
Super Smash Wars

Mario 64 File Select Theme Guitar Collab
Mario Disco Medley
Medley played by an actual orchestra
And another orchestral medley
This one has a twist. I recommend the String Player Gamer channel. How one guy can record all these tracks separately and get them to mix so well is amazing.

AVGN covers Hotel Mario

Nate the Great 03-11-2021 06:18 PM

How fast can you spin a LEGO wheel using Technic motors?

With the proper lubrication, limited to LEGO motors, 7500 RPM. If you cheat and connect a drill to the axle instead, 17350 RPM. For comparison, a drill by itself goes a few thousand by itself.

DrWho42 03-11-2021 07:19 PM

a worker and parasite parody from the simpsons episode "krusty gets kancelled" (1993):

Daily bunny no.1326 is a good rabotnik!

Nate the Great 03-11-2021 11:27 PM

Making a paper shredder out of LEGO gears.

Or rather a "paper ripper" or a "paper tearer", this is not a paper shredder. Shredding by definition involves a blade.

Nate the Great 03-15-2021 03:48 AM

Sheet Music Boss presents "Define Dancing" from Wall-E.

I just happened to stumble on this one. I haven't thought about Wall-E in years, even though I still have the DVD around here somewhere...

The original scene

Using Minecraft Noteblocks

Fanmade ensemble cover

Piano cover

Mario Paint

Guitar cover

Nate the Great 03-16-2021 02:31 PM

How could Kira be first officer of the Defiant if she wasn't in Starfleet?

My answer is she shouldn't. Kira had no business ever serving on the Defiant except as an observer for the Bajoran government.

Then again, whoever said the human race was logical?

DrWho42 03-19-2021 05:54 PM

youtuber/musician tessa violet plugged the star trek: voyager documentary:

The Star Trek: Voyager Documentary Plug

Nate the Great 03-21-2021 08:02 PM

Certifiably Ingame explains the rules of Dabo.

I think I'll stick to fizzbin...:rolleyes:

NAHTMMM 03-21-2021 08:09 PM

I wonder if my freeware Sabacc would work on a modern computer.

Nate the Great 03-27-2021 02:09 AM

Beverly Cleary died today, aged 106.

So what's your favorite Cleary book?

The Henry Huggins books, of course. Otis Spofford as well. I wonder if Dear Mr. Henshaw is still required reading in school.

I still have to watch Ramona and Beezus. Have any of you seen it?

DrWho42 03-27-2021 07:34 PM

a friend painted the dog from the star trek episode "the enemy within":

I got a really fun commission this week :-)

Nate the Great 03-28-2021 07:05 PM

Certifiably Ingame tackles the rules of Tongo

Another set of rules

It makes a bit more sense than Dabo, but I shudder to think of the amount of math these guys have to do in their heads.

NAHTMMM 03-29-2021 03:32 PM

Animation of building a bridge in the 14th century.

Nate the Great 03-30-2021 06:18 PM

Apparently I haven't shilled Julien Neil yet. He does a capella covers of old songs, often by split-screening himself into a barbershop quartet. Due to a combination of factors I'm fond of music from many different eras. Ragtime is one of them. The sincere simplicity proves that you don't need fancy tech or a roomful of musicians to have a good time.

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh theme
Goodnight, My Someone
It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas
Side by Side
Take Me Out to the Ballgame
I Got Rhythm
In the Good Old Summertime

DrWho42 03-31-2021 07:39 AM

a vintage star wars model restoration:

Vintage Star Wars - Boba Fett Slave 1 - Unboxed - Cleaned + Reviewed!

Nate the Great 04-03-2021 01:49 AM

Maybe some of you remember Disney's One Saturday Morning. And perhaps some of you remember Great Minds Think 4 Themselves hosted by Genie. But I bet you didn't know that Genie imitated the TOS Trinity at one point. I didn't either until today. His Kirk and Spock are okay, but McCoy is a little over the top.

DrWho42 04-04-2021 03:13 AM

@itslittletunny drew my cat!

snow crash

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