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Zeke 04-26-2006 11:41 PM

April 26

Ha. I don't have to do that TJI now -- reality made my point for me. Abrams is apparently the producer, but he's not the director, and the Academy thing was just one more resurfacing of one of Trek's oldest rumours. It may all happen anyway, but this "announcement" still won't have mattered.

In the Andromeda episode I watched yesterday, Dylan quotes his mentor, Admiral Stark: "If your mother says she loves you, verify it." How much more should you verify what Variety magazine says?

richardson 04-27-2006 11:03 AM

Note though, he just said some of the information in the report was not true.

He did not deny the academy plot outright, in fact...

Naki 04-27-2006 03:05 PM

Wow, that explains so much

Makes you think don't it?

e of pi 04-27-2006 08:46 PM

No, what's scary is that on another forum I frequent, one poster sugested a series of basic plots that could actually make such a movie good! I'll see if I can dig it up.

EDIT: Found it.


Regarding Armageddon, the screenplay is just the weak point of the movie. Hence my worries.

Anyway, I have pondered a bit more about the premise. There is hardly anything that would open more opportunities and bear more risks.

For instance, I would love to see some decent character development in the movie. Kirk as a cadet who is always bullied by Finnegan and who gains self-confidence through his friendship with Spock. Maybe it could even be mentioned that young Kirk is still traumatized by the events on Tarsus IV (Kodos killing the colonists). But I expect the movie to show us an even more reckless Kirk than in TOS, one who doesn't need and who wouldn't take advice.

A perfect guest role: Leonard Nimoy as Skon. As we know that Sarek was always against Spock's entry into Starfleet, his grandfather may have given him moral support.

The Klingons should be in the movie, and they should be more trigger-happy than ever, and *with flat foreheads*. But not without a symbolic olive branch in the end.

It would be extremely contrived to have all the TOS characters in the movie. But perhaps Bones could be somehow involved.

Other people and things that should appear:
- Garth of Izar, as Kirk's father figure
- The Kobayashi Maru test (I won't watch the movie if it's not incorporated!)
- The ship on which Kirk served at that time (although it is a bit controversial whether it's the Republic or the Farragut, but it has to be one of these two)
- Gary Mitchell (it was mentioned that he and Kirk were friends on the academy)
- Ruth (who may be the "blonde lab technician" that Mitchell mentioned)

Somehow I have the impression that nothing of this will be in the movie, and that the authors pull everything off the hat, screwing Kirk's and Spock's biographies and more.

MaverickZer0 04-28-2006 12:01 AM

One wonders why the academy students idea was thrown around at all.
One also wonders why we want another Star Trek movie after Nemesis (Not saying it wouldn't be good, but look at the last one.)
There's kind of not much more you can do with TNG, pretty much the only thing they could do is the years they skipped between the second-last and last episodes of Enterprise.
...Hey, a thought! What if that thing I said?

Zeke 04-28-2006 12:14 AM

Nemesis was great. Not First Contact great, but great.

Boy, I was pretty smug in that newspost, wasn't I? I think I need a slap or something.

richardson 04-28-2006 01:38 AM

Hmm.... I sense a Kirk Revival...

Maybe even an Enterprise Revival. (The ship, not the show.)

I sense a disturbance in the Braga... things are going exactly as I have forseen...

*'Yodck' proceeds to light-spork 'Richardson'*

ijdgaf 04-28-2006 03:08 AM

I want Bryan Singer to do it. If Paramount doesn't go with him, they're practically just throwin' their money away.

Also, if this does come out in 2008, it's the most half-assed "forced hiatus" I ever saw. I may not think the hiatus move was the best idea at the time, but now that they've done it... they should at least stick with it, right?

It's silly.

Not "Wii" silly, but silly nonetheless.

Ginga 04-28-2006 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by ijdgaf
Not "Wii" silly, but silly nonetheless.

I'm laughing about this "Wii" thing so hard that I'm crying as we type right now!

But back on topic... er... I don't know. ._.

Hejira 04-28-2006 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by ijdgaf
Not "Wii" silly, but silly nonetheless.

*runs crying and screaming*

*from a distance* They'll change it back! They'll have to!

Tate 04-28-2006 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by ijdgaf
Not "Wii" silly, but silly nonetheless.

I didn't understand this when I first read it.
Then I went to
Now I understand. :lol:

Alexia 04-28-2006 06:26 AM

*blinks* :shock:

They are calling a gaming system... Wii?

*blinks again*

The had every word available in the English language and they chose... Wii?

They clearly pay those naming people far too much.

Alexia 04-28-2006 06:28 AM

...or, thinking about it, way too little, and this is their way of getting revenge.

Zeke 04-28-2006 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Alexia
The had every word available in the English language and they chose... Wii?


...Man, that joke was dead before it hit the ground. (So expect to hear it a lot.)

Hejira 04-28-2006 08:11 AM

What the hell are they gonna call the next Game Boy? The Mii? I don't care how meaningful it is, it's had me screaming, "Wheeeeeeeeee!" all day making people give me weird stares and stuff. I dropped out of school specifically to avoid that stuff.

*runs back into a normal viewing distance*

I'll be fine, only because my preferred choice of words aren't a valid choice on this board. I...I...*sigh*

I guess I'll be preordering a Wii.

ijdgaf 04-28-2006 10:38 AM

Hey, I'll be preordering it just the same. I just worry Nintendo has shot themselves in the foot by giving their new system a name so silly, nobody's gonna go for it.

And Revolution was such the perfect name too....

But now that I've thought on it more, I thought "iPod" sounded silly too. So what do I know?

Hejira 04-28-2006 12:37 PM

But nobody says, "Out of the way, I'm going to iPod myself if I don't get to a toilet soon!" do they?

...we should start doing that. Seriously.

Derek 04-28-2006 01:03 PM

^ Honestly I've never said "wee" in that situation either. Always "pee". But it's doubtful people would have had as much a problem with the Nintendo "P" or even "Pii".

Hejira 04-28-2006 01:34 PM

What, like Piikachu? :D

It's probably because, against our will, Those Of Us Who Have A Problem With The Name have been stuck saying, "Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" in a high-piched voice ever since we found out.


Nate the Great 04-28-2006 01:40 PM

Just popping in to give another vote in favor of an Academy movie. I've been all for that the last ten years. If they did Kirk as a kid right, that is, respecting the backstory that has been built around him in the Expanded Universe (i.e. make a movie of the book Best Destiny, or something like it), that'd be cool. I mean, "do it right" literally. They lost A LOT of fans in that debacle called "let's rewrite 22nd century history the way we want to and spit in the face of what we've already said."

Not that I'm dissing Enterprise. It's a decent show. It's just not Star Trek. It's a freaky alternate version of the Star Trek universe I've come to love.

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