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Opium 04-13-2005 10:48 PM

It's like "Remember Me"
Eep! Is the 5MV forum's in a colapsing bubble? First the member titles, then sig pics (okay, so the eTrektion sigs were a little big), the eTrektion itself, and now...flags!

Wesley's at it again! :twisted:

danieldoof 04-13-2005 11:02 PM

whoa :shock:

then I hope the traveller comes to save the day :wink:

Zeke 04-14-2005 12:14 AM

Ah, you begin to notice. I had to patch the forum to fix a security problem, and it messed with some of the mods. I'll reinstall them, but first AntonyF of TrekToday (where usernames go in bold) is going to inspect the place to make sure the security hole is fully sealed.

It's possible -- but not necessarily likely -- that I'll need to do something more thorough than patching the forum. A full reinstall might not be a bad idea. In theory, it wouldn't affect the database, i.e. your member data; in practice, I'll get Owen's help to make damn sure it doesn't. Just call me Wes and him the Traveler.

Opium 04-14-2005 12:28 AM

Sounds good :)

BTW, anyone every thank you for having this fun online place-to-play-when-you-be-writing-essays? Because I am :D

Zeke 04-14-2005 03:02 AM

Not lately, so thanks. :)

I'm worried about this community, to be honest. A lot of former regulars are rarely seen now, and the place just seems less active. I'm trying to think of ways to attract people again, but with 5MV's main draw living on borrowed time, it may not be easy. Any suggestions from you guys are welcome....

Celeste 04-14-2005 03:50 AM

I'm still here, though I guess you could say i'm rarely seen. Though that's probably because I don't reply in any of the silly "Topic Title" threads, and I don't read any of the fivers unless they're from Trek. ::shrug::

Scooter 04-14-2005 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Opium
BTW, anyone every thank you for having this fun online place-to-play-when-you-be-writing-essays? Because I am :D

I'm not visiting the forum much either (busy busy) but I'm still around too, and I second the vote of thanks and move to pass by acclamation. All in favor?

NAHTMMM 04-14-2005 05:03 AM

^Aye! :mrgreen:

Zeke 04-14-2005 05:55 AM

Much appreciated from you both, but I can't help recalling my favourite scene from David Gerrold's novelization of "Encounter at Farpoint"....

Picard cleared his throat. "Stardate 41150.7. Captain's log. First entry: These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before. Entry complete."

Picard looked around at his officers. Their faces were beaming. Abruptly, they applauded.

Picard was embarrassed, and held up a hand to stop them. "Belay that until we do something worthy of applause."

I've barely kept this site alive in the last year, and I've been too proud to turn things over to someone who would do better. I've done nothing to keep you, and a number of you even feel I've done something to drive you away. I've been coasting -- not just at 5MV, but in every single area of my life -- for a long time, and more flagrantly every year.

The good news, such as it is, is that I can't do it anymore. Coasting takes momentum, and no matter how much you start with, sooner or later you run out. Recent events on- and offline have made it very clear to me that I've finally reached the end; my current attitude can get me this far, and absolutely no farther. If I want to keep being a user, a liar, a leech, then I can. But I won't get anything more from life than I have now.

I've admitted all this now, and I'm working to turn my life around. I'm determined to start deserving your and others' thanks again. To "do something worthy of applause."

But right now? No. I'm the one who needs to thank you. Because you know what kind of person I am, how little you gain from supporting me -- and you're still here. I'm not worthy, but I'm truly grateful.

Opium 04-14-2005 06:48 AM

^ Tough times are...tough. I can relate...things can go off-kilter. But the best thing you can do is keep going and keep checking out that you're on the right path (or for that matter, any path), and that seems that is what you're trying to do. :)

But still remember to relax and have fun sometimes while you're analysising and working through stuff. Being hard on yourself just makes things even harder.

Chancellor Valium 04-14-2005 09:08 AM

Zeke, fair enough, this is a hobby for you after all :wink:

evay 04-14-2005 10:23 AM

Where else are we supposed to get pie? ;) Hang in there, Z. You aren't being abandoned.

NAHTMMM 04-14-2005 11:23 PM

I coast to some extent from time to time too, Zeke. You're not alone in that. :oops:

PointyHairedJedi 04-14-2005 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke
Just call me Wes

Shoot, I was so set on calling you Jar-Jar as well. :(

Zeke, I've said it before and I'll say it again - You Don't Suck (not even when I ask really nicely... erm, ignore that bit), and I suspect everyone here would agree with me. I think the fact that 5MV is cool and all, but real life takes precedent doesn't escape people either, so don't beat yourself up quite so much about it. That never really gets you anywhere. Anywhere good, at any rate.

Rayinne 04-15-2005 06:31 AM

It would be disappointing for you to hit the showers at this point - the site's gathering all sorts of new fan-people. When it gets all old and decrepit and only, say, Kira has the pull to bring it back from the edge, then she retires, you still better not quit. If you do, the Q continuum and that random midwestern carpetbagger are gonna laugh in your face.

OK, I'm a little screwed up right now. But still, though I'm not the most active of sorts myself, I do like this place. It'd suck to see it become a ghost town. But then again, there is that overwhelming force called "reality." As much as I'm tempted by lack of sleep to philosophize and Al/Chi 'ship here, I'll save it and just summarize.

5MV rocks. Sometimes things might get in the way, but still...5MV rocks.

Nan 04-15-2005 07:21 AM

We love you, Zekeybuns!

Celeste 04-15-2005 04:28 PM

Hey hey hey. Real life comes first. Internet comes second. I may spend one hell of a time on the internet. But I still have a life. (surprising, I know) it may not be much of one. But it's one! :P You got one too Zekeybuns. You only get one. Of course you get more if you believe in reincarnation and that. But! That being said. More Trek Fivers would always be good too. :) I'll take either or. ;)

Alexia 04-15-2005 09:53 PM


What, you think I have another forum to visit? :wink: :mrgreen:

I coast. Coasting's dandy. Hell, I said "dandy"...I need to stop hanging out with all you American folks :wink:

Xeroc 04-15-2005 10:37 PM

I haven't been around much lately, as there have been lots of work for me in my life, that's all.

Zeke, I reccommend that you should try to make this site more active, and the best way to do that if you're too busy is to distribute the work among other people!

Scooter 04-16-2005 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
But right now? No. I'm the one who needs to thank you. Because you know what kind of person I am, how little you gain from supporting me -- and you're still here. I'm not worthy, but I'm truly grateful.

What's the point of supporting your friends only when they don't need it? And we're not here because we "get" something from you. It's like you built a house, and you made it a nice place to visit. That's still true even if you're away on business. After all, you left pie in the fridge for us. ;)

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