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Anonymous 02-07-2005 12:51 PM

:evil: ITS HORRIBLE!!!!!
I am usually stoic as a vulcan but now I must have gone into Ponn Farr or something because I alternately want to break down and weep (no, not just cry, weep) and kill someone, anyone (especially the ones who dont agree with me 100%), and five minutes later I want to fly over to america and get on my knees and beg.

Anonymous 02-07-2005 01:17 PM

Enterprise is the only current TV show I can stand to watch, except for the various CSI series. I guess I just have to hope the next one will be CSI: Federation!

:shock: On second thought, never mind. "Now, let's rip open this redshirt and see how far the anomaly penetrated...."

Chancellor Valium 02-07-2005 07:23 PM

Personally, I hated both versions of that song -- they both drove me insane........ :x

Draknek 02-07-2005 10:54 PM

They changed it?

Shows how much I notice.

KillerGodMan 02-08-2005 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Fuyu Ginga

Originally Posted by MaverickZer0
...I...liked the theme song...

Am I the only person?

No, I kinda liked it, too. But I thought the first version they had of it was horrible. X_x

I liked the song, that was pretty much it, hell, I MEMORIZED not only what they used for the credits, the ENTIRE SONG I like it that much.

Oh well.

Anonymous 02-08-2005 02:35 AM

This is getting repetitive, but...

This really, really, [insert expletive of choice] sucks.

I wonder if Moonves realizes just how much of an idiot he really is. He cancels the [expletive] show just when it [expletive] hits its [expletive - you get the idea] prime.

This really hits home. There's been Star Trek on TV since I was born - hell, since before I was born. I'm am really very pissed.

On a similar note, Reality TV is the second greatest tragedy to ever befall mankind. Whoever came up with the concept should be made to stand trial for crimes against humanity :evil: :twisted: :evil: .

USS Enterprise 02-08-2005 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Guest2
This is getting repetitive, but...

This really, really, [insert expletive of choice] sucks.

I wonder if Moonves realizes just how much of an idiot he really is. He cancels the [expletive] show just when it [expletive] hits its [expletive - you get the idea] prime.

This really hits home. There's been Star Trek on TV since I was born - hell, since before I was born. I'm am really very pissed.

On a similar note, Reality TV is the second greatest tragedy to ever befall mankind. Whoever came up with the concept should be made to stand trial for crimes against humanity :evil: :twisted: :evil: .

I completely agree with this entire statement. ENT is the last show I've been watching on TV. Now the only reason I'll need one is to watch the DVDs. Over at the TrekBBS a bunch of fans have started a campaign to raise the $35 million or so needed to fund the show. I don't really think it'll succeed but... it'll be interesting to watch.

Ginga 02-09-2005 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Guest2
On a similar note, Reality TV is the second greatest tragedy to ever befall mankind. Whoever came up with the concept should be made to stand trial for crimes against humanity :evil: :twisted: :evil: .

Seko says:

"Ginga's telling me that you should really join the forums, you cool person, you."

Chancellor Valium 02-09-2005 11:02 AM

Welcome, Enterprise! Care for some raw Leola root? I'm afraid we're out of pie, and it's lexy's turn to do the shopping :mrgreen:

Kira 02-09-2005 04:16 PM


On a similar note, Reality TV is the second greatest tragedy to ever befall mankind. Whoever came up with the concept should be made to stand trial for crimes against humanity
I'm not a fan of most of the crap on the airwaves either, but I do think "reality TV" often gets a bad rap, being condemned as a genre more unfairly than we would do to a bad sitcom. To quote one of the co-creators of Television Without Pity: "There are good and bad drama series, good and bad sitcoms, and good and bad reality shows, and in the end, smart viewers are going to watch the good shows regardless of what genre they fall into." I take comfort in that, as well as the fact that people all said that sitcoms were dead in the '80s. Enter The Cosby Show, Cheers, and Seinfeld. I think there's hope for television yet. It just might take a while for the networks to realize that while reality TV may get ratings, it's not going to stick around or make them more money in the long run.

Anonymous 02-09-2005 09:28 PM


I'm not a fan of most of the crap on the airwaves either, but I do think "reality TV" often gets a bad rap, being condemned as a genre more unfairly than we would do to a bad sitcom. To quote one of the co-creators of Television Without Pity: "There are good and bad drama series, good and bad sitcoms, and good and bad reality shows, and in the end, smart viewers are going to watch the good shows regardless of what genre they fall into." I take comfort in that, as well as the fact that people all said that sitcoms were dead in the '80s. Enter The Cosby Show, Cheers, and Seinfeld. I think there's hope for television yet. It just might take a while for the networks to realize that while reality TV may get ratings, it's not going to stick around or make them more money in the long run.
Point well made and taken.

Anonymous 02-10-2005 12:12 AM

I merely meant to say that, in its current form, reality television is mostly (read: not entirely, but almost) so much worthless garbage. But you're right - every genre has its worthwhile shows, bar none.

Note - apologize for the double-post, but apparently as a guest I can't edit my previous posts.

MaverickZer0 02-10-2005 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by Fuyu Ginga

Originally Posted by Guest2
On a similar note, Reality TV is the second greatest tragedy to ever befall mankind. Whoever came up with the concept should be made to stand trial for crimes against humanity :evil: :twisted: :evil: .

Seko says:

"Ginga's telling me that you should really join the forums, you cool person, you."

The guy who came up with Survivor.

I'll get the honey and fire ants.

(I have never seen any reality TV past 2 episodes of the first survivor and I have never so much glanced at American Idol. Perhaps the popularity of the stuff at my vapid-minded, hypocritical, unaccepting high school had something to do with that.)

Nan 02-10-2005 01:00 PM

Mark Burnett also created Eco-Challenge, which used to be my vicious, vicious evil voyeuristic pleasure when I still got the channel it aired on. Moroccan stomach flu! Evil Bornean leeches from hell! A 80% (and higher) failure rate!

Watching with vindictive glee the hubris of the unprepared give way under the hideous physical and emotional strain of one of the hardest expedition races out there. Plus, the purse barely covered costs, making the entire thing pretty much just a feather in your cap. Your blistered, leech-bled, frost-bitten cap.

Ahhh. Now THAT was good times.

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