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Burt 07-21-2007 01:26 AM

Harry Potter
Just want to wish everyone a Happy Harry Potter day!
I even went and picked one up at midnight!
Deeply excited to read it.
Goodluck all those that do!

Nate the Great 07-21-2007 08:59 AM

Yeah, well, I read the plot on Wikipedia yesterday (I wonder how THAT happened), and although I won't ruin it for you guys who still care, I just have to say I'm disappointed.

Celeste 07-21-2007 03:57 PM

I'm waiting very impatiently for my damn mailman to arrive with my pre-ordered copy. Why oh why does my house have to be the last on the route!

Katy Jane 07-21-2007 04:11 PM

I went and picked one up lastnight too, but I'm only 37 pages in so far.

Burt 07-21-2007 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Nate the Great (Post 74187)
Yeah, well, I read the plot on Wikipedia yesterday (I wonder how THAT happened), and although I won't ruin it for you guys who still care, I just have to say I'm disappointed.

Yeah, the thing is... you can read the plot to anything and it can seem crap. It's in the words of the book itself. Thats where the magic is contained. Plus, been with this for years now... so very invested in it.
10 Chapters in now. Could be more, but very aware that this is the last Potter book (Probley) so don't wanna rush things. Plus, crap, what else is going to happen now?!

Nate the Great 07-21-2007 06:08 PM

Personally I feel that, if JK Rowling was going to spend all that money plugging spoiler leaks, the least she could've done is said, "Please don't post or publicize the plot for at least a week after the release."

I suppose my biggest problem with the plot on Wikipedia is that so little of it seems to be directly Hogwarts-related. Are they even in school anymore?

Kristina 07-21-2007 07:30 PM

Nate, the issue of Hogwarts is pretty much in book six... which, by the way, I liked far better on my second reading. Yep, I'm hooked - which leaves me a bit disappointed so far; there are a few plotholes. I won't mention what they are so as not to spoil anyone. Twenty chapters and counting - wish I didn't have to work tomorrow - in a sense, but at least it's work I enjoy.

Sorry, I'm Pottering around so much that I forgot to wish you all a happy Harry Potter day, too. I had a good dose of it - I got to see the OOTP movie as well.

Nate the Great 07-21-2007 10:01 PM

Well, as I keep saying, I read up to Goblet of Fire back when that was the most current book (five years ago, or was it six?). I've read nothing past that. Once my sister finishes Deathly Hallows I'll read all seven, just to get it over with. Not that I don't enjoy reading Harry Potter, but...but...

Especially Loads and Loads of Characters. Times a hundred. Too much. Way too much. Too many character interactions. Trying to keep track of all of the plot points. I'm sorry, but I read a book to relax, not maintain a spreadsheet of what everyone is saying knowing that three books from now it'll finally pay off.

mudshark 07-21-2007 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Nate the Great (Post 74187)
Yeah, well, I read the plot on Wikipedia yesterday (I wonder how THAT happened)...

You went to Wikipedia and looked for it, I'm guessing.

Nate the Great 07-22-2007 12:53 AM

No, there was a full plot spoiler on a book that hadn't completed it's opening day yet. At least I THINK it was released at midnight local time, which happens twenty-four times (more or less, let's ignore time zone abberations). For the sake of argument, say it was noon Central Time when I read it. That's six hours from Greenwich, right? Hence, at least six time zones/hours from midnight anywhere. Hence, at least six hours ahead of schedule. A spoiler, then.

And please don't deluge me with the calculations. I'm really not that interested.

AKAArzosah 07-23-2007 02:36 AM

I thought it was pretty good, especially compared to the previous two books. I don't really see any possibility of the rumored future books, though, after that ending.

Now the movie of Order of the Phoenix? That sucked big time.

Burt 07-23-2007 06:37 AM

Finished it. I thought it was bloody excellent. Sad it's over, but really, I couldn't have asked for anything more. Really couldn't have.
Thanks Rowling.

Derek 07-23-2007 08:07 AM

Finished it. Liked it. May need more time to process it.

The scene at the tombs was excellent.

Celeste 07-26-2007 09:22 PM

I finished it on sunday and have been mulling over my thoughts of it since then. I just have to say I hope they keep the movie pretty standard to this book because these scenes, especialy the forest scene and battle at the end, are going to be awesome to watch in the theater.

Very good book though. Probably my favorite.

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